Just a quick reminder. Warlocks are closing their exchange station today at 23:59 on game time (GMT +3). Today is the last day to trade your shards!
Visit Warlock exchange station
Salamander Hunt - Last Day
Just a quick reminder. Warlocks are closing their exchange station today at 23:59 on game time (GMT +3). Today is the last day to trade your shards!
Visit Warlock exchange station
Salamander Hunt
You found a notification from the town authorities while sorting your correspondence this morning:
Here's an image of this creature:
Town Council
You decided to walk to the marketplace and noticed a colorful announcement at the bulletin board...
Ethereal Shard is a scale located at the center of salamander's breast. You can collect shards from the salamanders on islands. We don't buy all salamander scales, only shards are needed! Here's an image of the shard:
Visit our exchange station to trade your shards.
Offer is valid until January 26th, 23:59!
You made some inquiries and found out that Warlocks are preparing another weird experiment that will start in a week at the midnight when eruption of a large underwater volcano is expected. They plan to use the energy of the eruption and try to open one more portal to another moon. The core parts of the device that they are building must be very durable and heat-resistant to withstand the force of the eruption. Salamanders are used to live in the hot thermals, and Warlocks think that their heart-defending scales will make an ideal material. Their mad experiments always fizzle, but this is a great opportunity for you to get some cash and valueable items!
Black List
Hi all,
We have a small update. Now you have an ability to block all private messages from a certain user by adding them to your Foes list. This includes private messages, private challenges and breeding offers, private trades and gifts. After trying to do one of the listed actions, the foed user will get a message that you foed them.
The link to the Foes interface is located under Community tab.
And one more small update. We have 3 new subforums: Forum Games and Other Games for Offtopic and Approved Suggestions for Suggestions. I'm sorting the existing threads to match the new subforums, this should make the forums a bit less cluttered.
Kind regards,
BeastKeeper Team
Release version
We're happy to announce that beta test period has ended and we're moving to release version!
We want to thank all our beta testers who helped us to finalize the game. Your contribution and support was really indispensable. Players who reported bugs and glitches will find "Bug Squisher" badge in their profile.
Now it's possible to purchase Gold Coins here.
Beta premium subscription will end in 1 month.
All new users are getting 2 free weeks of premium subscription at the moment of registration.
After some consideration we decided to make Autobattle a basic feature instead of making it a Premium account perk. It's a really vital feature which cardinally improves the gameplay. We don't want to force people to buy premium in order just to make the game playable.
Premium account provides the following perks:
Best regards,
BeastKeeper Team
Xsolla - billing platform to purchase Gold Coins
Hello everyone,
We're happy to introduce the possibility to purchase Gold Coins!
Our billing provider is Xsolla. Xsolla works with over 500 payment systems worldwide, among which are credit and prepaid cards, mobile payments, premium SMS, e-wallets, cash and e-cash, and payment kiosks. This is a trusted service which is used by game companies, such as Steam, Aeria Games, BigPoint Games, Gameforge, Ankama Games, Wargaming.net, Gaijin Entertainment, GoodGame Studios, Snail Games, and many others.
Feel free to leave you feedback and questions here. In case of transaction errors please contact support@xsolla.com
Have a great day,
Beastkeeper team
Mysterious Bag
You’re returning to your manor after this night’s council that was convened by the Beastlords to discuss the prospects of new scientific achievements that allowed finding a way to Ganymede and the mirror reality. The council lasted the whole day and you’re extremely tired. You’re walking to your living room thinking of rest in your favorite chair in front of fire when suddenly you notice a mysterious bag near the fireplace. Surprised, you’re examining the bag but there are no notes or anything else that can give you a hint about who sent it. It doesn’t look dangerous so you decide to check what’s inside…
All players who logged in during the last 30 days will find a Mysterious Bag in their inventory. Please check it to find out what this all means!
BeastKeeper News #9
Throdamas are social insect-like creatures from Ganymede. The name of this graceful yet deadly creature originates from the long forgotten language of our ancestors and means "jointed doe". A colony of Throdamas is called a Hive. Solitary Throdamas are self-sufficient and capable of independent living. Like many other gigantic animal species, the ancestors of Throdamas were created artificially by the human kind to help in the exploration and mastering of the alien worlds. Great strength provided by big size and advanced intelligence made them irreplaceable for the mine works, scouting, foraging and defending the human settlements and bases on Ganymede. Although the human civilization has disappeared leaving Ganymede a quite harsh place to live. Throdamas continued their evolution developing different kinds of forms and successfully taking many ecological niches without humans.
Throdamas have 54 unique colors and 5 morphs. Please go here to read more about Throdamas.
