Exhibitions Report
The 9th exhibition "Black Pearls" has ended. 282 Beastlords have applied their pets to compete for the prize.
Now it is time to announce the winners!
Registration for the next exhibition is open!

The theme of this week's exhibition is "Art Fair". All pets with one or more of the following dominant genes may take part: Musical beak, Musical larynx, Song of Peace, Agile paws, Artisan, Gracefulness, Fragrance.
Please read the full exhibition rules on the exhibition page.
The Town Council invites Beastlords and their most talented pets to participate in the Art Fair! The most artistic companies will get valuable prizes.
Each participating pet passes a preliminary test upon registration to figure out the skill and the art style of this pet. Skill value varies from 5 to 10 points. The talent of a pet is calculated as (number of thematic genes x skill).
Your pet will randomly choose one the five available art styles: Classic, Modern, Experimental, Folk, Popular.
All applied pets will get tags with test results that will be visible in their profiles until the end of exhibition.
Participate in Exhibition
Game Updates
- Arena now have pagination for battle applications.
- Hover over your pet in battle to quick view its characteristics.