We had a tech problem with our server recently. We restored the data to the state of 6:30 to renew the database integrity, and around 90 minutes of data (6:30-8:00) was lost. We bring our apologies for this problem.
Tech issues
Game content. We need your opinion!
We would like our community to participate in the determination of development priorities concerning the new game content. We decided to make a voting to see the preferences of our players. Voting will be active for one week to make sure that everyone had a chance to place their votes.
New content will be created and added gradually to the game. Some of the new content layers are interraleted and some are mutually exclusive. We would like to know your opinion here to tune our development priorities according to the preferences of our players.
Some details about available options:
- Random noninheritable mutations. This idea was suggested by mosaic here. Mutations will have both positive and negative effects, as well as appearance alterations.
- New color genes for the existing pet species. Here we're basically extending our A and B gene rows to get new color variations.
- New pet species. Brand new species with its own appearance, genetics and unique gameplay features. Please note that we do not plan to extend the basic set of 6 species. New species will be more valuable than starter pets and obtaining it will be challenge.
- More versatile explore. We're planning to add new biotopes / landscape types for islands (like desert, volcanic land, tundra), new monsters and potentially new materials that may be used for future events and craft extensions.
BeastKeeper News #11
The Spring Festival is over. Europa people will recall it with words of excitement and admiration. The best pets in bright elegant outfits created an unforgettable show that laid aside the fears and stress and convinced citizens that life is beautiful and moves on.
We have prepared several interface updates requested by players. We hope you like them! :)
UI Updates
- Craft & Construction split into tabs: Buildings, Items, Golem, All.
- All public custom skins can be viewed without binding to the active pet species.
- Custom skin authors can view the pets that are using their custom skins.
- Pets can be returned back to Stables from Reserve for 10. There's a new button on the pet profile page for this.
- You can see when you were outbid and view the new bid sum on My Bids page.
- New "Buyout" button will allow you to buy a lot with single click.
- Active pet level is visible near pet ID at the top right screen corner.
- User profile page design is updated to use the space more effectively.
- Links to user's posts and threads are placed on the user profile page.
- You can view your own posts and threads by clicking the links at the top right corner of the Boards page.
- Color coding for user groups in posts: Administrator, Moderator, Writer, Premium user.
- "Trades" and "My Trades" are consolidated by type on the same page using tabs. For example, both "Pet Auction" and "My Pet Auctions" can be found on Pet Trades page.
Spring Festival
Town Council invites everyone to celebrate the season of Life and Rebirth and honor the beginning of spring by dressing your pets in the traditional festive outfits.
Until March 11th 23:59, collect crafting materials on islands and craft festive outfits for your Unicorns and Dragons!
Outfits work like normal custom skins but also provide your pets with nice constant bonus maximum energy +5. Your pet is proud of being chosen for the festival show and feels inspired and uplifted while wearing the festive outfit. Applying another custom skin over festive outfit will change the pet's skin and remove energy bonus.
Please note that outfits will display only your pet's color but not the pattern. Mutating your pet's color will relatively change its outfit too.
You can buy the sewing and crafting patterns in State Store or find them while exploring the islands.
All the unique resources required for sewing and crafting can be found on islands too. You will have to search for some rare ores and plants... and hunt for some sneaky hoppers to get the leather for the festive dragon armor.
Festive outfits for Symurghs are available in the Premium Shop!
This year Spring Festival is going to be very special. Traditionally only two species were participating in show: Unicorns who master the ground, and Dragons who prevail in sky. This time the happy owners of Symurghs are preparing their pets too - these magnificent alien creatures perfectly adapted on Europa and became a new symbol of life and rebirth due to their unique abilities.
Along with Spring Festival start, we have several other updates!
- Reports are split into tabs: Battles, Trades and General.
- Battle wins and battle losses have different icons now.
- Inventory is split into tabs: Materials, Recipes, Invites, Quest Items, Other
- Blinding Attack, Petrifying Attack and Battle Cry now ignore all types of defenses including 2-point defense maneuvers. Also these attacks do not trigger Hold the Line when used by pets with GP3 and 20 tactic wins.
- New maneuvers: Tornado, Second Breath and Strafing Strike. Please check Tactics FAQ for detailed info on every maneuver.
- Watchman ability reduces the number of required movements to 3 instead of 4 to activate Theory of Chaos or Maneuvers.
- Drop from Beast Temple reduced to 1-2 items.
- Ruby and Amethyst images are revamped.
Kami - It's not the time for the Apocalypse yet
...As the day comes near to its end, you feel that the unease of the last days is swiftly leaving your mind. You understand how big the pressure was only after it’s gone. Warlocks tell that Kami disrupted not only the laws of inanimate nature, but the mental health of sentient creatures too, forcing them to behave sickly and drowning their minds in aggression, panic and desperation. When this veil of madness dissolves, you understand that the last Kami was convinced to stay on its good side.
Warlocks managed to deactivate their corrupted portal, so the doorway was closed for hungry and angry spirits from the other world. Only the courage, dedication and generosity of the Beastlords helped to stop the catastrophe that would become deadly for the common people.
New invaluable knowledge was obtained by the people of Europa. Except learning how to deal with Kami, Warlocks can open controlled one-way portals to the other worlds to lure different creatures to Europa. Although it is quite resourceful and sometimes attracted entities can be a bit differently than it was planned, it's possible to draw the attention of a certain Kami. Warlocks themselves think that a new bunch of their endless undecipherable formulas is more valuable than any Kami, and they are excited about all of the data that they gathered from the corrupted portal. You hope that their excitement won't turn into another apocalypse. Why couldn't those freaks attract a Kami of Joy, Fertility or Chocolate Cookies instead of War and Death?