Throdamas come from the portal on the Battlefield. You will see a moon selector at the top of your window when you take the Portal zone. Switch it to Ganymede to get a Throdama instead of a Symurgh. Only Worker Throdamas will join you; specialized morphs are bound to their home hives on Ganymede and won't follow the colonist Workers.
While searching for alternative ways to the other moons bypassing the portal on the battlefield, the best brains of Europa have made a scientific breakthrough. Several student Warlocks managed to open a tunnel that was leading to a mirror reality instead of another moon. This discovery was noticed by some of the open-minded lords who sponsored the further research. First the research group was unable to to reproduce the experiment but then they figured out that the tunnels are fluctuating and the particulat values in formula can be used only one time. When something moves through the tunnel, the properties of its matter are changing and the next traveller needs to start searching a way to this mirror from scratch.
Your pets now have a new characteristic called Research potential. It shows the average amount of research points that your pet generate per hour. The calculation accuracy varies up to 50% every hour. For example, your squad has 100 research points total. Every hour it can generate from 50 to 150 points, and the average time of finding a way to the mirror reality will be 50 hours. Increase your pet's reasearch potential by doing different tasks that helps it to understand how the laws of world work. You can check the task progress by hovering over the question mark near the Research potential value on your pet's profile page and clicking "Details" link. Quickmind and Smart genes provide your pet with a basic boost for Research potential too.
We know the one stable and safe mirror at this moment. Some Beastlords have started researching the ways there already in order to send their pets and claim the resources that are still ownerless. Do you want to join them?
Please post all found bugs and glitches in the Bugs board. Thank you :)
Competition for the Heart of the Forest: Unicorns won!
The Druids Circle thanks Beastlords for help!
The disaster was close but the legendary bravery of their hooved friends have saved the day. The Geological Exploration Service sent hordes of ravaging Dragons who seem to be created specially for destruction and plunder. Only phenomenal selflessness of the Unicorns led by Plainbeast saved this really magical place. Dragons broke the spirit of the allied forces of Unicorns and Druids who were ready to give up and leave the Heart of the Forest to be devastated for the profit of greedy humans. A bay stallion known as Plainbeast forced his way to the headquarters unit of Geological Exploration Service destroying the transport and the valuable equipment. These losses highly discouraged the geologists who weren't ready to face the opposition themselves and expected the Dragons to do all the job. This success inspired the defenders of the forest and gave them an opportunity to hurl back the attackers. Druids swear that the Sprit of Forest itself has awaken to help them win this conflict. The eyes of Plainbeast were glowing green and it was obvious that some force mightier than just luck protected him from the fire and claws of the Dragons.
712 Dragons and 775 Unicorns have participated in this confrontation.
Unicorns have won and get increased energy cap for one week!
Competition for the Heart of the Forest
Written by Nightingale
The Heart of the Forest is the most prosperous area on the island. The Druids have long inhabited the area and use it as training grounds for members of their faction. They believe that a close connection with the land enhances their magic. The forest is rich in medicinal plants and the pools have a deep magic about them. Recently the Geological Exploration Service, desiring to seek out rare and valuable minerals, are making their way into the forest. They are leaving a wake of destruction behind them. The Unicorns have always been defenders of the forest, but only the most courages of them can withstand the strong dragons that the Geological Exploration Service uses to clear land and extract resources.
Who are you going to help? There are 7 days for the competitors to hire enough participant pets. If you would like to participate in this event, go to Quests tab: Druids are looking for the brave Unicorns while the Geological Services need strong Dragons.
The winning species will get a bonus: Dragons will spend less energy when entering island portals while Unicorns will get an increase of their maximum energy for one week.
Competition for the revealed rock shelter: Dragons won!
The University thanks Beastlords for help! To show their gratitude, the University biologists promised to help with the genetics research for one week.
The Gryphons sent by the Conclave of Warlocks have failed the task with a bang. The cave creatures evolved in darkness and silence and developed extremely perceptive senses and very fast response mechanisms making impossible to sneak past them. The graceful Gryphons turned out to be clumsy and slow for the cave predators. But the same environment factors made these cavern creatures very cautious and timid: this behaviour pattern was necessary to survive and thrive in the hostile biotope. The dragons easily scared off the aggressive cave inhabitants along with several Gryphons that were hesitatingly hanging around the cave entrance, and cleared the way for the researchers from the University.
201 Dragons and 106 Gryphons were sent to investigate the rock shelter.
Dragons have won and got cheaper genetics research for one week!
How this bonus works: when researching genes one by one, you have a 50% chance to discover the gene without paying vermillion. When researching genes in a bulk, only half of the vermillion cost will be deducted from you. The cost in silver is decreased to 50 per gene.