Posted at 2014-09-11 08:54:35 — Link

This guide provides information about the various island biomes including what can be encountered there and what can be gathered there. Wheather you're searching for a specific item and want to know the best location, or need to know where to travel to find the most fights this guide can help.
The information in this guide was gathered over hundreds of island visits, recording each and every item, encounter, and piece of silver found to provide accurate information. All data was collected with lvl 45+ pets (max sized islands).
Click on a biome below to visit its page


Adamantine Amethyst Biogas Bubble Clay Cotton Cuttlefish Ink Emerald Granite
Desert Grassland Volcano Only Grassland Grassland Savannah Volcano Volcano
Desert Volcano Savannah Savannah

Hops Magnetite Marble Laminaria Lazurite Ore Topaz Quartz
Savannah Desert Volcano Grassland Volcano Desert Volcano Volcano
Grassland Savannah

Ruby Sapphire Soapshroom Stone Shell Wood Vermillion
Volcano Volcano Grassland Volcano Savannah Grassland Volcano
Savannah Desert Savannah

Animal Carbs Animal Fats Animal Protein Plant Carbs Plant Fats Plant Protein
Grassland Desert Grassland Grassland Jungle Desert
Desert Jungle Desert Savannah
Normal Monsters | Guardian Monsters | Best Of Both
Grassland Jungle Volcano
Volcano Desert
Forest Alchemist | Ancient Pyrimid | Chancellry | Copper Idols | Crop/Livestock Field
Jungle Only Desert Only Grassland Only Savannah Only Grassland
Dead Tree Alter | Desert Oaisis | Energy Fountain | Fertility Shrine | Genetic Lab | Hero Cult
Jungle Only Desert Only Volcano Desert Only Grassland Desert
Magic Shop | Scriptorium | Shaman Hut | Temple Guardian | Travelling Market | Magma Crystal
Volcano Volcano Savannah Only Jungle Jungle Volcano Only
Desert Savannah Desert Volcano

Backgrounds are an apparel items for all species of pets that's placed behind the pet, making them appear to be in an enviorment. Some backgrounds can be found while exploring the islands.
There are backgrounds to be found for the Grassland, Desert, Savannah, Tundra, and Jungle biome. They can be found in guardian monster chests, from temple guardians, the Hero Cult, and the Magic Shop. They can also be brought back from distant travels when your pet completes a quest.
Any biome background can be found on any island, regardless if it's the matching biome or not.

Various pet genes and items can affect an island and how it is explored. These can provide ways to fine tune your exploration experience to your desires.
A pet's level effects how large of an island you will get during exploration. Level 45+ give access to the largest island available to that pet. As a pet's level increases, so does the island's size.

Carpo Kami
Carpo is the Kami of Autum that was once obtainable during an event. When a Carpo is in your stables, any food gathered will be increased in amount. This does not effect the rarity of food, rather the amount of food gained per pile. This stacks with the harvester throdama's ability.

Harvester Throdama Scout Throdama
Throdama morphs can offer some benefits when they're explored with.
Harvester throdamas morph of grade one or higher increase the amount of material gained by 30%. This includes walked over piles, items from temples and chests, as well as some rewards from events.
Scout throdamas have Watchman and Scout abilities. Scout prevents losing energy upon the first loss on an island against a monster. One use per island. Watchman allows the pet to visit one free island per day that doesnt wont towards to daily 20 limit.

Watchman Hound Scout Watchman
Several pet genes can change how an island is explored.
Acute Eyesight - All Species - Acute eyesight increases the radius of visibility against the fog of war.

Agile Paws - All Species - Increases the liklihood of collecting vermillion from a guardian's chest.
Watchman - Etelia & Roc - Watchman allows the pet to visit one free island per day that wont count towards to daily 20 limit.
Scout - Puma - Scout prevents losing energy upon the first loss on an island against a monster. This is one use per island.
Hound - Lykos - Hound increases the lykos's energy to 15, allowing it to visit atleast three islands before running out of energy.
Travelling Magician Invite
When a travelling magician is visiting your in, all fog of war is removed from the islands. This allows full visbility of the island and what's on it before even needing to take a step.

The Astrologist is a manor building that allows you to increase the odds of finding an item of choice. This effect becomes stronger the higher level the building is. The Astrologist will increase the amount of piles on the island if a material is selected, as well as increases how often it drops from island buildings, including exchange market, and guardian chests. Some event items can be entered into the Astrologist.
The Astrologist also increases the chances of finding non-pile items (such as rainbow jar, energy drink, invites, etc). If such an item is selected the Astrologist will increase how often it drops from island buildings and guardian chests.

Updated : 4/25/2022 #d8bfab
Apparel Material
Biogass Bubble
Handle with caution! The content is biogas produced by microorganisms living in symbiosis with bubble plants that use it for protection. In addition to unpleasant odor making a plant very unappealing, the gas stored under high pressure in special bubble-like plant organs - gasobullas - explodes whenever its container is damaged.
Volcano biome only, walked over, guardian chests, exchange market
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Oil
A sticky combustive substance produced only by the Ashen Umdhlebi. It's unknown how the animal uses it, but it turned out be a great fuel.
Drops from volcano's umdhlebi, normal and guardian.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bones
Assorted bones brought back from glorious hunts. Some of them are just trophies, but others are a valuable as a crafting material.
All biomes, all monsters, normal and guardian.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crocotta Fur
A high quality piece of pelt.
Drops from the savannah's Crocotta, normal and guardian.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cryptomorph Chitin
Featherlight and durable material. Its only disadvantage is that it usually comes together with clicking serrated mandibulae and flailing venomous tails of an oversized aggressive centipede.

An exquisite feather from a tropical Quezal.
Drops from the jungle's tropical Quezal, normal and guardian.

Salamander scales are fireproof, which makes them valuable crafting material.
Drops from the grassland's and volcano's Salamanders.

Strong and flexible leather made from the hide of plain hoppers.
Drops from the grassland's Hopper.

It Moves.
Drops from the savannah's and volcano's Umdhlebi, normal and guardian.

A sturdy big feather from the Volcano islands.
Drops from the volcano's Cinnamonologus, normal and guardian.

It's a rare luck to collect an undamaged membrane.
Drops from the jungle's Ahool, normal and guardian.

A tectrix from the wing of a Cygon.
Drops from the grassland Cygons, normal and guardian.

Green precious stone. Such stones are slowly formed by a local plant called illustria that produces a specific resin. It crystallizes in a correct geometric shape when comes in contact with atmosphere oxygen. The color of the stone depends on the minerals contained in the soil where the plant grows.
Guardian Chests
Travelling Market

Blue precious stone. Such stones are slowly formed by a local plant called illustria that produces a specific resin. It crystallizes in a correct geometric shape when comes in contact with atmosphere oxygen. The color of the stone depends on the minerals contained in the soil where the plant grows.
Guardian Chests
Travelling Market

Zinc ore is used to produced different metal alloys with the help of dragon fire.
Zinc will sometimes drop as a reward for beating a Magma Etelia on the Volcano biome.