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  • evilRevan
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Posted at 2016-02-22 07:02:26 — Link

I can confirm killing those wooly sheep things in the tundra provide musk flasks. Seems only the red ones gave me one tho.

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  • Russaria
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Posted at 2016-02-22 07:50:28 — Link

@Bella : No, sweetie.

"Fun" is going after that ice wolf adoptable thingy. You don't know "fun" until you get down to level 7-8 even 9 and there's NO green portal on the map. You didn't die, run out of energy and get booted or run out of cells.

No, there's just no portal at all, at which point you can kiss your time + 8 cells goodbye, warp out and start all over. Now THAT'S  "real"  "fun" 

  • zelex
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Posted at 2016-02-22 08:13:32 — Link

Early bird gets the worm :) Haven't had much sleep much because my irl cat is in the heat and shouts repeatedly. So what do I do? Continue my game! Gladly we have winter holiday in Finland right now.

I think today I might challenge Dita. Getting musk is very frustrating, tit's rare and I have already got bored with tundra  Done some trading instead and got the rest musks I needed. 

  • Monues
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Posted at 2016-02-22 08:34:46 — Link

There's already complaining about what is probably the easiest kami event so far. No battlefield requirments, no rare pet genes, fragrance is commonly bred, nothing extremely difficult. Lots of island exploration is more than a fair trade for a kami, a rare and powerful creature that usually takes much more dedication and work to get. Everyone has a chance to get this kami, even fresh players if they have good dedication.

If you do not like working hard for something special, then youre playing the wrong game. Sorry if I sound harsh. I tend to do that. 


Oh and evilrevan, I have gotten musk from the gray and black fluffy rams as well as the red. Kill everyone you see, as it will take a loooot of them to get ten musks.

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  • zelex
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Posted at 2016-02-22 08:42:28 — Link

Don't get me wrong, I explored my ass off yesterday. Just saying that we have seen so much tundra in last two months that it's not very inspiring. Getting kami doesn't have to be punishment. I had good time while getting other incredients in other biomes that I haven't played for long time because I tried to found more crystals for Etelia event.

This surely is very easy task but in other hand there is much players who can't even play every day to deal with it and we have only this one week. So it sounds fare that they still have a cnance even the don't notice this event at the beginning of the week,

  • evilRevan
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Posted at 2016-02-22 08:51:28 — Link

Monues: Funnily enough I just got a musk from the darker grey ones after I posted that. Nothing from the black rams, but I will work on the musks after I get the roses at this point. At least in other areas I can get more than one type of item while in Tundra all you can get, from what I've seen, is the musks for this event.

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  • NightbaneWolf
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Posted at 2016-02-22 09:38:04 — Link many fragrance do you need...? i erm....harvested alot if anyone needs spares?


*is a slightly confused Wolfy*


Psst hey, i'm hosting an art contest where you can win a Premium Membership from


  • evilRevan
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Posted at 2016-02-22 09:40:52 — Link

Night you only need 3 fragrances. I thought I had to make more of those oil things for Dita. Looked up the recipe only needed three. XD

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  • NightbaneWolf
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Posted at 2016-02-22 09:43:35 — Link

oh....i have almost 5 pages worth of them.... wanna buy some???


Psst hey, i'm hosting an art contest where you can win a Premium Membership from


  • BobbyMcGee
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Posted at 2016-02-22 09:49:50 — Link

"Lots of exploration" "Don't want to work hard". After watching 4 people go through about 250 explores and net result is 2 black pearls, out of 30 needed with 5-6 days to find 28 more AND the right color. I find the above comments both offensive and suspect. Excuse me if I sound harsh, I "tend to do that" too.

  • arete
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Posted at 2016-02-22 09:57:07 — Link

Now, now, let's play nice...

You haven't seen hard kami events, that's all. Carpo was impossible for those of us who can't battlefield (if that's even a verb, lol).

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  • Sumatra_Echo
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Posted at 2016-02-22 10:44:22 — Link

If you're going through 250+ explores and only finding 2 pearls, I'd say you're doing something wrong. I've spent only about 40 explores and have nearly half the pearls I need, not to mention all the roses.

This probably is the easiest event we've had. No Battlefield, thank goodness, and the drop rates are pretty high for everything except the musk. If the first person hasn't gotten their Kami yet, I'm betting they will have within five hours from now. (Good luck, zelex!)

  • Inkoryl
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Posted at 2016-02-22 11:15:31 — Link

idk if they're doing anything wrong necessarily bc rng can be a huge jerk sometimes. musks have been p easy for me to get and im done w/ the perfume and just getting started looking for the pearls but so far i havent found a single one. i'd agree that this is a relatively tame event tho, esp in comparison to the etelia grind. no battlefield is always nice as well.

  • Poe
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Posted at 2016-02-22 11:43:40 — Link

I do not know, how you judge the "difficulty" of events. If the battlefield is the ultimate challenge, then any event, not requiring your presence on the battlefield is a bonus. To get a snowflake/etelia is relatively easy, which mostly depends on how well you are acquainted with the game. It is not without necessary effort, yet far from "grind", or "impossible", as others have been saying. Hardly a "high-level" event.

I think having multiple events at once, like we do now, is making things unnecessarily harder, because, if one is aiming at both, he might be unable to progress well in either.

  • Russaria
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Posted at 2016-02-22 11:47:06 — Link

Well, being one of those persons mentioned, I'd sure like to know what that something "wrong" could I can atest to the fact that it was no exaggeration. On the surface yes, this "event" does not have the rediculous requirements of the older ones, been here for them all though never tried for one (have no interest in adoptables or I'd be at another of the 50 sites specializing in nothing We did all agree to help one of our little group try since she had already started, hence 4 different people searching for the same thing. So unless that something "wrong" is some sort of ..well...outside the mechanics or maybe...well...nevermind. The idea of "bad luck" is a pretty flimsy suspect but ok. Doesn't change the fact that at that rate, 6 days wont come close. Perhaps the drop rate was changed for some ...wink...reason? Because the claims before and now don't seem to be chiming very well (I think one of the early posts talk about 8 pearls in no time but that looks like early yesterday). This is why I told her she should have never started but we'll see what we can help her finish.

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