Posted at 2015-12-22 06:02:11 — Link
One of my favorite roleplay styles is narratorXplayers. It's simple. One person(me), is the narrator of the story. They control the game, for example, any monsters, or the weather, and stuff like that. The others(you), are the people who actually play the game! If this is confusing, PM me, and I'll put the question and answer here as a mini FAQ. ^^
For the first roleplay, I have the Classic Adventure! I will allow three people to play as the "heros", and I will begin the journey in a seperate roleplay. This thread is for those three people to join. Anyone is elligible, as long as you follow the roleplay rules(see first thread in Forums–>Roleplay)!
You can be one of four classes. The dwarf, the elf, the warlock, and the warrior.
Dwarf- 50 HP(health points) 5 AP(attack points), 8 DP(defense points), 2 magic
Elf- 50 HP, 5 AP, 5 DP, 5 magic
Warlock- 30 HP, 4 AP, 4 DP, 7 magic
Warrior- 60 HP, 9 AP, 6 DP, 0 magic
Sign Up Sheet:
Name of Character:
Class(dwarf, elf, warlock, warrior):
Note: There are also hidden variables(mwahaha) that determine what options your character has at a certain point in the game. There is also a game variable, where if you reach a random spot, you can get rewards. Rewards are also found after defeating monsters!
Dwarf- OPEN
Elf- Vitanii Sothis- paradoxialAnthium
Warlock- Acacia- SiberianWhite
Warrior- Dagger- Mossy88
I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.
~ Sirius Black
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Important Threads of Mine(Scroll to see all) My BIGGEST most COMPLEX Forum Game yet! Fun RP! KAMI SUGGESTION!!! REALLY fun game I made up! Another REALLY fun game I made up! My imaginary friends ASK MY IMAGINARY FRIENDS!!!! Newest writing, called Diaries of a Cat! Warrior Cat Name Creator Game! My Warrior Cat Name Rater! Pets for newbies!