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Poll: What content would you like to see the most? (please read the post for details)

Poll is closed
Random noninheritable mutations
21 votes / 15%
New color genes for the existing pet species
24 votes / 17%
New pet species
48 votes / 33%
More versatile explore
51 votes / 35%
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  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2014-03-16 18:39:38 — Link

We would like our community to participate in the determination of development priorities concerning the new game content. We decided to make a voting to see the preferences of our players. Voting will be active for one week to make sure that everyone had a chance to place their votes.

New content will be created and added gradually to the game. Some of the new content layers are interraleted and some are mutually exclusive. We would like to know your opinion here to tune our development priorities according to the preferences of our players.

Some details about available options:

  • Random noninheritable mutations. This idea was suggested by mosaic here. Mutations will have both positive and negative effects, as well as appearance alterations.
  • New color genes for the existing pet species. Here we're basically extending our A and B gene rows to get new color variations.
  • New pet species. Brand new species with its own appearance, genetics and unique gameplay features. Please note that we do not plan to extend the basic set of 6 species. New species will be more valuable than starter pets and obtaining it will be challenge.
  • More versatile explore. We're planning to add new biotopes / landscape types for islands (like desert, volcanic land, tundra), new monsters and potentially new materials that may be used for future events and craft extensions.

  • RainbowCharizard
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Posted at 2014-03-16 18:55:44 — Link

All of them seem pretty cool :D

  • Lillya
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Posted at 2014-03-16 19:24:30 — Link

To be honest, I would like all of them... maybe not all at once... but one content for each of the following months :D

  • NightbaneWolf
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Posted at 2014-03-16 19:29:36 — Link

omg awesome.............................................


Psst hey, i'm hosting an art contest where you can win a Premium Membership from


  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-03-16 19:41:51 — Link

I love all of these really :)

I voted for the new species. Only because I love new art and there are many amazing ideas for new species floating around in my head and that of our players.

To be honest though I think I would equally love a more versatile exploration system. Perhaps access to these new islands require a new portal to be built?

New colors... would just be fantastic. As would new mutations.

I'll give ideas some thought. If I think of anything interesting I'll be sure to share!

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • TigerSpirit
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Posted at 2014-03-16 19:48:41 — Link

So Angel,I voted up with the explore one,but to be honest,all of them are SOOO awesome ideas,that I would love to vote all of them XD

However,congrats mosaic for your idea :)

It's a really nice and great one.

  • arachnidsGrip
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Posted at 2014-03-16 19:52:03 — Link

I'm neutral about the random mutations, though the three other ideas sound great! My definite favorite is adding new biotopes. That sounds interesting, especially with possible new kinds of enemies! ::::)


  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2014-03-16 19:54:59 — Link

We're going to work on all of these features :) The main question for us is priority here because all of these tasks require some time and efforts and we want to focus on them one-by-one.

  • MintChip
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Posted at 2014-03-16 20:19:17 — Link

I hope all of them gradually will be added. But for now - since we've had new species and updates a lot recently. To tell the honest truth, I'd like either more stuff to do in the game (that isn't as hard as the battlefield and takes less time per each move, blah). 

Like contests or competitions that are daily or at least bi-weekly put on. It takes into account level of pet, stats, things it's done/accomplished (like how many buildings it's constructed), and color. And judges it's based on those things and have small prizes won. 1st = this, 2nd = that, and so on? 

But honestly what I would like out of all of your suggestions above is more colors for the already outstanding species. (not so much for the throdama) but definitely for the dragons, (like adding an extreme piebald) and Symurgh (adding maybe (blue/red/diluted, etd merle). I'd love to see more color vairety in our already wonderful species.

  • hat746
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Posted at 2014-03-16 20:28:45 — Link

I am exited to have all of these on this game!!!

  • Timain
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Posted at 2014-03-16 21:18:07 — Link

I agree with the others that all of these ideas sound wonderful! My personal preference here is more colours for existing pets, since I LOVE that breeding aspect of the game. 

It is a tossup though.. New species, new explore, mutations? Oh my, how amazing! xD


Oh and on a sidenote: THANK YOU for asking the community about the priorities! This is not a matter of course and I find it wonderful that you are doing it! This gives the community the feeling that you really care about them (like the last patch did, where you added UI changes that were requested by us <3) and what they like to see. Kudos! 

  • Sanukuni
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Posted at 2014-03-16 21:59:49 — Link

Um what if you have an idea for a new pet species?

  • gwenfoxe
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Posted at 2014-03-16 23:06:02 — Link

I like both the new pet species and new versatile explore... ugh, so hard to choose! X(

  • hollahollaget_$
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Posted at 2014-03-16 23:38:43 — Link

Though a new pet species is a really nice idea I think its would be almost like a temporary patch! Because out of the new pets I've seen there was a lot of hype an excitment for a few weeks then it died down.

I think a new and more versatile explore would be wonderful!

  • hollahollaget_$
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Posted at 2014-03-16 23:51:32 — Link

Also I think if we're going with a new pet it should be maybe something like an amphibian. Perhaps a six legged salamander? I feel like we have enough flying animals for now and plently of mammals, so why not something different? Heck, something goat-like would be awesome, too. Or even something based off of a rhino. That's one reason why I really enjoy the throdamas because they really went way off from our typical dragon, gryphon, roc, etc. theme! 

But for explore it seems like you guys already have some ideas floating around! A volcanic area sounds super awesome! 

Maybe for the new colors cockatrices could get red or yellow?? It would be really cool to have spotted symurghs maybe? Perhaps dragons could get another color!

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