I do have a couple more questions about beasteon though; what will player interaction involve? A lot of interaction on beastkeeper is through breeding, trading, selling, etc.
The player interactions will be mostly based on the trading and competitions.
BeastKeeper experience showed us that players don't like direct confrontation, and it causes a lot of negativity. So PvP layer will be built on private challenges and public competitions (kind of like exhibitions here worked) where each of the competitors tries to prove that they can perform a certain task better.
Trading is kind of self-explanatory and involves selling and buying all types of things.
And assuming there is a currency, how will players get it and what could it be used for?
The income will come from the dynamic trade quests in the explorable world and beast stores (NPCs will buy items there too). You can also get a one-time payment when you dismiss a beast from your retinue and send it to serve in your manor as a commoner.
The expenses include beast upkeep (pocket money that you give your beasts so they can go somewhere and buy food, items, and services that they want) and costs for crafting materials and consumable items sold by NPC.
Of course, there also will be a regular money exchange between players through trading.
Will there be a crowdfunding phase, like a Kickstarter (i.e., a way for me to throw money at this project and possibly get exclusive goodies in return)?
Unfortunately, this is impossible from the legal point of view in our country.
Since the three factions were mentioned as part of the lore, will a player's political alignment have any impact on the gameplay?
Yes. Right now we can't tell if the political system will be developed at the moment of the first launch, but if not then it will be one of the first major updates. We plan to have a dynamic quest system, and some of those dynamic quests will be based on the political preferences.
Roughly how long is it expected to take for a player to arrange a marriage between two beasts, from the moment the beasts first meet each other to the point where they are able to have children?
This depends on both beasts and may vary from "almost instantly" to "never". A beast can be unsociable or, on the contrary, gregarious and sympathetic. Beasts may have or may have not same interests and preferences. The may or may not like each other in terms of appearance. Every little thing plays its role.
Earlier you mentioned rare beasts being able to "become legendary". How would this occur, and what benefits would a beast gain by achieving this?
Legendary beasts are extraordinary and extremely rare, and their deeds are such as well. There won't be some type of quest line or instructions how to achieve a legendary status. A beast must do something that will get in the history books. For example, that may be the first in the world history destruction of a very dangerous and powerful monster, creation of a new artistic genre and a picture similar to Mona Lisa, finding a cure for plague and stopping the epidemic, or something like that. The system will check how big was the impact of the beast's deeds on the world and decide if a particular deed or a chain of deeds are enough for a legendary status.
The benefits would be a unique perk and a possibility to assign a completely custom art that doesn't use the game bases.
Are beasts able to be sold or traded between players? (I realize this was confirmed as "yes" a few pages back, but I sort of wonder how this fits into the idea of beasts being sentient and having free will and all.)
Yes, the beasts can be traded between players, and yes, they are sentient. So don't expect that your beast will be excited when you sell it. Beast trading is a heritage of the times when they were not so intelligent. You still can arrange a trade with another Beastlord, but your beast will be offended and its attitude to you will drop significantly. So if you decide to buy it back, you'll have to do a lot of hard work to restore the trust and become an authority for it again.
Will players be able to sell items to each other through an Auction House feature like that currently implemented in Beastkeeper, or will all sales go through the shops run by the beasts? (A related question, do beast-run stores actually provide a service, or are they just establishments for other beasts to visit?)
There will be an auction house as well, and it will be possible to sell all types of items there including those that beasts can't produce and sell in their shops. But in general the auction house will be an aggregator with a search engine for beast shops, similar to our real-life Amazon or Ebay where a lot of independent sellers sell their goods. It's hard to find a certain item or service and compare the prices if you need to search through hundreds of the beast shops, but having all the offers in one place make it a lot easier. At the same time, beast stores will be establishments that other beasts visit to satisfy their needs and that generate a certain income if managed properly.
How will adventuring parties be dropped into the explorable world? What I mean is, if the world is infinitely large, there seems to be very little chance of two parties ever encountering each other.
There will be fixed spawning points. Obviously, the further you go from the start the less is the chance to meet another party. But except rare specific cases, meeting someone doesn't result in anything except the knowledge that you're not alone here.
Not a question, but really hoping for there to be a detailed post about the genetics system in the near future, because I'm curious to know how that will work, and what kinds of skills, perks, and characteristics will be available.
There are a few other articles that need to be written before that. Just listing the personal features of a beast won't shed any light on the gameplay until we can show what that "one free concetration per challenge" or "passes the creativity stages faster" mean.