Item name: Newbie Pack
Effect(s): Gives a random decently good pet with one to maybe three green genes and already researched genes (so you don't have to research it yourself), as well as 40 vermillion and five of each magic food item, also gives 5000 silver and 10 gold coins.
Any price suggestion? None, this only appears one time for new users In their first island explore...
Other: The items from the 'Newbie Pack' is not tradable or give-able or sellable at all. Came up with this idea since most new users seem to struggle alot when they first start...and the same goes with the newbie pet, because the pet's genes will be decently good, so you can't sell, but the downside is, this newbie pet will have a lower breeding slot and their max level is 30 only, and they can't breed GP pets, and you cannot breed them to maxed level pets or GP pets or you get breeding is impossible message, this is to prevent people getting OP stuff, also, the offspring will have lowered chances of getting this newbie pet's good genes...basically, you are stuck with this pet forever, you cannot pound them either, but you can put them to reserve Though.
Item name: Breeder Invite
Effect(s): Invite a breeder over to your inn and he will give all your pets a 5-15% chance of giving birth to twins. (Lowered percentage count than the symurghs, just incase)
Any price suggestion? Like normal invites, 10 gold coins
Other: this is bit harder to find on islands than normal invites.
Item name: War Horn
Effect(s): All your pets stats are increased by 10% for the next 12 hours.
Any price suggestion? 15 gold coins
Other: *blows a horn*
Item name: Researcher Invite
Effect(s): Invite a researcher to your inn, he allows you to, for unresearched pets only,select what genes to research and but you need to pay a rather large fee to buy the gene you want the pet to have, about 10k-15k silvers, and for even rare gene, 1 gold coins per research.
Any price suggestion? 25 gold coins
Other: none
Item name: Chili Pepper
Effect(s): This food irritates and infuriates your pet but kicks them down 10 levels, but increases their strength, agility and constitution by +15%, and if they are the kind of pet who can have those genes, well, they will get dominant berserker, boiling blood, or determined gene, BUT while some stats are increased, the rest of their stats will go down by -10%, they will also have a +5% faster energy regeneration rate for the day.
Any price suggestion? 45 gold coins
Other: this won't work if your pet level 10 or lower, or they are already maxed level. The effects, other than the energy regeneration, will be permanent.
Item name: Stablehand Invite
Effect(s): He will stop by your Inn, ask him to come help in your stables. While he is here, he will give you two pieces of each magic food (berries, fruits...etc.) and one mutagen each day. He will also give you 200 of each food to feed your pets every 12 hours so your pets won't be hungry, as well as he will drop you 5 vermillion while he is there each day. Your pets will also have a 10% energy regeneration. (This goes away when the Stablehand leaves)
Any price suggestion? 25 gold coins (bit more expensive than normal invite.
Other: You can only buy this from premium shops, cannot find easily in island explore, you can't buy from magic shop)
^guys, your opinion? I gave some of them negative stuff too, just so it won't be all rainbows and smile.