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Poll: What content would you like to see the most? (please read the post for details)

Poll is closed
Random noninheritable mutations
21 votes / 15%
New color genes for the existing pet species
24 votes / 17%
New pet species
48 votes / 33%
More versatile explore
51 votes / 35%
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  • Nyamphora
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Posted at 2014-03-20 00:59:41 — Link

I like all of the options, what sort of new species will you guys come up with??

  • SeverinDragonaz
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Posted at 2014-03-20 23:20:00 — Link

My favorite idea is the biotopes idea. I think it would be good if exploring could be a bit more interesting. Second one would be the new pet species. Some sort of sea-snake or a fish with fur could be interesting. New colors for the existing pet species could be too much for my taste. And for the first idea I don't have an opinion.


  • Tiara89
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Posted at 2014-03-21 01:53:08 — Link

I agree with the person, who mentioned, that there would be nice to have a water beast. For example it might be Ophiotaurus or Hippocampus.

  • Vythalax
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Posted at 2014-03-21 23:47:38 — Link

I would love to vote on all four since I really think it would make the game even more intersting to play. Especially the mutation thing, that could be a very intersting thing to see and moer colors for the existing pets. Really wanna see some more dragon colors.

  • chillypeper
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Posted at 2014-03-21 23:57:54 — Link

X3 they all sound cool! being a sorta new player i think they re all amazing! but having different apearence sounds like one of the coolest X3 

  • carolinalobita
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Posted at 2014-03-23 14:00:10 — Link

I like all the options , but in my opinion the most important things are:

-New animals

-New colours

- More versatil game

I think that is iteresting the sea-sanack like the Lock Ness moster.

More vestiments and aspects for the pets.

All the things are important


P.S-Sorry my english i´m portugaise


Carolina <3


  • kuchiki18
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Posted at 2014-03-24 06:19:05 — Link

Honestly, I like all of them equally! The first two would be amazing for breeders and the last two for collectors. I'm both!

I don't care what the world thinks of me...

That's the best and worst part of who I am...

Deal with it.

  • bunnydoec20
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Posted at 2014-03-26 00:18:32 — Link

we should have alicorns or pegasi maybe a chimera is a pet with i lion head a ram head and a snake head with a arrow head tail but it should be hard to raise them because as said in the book monsterology " sadly thousands of chimera chicks dont reach adulthood because it takes awhile for the three heads to get along


  • abcde
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Posted at 2014-04-02 19:51:24 — Link

"Though a new pet species is a really nice idea I think its would be almost like a temporary patch! Because out of the new pets I've seen there was a lot of hype an excitment for a few weeks then it died down."


maybe if the events lasted longer? not sure what the usual timeframe is since I haven't experienced one since I've joined but for kami for example it appears to have been 4 different types of kami's ?  perhaps extend the length of time each new pet type for the species is released so the new pet types/species takes even longer to accumulate? again, I'm throwing this out without having had any experience in the past event (I joined post kami)

  • XxxKeldeoxxX
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Posted at 2014-07-01 16:12:37 — Link

How about a mix breed buttion because I am a new player but I want to breed my roc with my cockatrice. rocatrice :D


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