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  • MeanDM
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Posted at 2016-02-22 12:04:56 — Link

I'm having terrible luck with the RNG on the pearls and the musk too. I've been on nearly 100 islands with no pearls and only 1 musk so far.  If I need to be doing something other than picking up shells and fighting the rams, please tell me, because I have real life commitments that are (probably) going to keep me from finishing otherwise.  It's a relatively easy event, yes, but for me so far, it's also been super time-consuming.

I often have some good pets in my Pound/Giveaways tab.  Feel free to ask for one of them.

  • Inkoryl
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Posted at 2016-02-22 12:07:43 — Link

well obviously difficulty is subjective depending on how many resources you have at your disposal (in-game and irl e.g. time) but i personally think this event is easier than the etelias purely because i feel as if there's less access restrictions stacked up on top of one another (granite/lightning roc/charged sticks > portal energy cell > good enough pets to get to higher levels > rng for portal, etelia and snowflake spawn on any given level)

for some people i suspect it's less a matter of effort and more that they haven't been playing long enough that they have access to enough resources to be able to expend the effort even if they wanted to. like ive hoarded a ton of portal access cards and have a ton of pets atm to throw into exploration without having to stop and wait for energy regeneration, but not everyone is at a point in the game where they're capable of doing that. also ive still only gotten 2 pearls even tho ive been at it for awhile. definitely haven't used up 250 cards yet tho.

  • zelex
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Posted at 2016-02-22 12:16:14 — Link

I think that getting pearls is definetly harder now than yesterday. I have found only two while my random journeys this morning, still I think that jungle is the most potential place to find them and it might be good idea to look mostly there. I haven't get them anywhere else myself. I think that me and few other are getting out kamies more easier than the rest of you because of that.

I'm done all other task but waiting for the babies. I tried to buy few random boxes but it was waste of gold. So it's very unlikely that I get first Dita, anyhow I'll meet her later today at the arena.

  • Sumatra_Echo
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Posted at 2016-02-22 12:29:41 — Link


For me, the Battlefield is difficult because you're not just fighting the RNG, you're fighting other players, and the space and resources are limited. In order for some to win, others must lose.

The Etelia event is difficult because the monsters you need to face on the Tundra are harder than any other you face elsewhere in the game. For those who consistently play the game and have built up an arsenal of strong pets, it's fairly easy. For those who are not as involved, are new, or have focused their attention elsewhere (e.g. people who exclusively breed deviants, collect custom skins, etc.), it is very hard to complete. 

I definitely agree that there really shouldn't be two events at once. 


Luck varies a lot between users, as in any game. And there's nothing wrong with working together, provided everyone benefits, of course. But I think that 250 explores is excessive for finding only 2 pearls. Do you all have a high-level Astrologist? Are you using level 41+ pets? Are you uncovering the whole island and collecting every single shell you find? If so, it really could be just terrible luck. But I'm very certain that the drop rate itself hasn't changed. I can imagine no reason why it would.

  • Poe
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Posted at 2016-02-22 12:31:47 — Link

Very true. Effort means dedication, in other words to be (at the same time) able and willing to play as much as needed to succeed. The most difficult part, then, comes from the fact, that the game called "real life" always has a priority over the game called "Beastkeeper". 

  • evilRevan
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Posted at 2016-02-22 12:32:04 — Link

Gotta say getting those random boxes did absolutely nothing for me in terms of fulfilling things for Dita. Didn't see a change to anything I did (I got all the roses done before then so I don't know if those were the only things you could complete using those).

Breeder of Lykos

  • Poe
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Posted at 2016-02-22 12:53:42 — Link

Why I think the etelia event is comparatively easy, is because it is easier to defeat etelias than a squad on the battlefield. In order to pick up a snowflake, no battlefield presence is needed. Battlefield (and arena) are places, where it is the most difficult to succeed.

  • birdlove
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Posted at 2016-02-22 12:54:26 — Link


Are you guys sure that you use all the possibilities for pearls that game offers? On my side it is 1 pearl per 5-7 islands in average. This number is pretty stable, so I think this task is surely doable by a single player of an average class in a week worth of event. You need a large number of explores to get the statistics, like 100 or more, because on on the lesser scale you may get 20 explores in a row without pearls.  I started gathering pearls today, so even if the drop rate was lowered, I had it like that all the time.  Probably will require some trading too to get the proper colors, but looks like they all are equal, so I don't expect this to be a problem. This is way better than a couple of other events where we had to find more rare items, or tedious breeding for an unusual combo of genes where rng is less predictable because of the lesser scale.

  • midnightsidhe
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Posted at 2016-02-22 13:34:20 — Link

I agree that the Jungle is the place to go for pearls (bonus: you'll also get your orchids that way).  Pick a pearl colour and set your astrologist for that colour, concentrate on that colour, and then change it to another colour once you have all or most of the first colour.

If you don't have an Astrologist, I strongly recommend you build one -- there are probably people who can trade you the blueprints and materials you need.  Even if you can't get it built in time for this event, it will be a really good investment for many special events that come up in the future.  Your luck is still going to vary, unfortunately, because that's how random things work, but the Astrologist really does help enormously, especially at the higher levels.  I had a much easier time gathering things for Carpo and for Dita, which allow for Astrologist use, than I did for the Drakes event, which didn't.

I currently have one blueprint each for Astrologist 1-3, if anyone needs a blueprint.

  • Lytala
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Posted at 2016-02-22 13:50:02 — Link

Well I'm all set except for the 5 breedings from my males so any help with that would be appreciated.

Breeder of trash deviants

  • Campestra
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Posted at 2016-02-22 15:59:17 — Link

I love this Kami she is possible to get with hard work and I have Amor they are the right couple

Help me with the breeding Quest I have a fine lykos for 1 silver Ice King with Ice Breath, Counterstrike, Tireless Heart and Ice Aura


I got Death and Pestilence Verl help me with the white guy here  

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2016-02-22 16:32:19 — Link

Trading Fragrance Oil for pearls and roses (no white roses)! I have 22 to trade! PM me.


I'm having issues with musk flasks, so I do not have any excess to trade there. 

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Hyperborean
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Posted at 2016-02-22 17:22:46 — Link

It usually takes me a week to complete the vents due to outside commitments so if you're feeling bad for not being where everyone else is, don't. I mean also don't be afraid to ask for help

. I had a good gathering day yesterday so hoping for another today.

An Actual Stegosaurus


  • arete
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Posted at 2016-02-22 17:34:50 — Link

I can trade crystalline ice for stuff. I don't know what I'll need, though. I'm getting enough roses, but haven't seen any musk yet. Got the fragrance I need, too.

Found a musk flask!

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Random acts of senseless kindness.

  • zelex
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Posted at 2016-02-22 17:57:08 — Link meet the lady :) She wasn't hard to beat. I quess my handsome stallion  Crème de la Crème charmed her a little bit :)

I have few single roses one or two in every colour, if someone is in serious need I can give them away for free.

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