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  • Serran_Winters
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Posted at 2020-01-08 15:56:33 — Link

Deviant colors for the Lykos would be awesome!

they are one of the few without them and I enjoy breeding them, but I can't really explore much of it as I would like to- I'm not sure if this has already been asked about but it would be really nice I think! 

-Love, Serrran

  • Sunset
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Posted at 2020-01-28 13:58:54 — Link

From what I've read thus far, it sounds like BeastEon will be more of a dating sim than anything else. For beasts instead of people, but a dating sim nonetheless.

That said, I would like to know just how the new site will count as being a game.

Right now, BeastKeeper is called a breeding game but has more than enough ability to be counted as a game due to the battling system and the ability to explore islands. The exploring is extremely limited to an excessive degree, yes, but it does exist. BeastEon, on the other hand, is apparently fully focused on the relationships of the beasts. It has even been stated that battles will no longer be a thing. As someone who grew up playing games, being able to battle is a much desired feature, be it a simple click-and-go like what BeastKeeper has or the complexity of most MMOs.

Will BeastEon be interesting to play or just some creature dating sim to sit and read with some pretty art to look at between reading sessions?

  • LadyNesryn
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Posted at 2020-04-30 01:52:43 — Link

  •  More events would be wonderful
  •  I there a way ya'll could add something to advertise the forum, because the forum is very sleepy and no one barely ever gets on it.
  • More devis would be awesome!
  •  Would it ever be considered to redesign the animals to make them move or make noises, both on the profiles and in exploring?


"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees are contorted, twisted in wierd ways and still they are beautiful"

Alice Walker

  • Ayrid
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Posted at 2020-07-16 02:03:05 — Link


I create my own background "Shadow cave" but it get saved without a price. I want to change price to 10000. Can I do it by myself or you will? 

At first I wanted the background only for my own use but I'd my mistake that I didn't understood "own background" directly.

So please, can you just change the price? It was all day of my work for this art.

  • OneWingedEmo
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Posted at 2020-11-26 17:19:08 — Link

Question as a newbie: I am highly addicted to Beastkeepers and excited about Beasteon! Will Beastkeepers continue to have events or will the focus mainly be on Beasteon? Will their be more deviants and things added? I know this is slightly off topic haha. But for a question on beasteon: will it be similar to a godsville game concept where you don't have complete control over your character/pet and can only influence them? Like the pet can live technically without your control but you influence their life in certain ways? Or will it retain Beastkeeper's gene breeding + exploration themes? Thank you for being awesome!

Graduated from being an apprentice flying animal breeder! I have perfect breeding lines for all except pumas (looking for the female). My main passion is the white diluted roc (I have pages of them). Join my Roc Breeding Group! Special trades here: Roc Requests

Looking for:


- Mercenary License

- Rainbow Jars

- Crystalline Ice

- Deviants

- Vermillion

I trade with perfect double homozygous pets, deviants, apparel, backgrounds, potions, magic food, and silver!

Special thank you to those who have helped the newbie me: Sicy, Starblazer, Lorry14NightswanSerialkillerXO, Firehawk, RushingRiver, Canamdragon, MissAkito, Cute but Psycho, Foxxclaw, Sakreeno, LadyNesryn, Monues, Crazeybonez, arete, NightbaneWolf! 

  • ShadowQueen0316
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Posted at 2021-04-17 07:57:18 — Link

If you are out of silver coins and have plenty of gold coins, how do I get more sliver coins?

  • ShadowQueen0316
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Posted at 2021-04-18 11:21:44 — Link

How do I get more silver coins? Where do I get them?

  • ErmineLeader
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Posted at 2022-01-10 21:41:14 — Link

I'd like this account to be banned/deleted please, how do I go about requesting that like the Help section says?

  • Shiva55
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Posted at 2022-01-31 15:19:49 — Link

How do you tell which Characteristics equal brave, smart, tough and so on, i mean I can kinda guess which those go to, but for some of the quest requirements I have to guess and it would be nice to know.

May the Ice Queen, bless you with the ability to freeze your foes, and slide into victory - IQ1 


  • GoldenLuck
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Posted at 2022-08-26 17:15:56 — Link

Shiva55 (#90838) wrote:

How do you tell which Characteristics equal brave, smart, tough and so on, i mean I can kinda guess which those go to, but for some of the quest requirements I have to guess and it would be nice to know.

This is what I use:

Deciphering Stats: 

  • Agile = Agility
  • Brave = Courage
  • Clever = Intelligence
  • Intuition = Intuition
  • Smart = Intelligence
  • Strong = Strength
  • Tough = Constitution




  • Poe
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Posted at 2023-11-09 13:31:53 — Link

is there a way to find out the present status of the project?

the so-called Alpha or Beta or release-candidate? or yet otherwise?

and how is it to be advertised? free-of-charge or pay-to-play or otherwise?

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