Posted at 2016-12-12 19:10:48 — Link
Will your affiliation have consequences for your gaming options? Will you be stuck playing as Lawful Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Good, for example?
Yes, the affiliation will have consequences. At this moment we can't tell how it will work and which game layers it will affect. The political alignment and factions are still in heavy development with low priority until we finish the core of the game. The players will be able to change their political alignment.
There won't be moral alignments like Good or Evil. There's a certain common moral which is the same for everyone. A beast can do something against it because of stress or psychic illness, but such actions will be perceived as bad by everyone.
And will there be a lot of occult themes in this game, like your example of the qi or chi above? I can't say I'm fond of that...
The game is sci-fi focused. There won't be occult phenomena but will be paranormal ones. No things like spells, rituals, demons, witchcraft but instead psionics, parapsychology, and mad science. The visual result may be somewhat similar but the core difference is that occultism is something unexplainable while sci-fi supposes that everything is explained in a certain science-like way. For example, if there are spirits then they are not unknown occult entities but something that can be described from the sci-fi point of view, like an energy life form (like in The Whispers TV series) or an AI with a visual representation similar to a hologram.