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  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-09-09 19:47:37 — Link

The Battlefield and Tactic Battles

The scouts discovered a new island filled with the traces and ruins left from the Old Empire. The Beastlords will compete with each other to control the key zones on this island. But now pets won’t fight alone, they will be united into squads of 4 pets.

 There will be 3 main benefits which may draw the attention of a Beastlord:

  1. There are 3 lesser key zones on the island which produce vermillion. The Beastlord whose squad controls such zone will get vermillion until another squad will force him out.
  2. The central key zone is a source of rate which affects the prices on the auction. How this works: for example, a lord buys a pet for 1000 silver coins but pays only 900. Although the pet seller gets the full price for his pet.
  3. The  central key zone is a door to other moons where new pet species can be obtained. An ancient portal lies in the heart of the forgotten island. A traveller who dares to step through the doorway will see the fascinating alien worlds, full with thriving and strange lifeforms.

We've made a small video explaining the squad system and tactic battles.

Please check the Tactics FAQ for a complete guide on the new features.

The new pet species - Symurgh

Half-canine and half-avian, she is a quintessence of life and prosperity, fascinating the people with grace and mesmerizing colors. It's a giant creature that is big enough to deal with a Dragon - the size of Symurgh is close to that of an adult Roc. Nobility and dignity are essential parts of her nature, so before she decides to help you, you'll need to convince her that you're worthy of her. Her powers are fertility, purification and regeneration.

The native world of Symurghs is Io. They prefer abundant mountain landscapes with open water sources like rivers, ponds and waterfalls. The ecosystem and Symurgh live in symbiosis: the land provides Symurgh with everything it needs while the animal increases the fertility of nearby lands being a source of a specific aura which affects all protein life forms. The initial research group discovered that this "aura" is actually a very generic type of  pheromones that affect the process of cell division, making it more stable, and increases the speed of metabolism. This improves immunity, helps to recover from wounds and produce crops and offsprings faster than usual. The Mages suppose that Symurgh developed this property naturally because of the huge amount of food required to support such a large creature on a planet with scarce resources. Somehow they need to support the area where they live, or it would be devastated.

Symurghs have 30 unique colors and 9 specific genes.

New buildings, guests and premiun items

The Military Academy trains and organizes pet squads.  Every building level adds one squad slot. You need to build the first level of Military Academy to organize your first squad. You can find the blueprints for this building in the State Store or when exploring the islands.

Laboratory level 2 is equipped with genetic material storage where the samples from all your pets are kept. It allows you to research pet genetics even if the pet is busy. You can find the blueprints for this building when exploring the islands.

There are 4 new guests that can come to your Inn:
  • Conquistador. Increases the amount of Vermillion and silver earned from the Tactic map zones by 50%.
  • Strategist. Allows to see the maneuvers of opponent's pets directly on the Tactic Map.
  • Tactician. Reduces the energy required for reroll by 50%.
  • Financier. Increases the income from Townhall by 100%.
And there are 2 new items in the premium shop:
  • Squad Energy Pack. Replenishes the energy of all pets in squad to maximum. You can find and use the recipe to craft this box from 3 Energy Potions and to disassemble it into 3 Energy Potions. Available for silver coins in the State Shope for the testing period.
  • Mercenary License.Increases the squad limit by 1.

...and several minor bugfixes

We're asking our community to help us with the testing of the new features once more. Thank you for playing BeastKeeper!

  • Gina
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  • Posts: 91

Posted at 2013-09-09 22:52:19 — Link

Yay finall!! The tactic systems seems complicated, I guess it will take a while until I can fully understand it xD


My first question would be...If I have a pet with a good genetic combinations but lvl 1, he can stand against a lvl 50?

Check Out my Unis For Sale!GPed Unis, Counterstrike, Rare Colours & More!! 

I'm always buying Geneticist Invite


  • Peace123
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Posted at 2013-09-09 23:34:12 — Link

It is finally here!!! 

Question: How will Symurgh be introduced? Like how will we be able to get one? If no one has one?

"Most friends come and go. Some friends leave when your life gets too tough. And others come when your life is at it's best. But it's those friends who come in the middle of your life, and stay at both your highs and lows, that are the truest of friends."

Tori River

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-09-09 23:56:14 — Link

Peace123, Symurghs comes from another Jupiter moon through portal. To get a Symurgh, a Beastlord needs to capture the portal zone on the Battlefield and protect it for 10 hours,

  • MintChip
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Posted at 2013-09-10 00:30:25 — Link

Wow this looks totally awesome~ +100 Swag points to you guys! <3 

  • RainbowCharizard
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Posted at 2013-09-10 01:35:21 — Link

So that's why you haven't updated in a long time... you guys were working on this amazing stuff! I can't wait to try it out!

  • NightbaneWolf
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Posted at 2013-09-10 02:28:03 — Link

Eeps protect for 10 hours? DX


Psst hey, i'm hosting an art contest where you can win a Premium Membership from


  • NightbaneWolf
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Posted at 2013-09-10 02:32:15 — Link

Hmmm, lol ok guys just lemme hang on to it and I'll bred a new pet for you guys if possible, rofl XD


Psst hey, i'm hosting an art contest where you can win a Premium Membership from


  • Kiku
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Posted at 2013-09-10 05:01:38 — Link

I'm trying to create a squad and I'm doing exactly what it says here: and it won't let me upgrade it to a squad.

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-09-10 07:58:54 — Link

Kiku, can you please tell us some more details? What error do you get? Do you have four active adult pets and a Military Academy?

  • Aelisk
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Posted at 2013-09-10 09:27:12 — Link

Make sure you clear your cache too. I had to clear my own cache after building the Military Academy before the upgrade to squad button would show up.

Rocs: Garuda: Wing and Strike
Cockatrices: Hydralisk
Throdamas: Swarm

Lykos: Fenrir
Symurghs: Primavera
Dragons: Python


Recent progress: Project Perfect

  • Russaria
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Posted at 2013-09-10 13:24:30 — Link

so unless you have 30k for blueprints to build you cannot really do any of this stuff. just letting those who are new and don't have a lot of money that they can stop trying to make a squad or participate in any of this for now. like

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-09-10 13:31:32 — Link

Russaria, this is high-level content. It will be even harder for newbies to compete on the battlefield with the starter pets that don't have any advanced tactics. Besides this, the Military Academy blueprints can be obtained in the explore.

  • Russaria
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Posted at 2013-09-10 13:42:00 — Link

Yes I realize that now, looks very good though, Maybe someday I'll get

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2013-09-10 16:51:36 — Link

Omg.... IT'S HERE!! Yay! I'm going to spend so much time in class today on this... I finally have something to be unproductive for! Whwet! No but seriously this is awesome! I can't wait to get the new pet! I will pay for it!

Angel are the .PSDs up?

Also along with the new update is there any plan to increase the amount our stables can hold? Mine is getting pretty full and most buildings reach level 4 or 5.... *needs room for new pets and new breeders/battlers*

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

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