It's time to announce the winners of the "Write your own event" contest!
Winning entries
- drak. The prize is 50 and "Historian" achievement. This quest event will be held first.
- Nightingale. The prize is 50 and "Historian" achievement. This quest event will be held second.
- ObiKemnebi. The prize is 50. This story won't be told as a quest event though it may affect the future of the world as well.
Congratulations to the winners!
... And the first event is starting today!

Competition for the newly revealed rock shelter
Written by drak
The waves of the sea covering our planet have been eroding the shores of our home island since the great floods, changing the coastline and undercutting cliffs. Recently, one of the overhangs collapsed into the sea, revealing a large rock shelter which must have been an undiscovered cavern before.
What is most interesting about the opening is that it holds a whole new biotope populated by animals and fungi not seen anywhere else. As the microclimate of the cave has suddenly changed with its exposition to sun and external conditions all the new organisms will probably soon get displaced by others and vanish so the University wants to take this opportunity and start studies on them as soon as possible. Hovewer, the new discovery has also attracted attention of the Conclave of Warlocks. One of the unique species is a brightly glowing cave mushroom which the warlocks see as a potential source of magic power and are strongly determined to take possession of.
The rock shelter location makes it inaccesible from the ground so both, the University and the Conclave of Warlocks, need flying creatures to get there. The University wants to ask help from Dragons which can scare off any creatures or humans away from the opening while the scientists are doing their research. The Conclave of Warlocks wants to use graceful Gryphons that will be able to avoid the guards and quickly collect the mysterious mushrooms.
There is not much time left before the biotope disappears - first come, first served. The University is looking for Dragons with Fearsome Look while Warlocks ask for Gryphons with Gracefulness. The Beastlords have 7 days to provide them with desired creatures. Who are you going to help?
If you would like to participate in this event, go to Quests tab.
The winning species will get 50% cheaper genetics research for one week!
How this bonus works: when researching genes one by one, you have a 50% chance to discover the gene without paying vermillion. When researching genes in a bulk, only half of the vermillion cost will be deducted from you. The cost in silver is decreased to 50 per gene.