Welcome our new moderators, Nightingale and Imitatia!
Hi fellow Beastlords,
We have two new staff members, Nightingale and Imitatia, who will help us around the forums.
Please make them feel welcome! :)
Warlock Random Box Raffle Results
Total 210 Beastlords have tried their chances. Here are those ones who succeed to open a box:
- Fallingleaf #9853
- DirrtyArt #10708
- PuzzleArai #9999
- suti95 #13104
- furiouswolf #9330
- Deer123 #9840
- Dreamss #9437
- happygolucky #12082
- CheesecakeMist #8805
- Harpy #1901
Warlocks congratulate the chosen ten Beastlords and hand a modified Random Box to each of them. The Warlock who tested the volunteers voices a hope that they will use this chance wisely and that this little assistance will help the lucky ones to pacify the Kami.
Warlock Random Box Raffle
Post in this thread for a chance to win Warlock Random Box!

The Warlocks were looking for something helpful at a stepped-up pace and found an interesting thing about the Random Box. The Conclave confiscated several boxes with the permission of Town Council from their owner, a slippery character named Ollie. After investigating their properties, the Warlocks found out that these boxes are actually a copy of one initial box. This thing is a transdimensional artifact that reproduces itself and exists in all of the reality mirrors at once. When someone opens a copy of Ollie’s Random Box, they get the loot from another dimension. It never attracted attention before but the critical situation with Kami forced to look for the solution everywhere. It’s known that Kami are able to see through dimensions. Warlocks were able to modify these boxes to cheat Kami. When you open a modified box, there’s a chance that Kami will confuse you with your twin in another dimension, and it may happen that this twin has already completed some of their objectives that you still didn’t. This means that you can get a random objective automatically completed by opening a Warlock Random Box.
Warlocks have 10 modified Random Boxes which they want to share with Beastlords in order to help with the Kami invasion. Although such Box will open only if the bond with your twin another dimension is strong, and nobody can tell if it is until you try. So Warlocks are inviting all of the Beastlords to try.
Post in this thread to participate in the raffle, and with a dash of luck you will be able to win a Warlock Random Box!
The applications are open until Thursday, 23:59 game time. The results will be announced in an hour after this.
BeastKeeper News #10
Hello Beastlords,
We have several updates today!
- New feature - Item exchange. Now you can exchange your items with other players. Just create a request with the item you're offering and the item you're looking for and all other Beatlords will see it. Triggers are working for this type of trades too.
- Color update for Pumas - Spotted White Pumas are now Snow Leopard instead of plain white.
- Sacrifice button is not visible for baby pets anymore.
- Pound Balance Update - Pound is now giving 500 for a pet.
- Gladiator Ability Balance Update - Gladiators now have Gladiator energy bar. Gladiator energy is used instead of regular energy when a battle is lost on Arena. When it's depleted to 0, regular energy will be used for losses as usual.
We're looking for new moderators and writers to join the staff.
If you would like to conribute to the game and community, please apply here:
Famine, War and Pestilence Drawing Time Lapse
And just for fun, we offer you to watch drawing time lapse videos to see how Famine and War Kami were born.
Update: Pestilence video is now available too!
Famine Time Lapse Video
War Time Lapse Video
Pestilence Time Lapse Video
Kami of the Apocalypse
Complete the objectives until the 2014-02-09 23:59 (GMT +3) to get 4 special Kami pets!
>> Event page <<
The Council has summoned you at the middle of the night.
After entering the conference hall, you see that the person who asked for an urgent meeting is an extremely tired middle-aged woman dressed in the laboratory coverall. She rises her hand asking to stop discontented muttering and listen to her.
- I'm an authorized representative of the Conclave of Warlocks and I want to inform the Council that our world is facing the doomsday.
Our last experiment turned out to be a terrible disaster instead of triumph. We managed to open the gate to another world, but it wasn't another moon. The portal has opened to another reality - the home world of Kami. Kami are spirits that impersonate different aspects and forces of world. There can be a nature Kami of storm and a Kami of a forest creek, a bear Kami and a wolf Kami, a Kami of fertility and a Kami of blacksmithing. But we were extremely… ehm.. lucky with our experiment. We draw the attention of Pestilence, War, Famine and Death. They are raging on our lands, destroying everything that we were rebuilding so hard after the Great Flood.
People are panicking. Many regions are stricken with unrest, epidemics and food shortage.
There’s a hope to turn the things back. We have studied several examples and found out that Kami are not pure evil or blind unstoppable force. They are ambivalent. Kami of Famine is withering the crops and killing the livestock at this moment, but he can protect the land from starvation if he decides make this land his home and protect it. We have to earn their favor to stop the catastrophe.”
- Chase them out yourself, it’s you who let them in our world! – a shout has interrupted the speech of Warlock.
- The Kami that are threatening Europa are very powerful, – she answered. – We have to admit that Conclave is unable to deal with this problem on its own. That’s why I’m here. Only the mightiest Beastlords will be able to persuade these spirits to change their nature. Please take this list.
She hands a copy to everyone in the hall.
- We have an idea about what each Kami desires. Please put the maximum efforts to complete these objectives. The Conclave too will use all of the resources to investigate the alternative way to deal with these spirits.
And the last thing. We have 2 weeks until the things go too bad. 2 weeks to stop the Apocalypse. Good luck everyone.
Learn more about Kami on Wikipedia
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