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  • Hylax
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Posted at 2013-04-09 01:04:30 — Link

How do we earn vermillion?


  • Angel
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Posted at 2013-04-09 17:27:21 — Link

Hylax, the main source of vermillion are the treasure chests on the islands. Sometimes you can find vermillion piles directly on the ground during explore.

  • zaverxi
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Posted at 2013-04-10 18:20:25 — Link

What do the quest stat requests correlate to?


Tough = Constitution?

Clever = Intelligence or Inuition?

Strong I can make a guess, that's obviously Strength. And Brave is Courage.

What's the one for Agility?


I'm trying to raise stats of my pets so they can be used for quests but I'm not sure which one is for which.

  • Ivy
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Posted at 2013-04-10 22:34:32 — Link

When can we use the pound to get more pets?

  • Hylax
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Posted at 2013-04-10 23:18:22 — Link

Thank you,


  • Angel
  • Game Developer
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Posted at 2013-04-11 02:06:32 — Link

zaverxi, the correspondence is the following:

Strong = Strength
Agile = Agility
Tough = Constitution
Brave = Courage
Clever = Intelligence
With high intuition = Intuition

Please note that the most high paid quests are the ones which require specific genes and genetic power. For example, annual Druidic ceremony organizers will often look for fragrant Unicorns or musical Gryphons.

Ivy, Pound can be used once per day. There are no pets right now, just keep an eye on it and remember that the pets which go to Pound oftenly have bad genetics.

  • RainbowCharizard
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Posted at 2013-04-13 04:25:11 — Link

Is there a rule against multiple accounts? What if you share an IP address with a sibling?   

When I was new... I was really worried about sharing an IP with my sibling...

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
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Posted at 2013-04-13 04:46:26 — Link

RainbowCharizard, it's allowed since such the accounts belong to different people. Same IP isn't a criteria of multiaccounting, there can be a number of cases when different users have the same IP.

  • micandra
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Posted at 2013-04-16 18:28:26 — Link

How does diet effect characteristics? i.e. Animal Fats increase strength. How?

  • Harpuia
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Posted at 2013-04-21 22:02:30 — Link

Hello! I have looked all over the place, but I can't find my answer.

If a catcher runs off because of a failed capture, how long does it take to get him back or how much does one have to wait?

Nevermind, I finally figured out what the 'hire for ____' was for!

Rise above.
 Become wind.

  • Starscream64
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Posted at 2013-05-04 05:30:18 — Link

What are skill points based off of? For instance, is my pet's number of Bite points based off of, say its Strength, Courage, and Agility, or is it just totally random/based off of its parent's?

  • MishaBaby
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  • Posts: 44

Posted at 2013-05-08 22:57:40 — Link

What are the buildings encountered in Explore? What do they do?
(Hoping this gets into the FAQ, with a list and short description of each. I just ran into a Scriptorium, which should be obvious as to its function, but I don't know what recipes are or what they do).

Looking for Foundation Unicorns with no red stats.
Yes, I have a sale section. Take a look at my "Take Them Home" tab to see what I've currently got for sale. All pets, regardless of how many red stats, 1k minimum. All pets unresearched with no red stats 1.5K, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Fully researched 3.5k, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Prices above set minimums negotiable.
I have many, many suggestions, and I'd love your feedback on them! Click   HERE    to check them out, and please comment. Thanks! Current number of suggestions in the thread: 10.

  • WyldeHorse
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Posted at 2013-05-10 16:31:03 — Link

My question is related to Micandra's - I know it was noted in the training quests how each food type effects the pet's ability, by which I mean what which food effects which stat, but that was only mentioned the once and I have since forgotten it! If nothing else, is there a page or something that notes this that we can be linked to? (If there already is, I cannot find it despite looking - can it be made more convenient?)

  • MishaBaby
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  • Posts: 44

Posted at 2013-05-11 06:50:09 — Link

Hope this makes it into the FAQ:
How are my pets affected by leveling? Do their stats go up, and if so, how are the gains determined? Is it a set percentage or number for every level, or do different levels give different stat gains? If not, how do we increase their stats? Is daily feeding the only way?




"Pet characteristics will increase with every new level according to the pet's diet, 6 points per level."

Can you explain this a bit please? Does it only go up 6 points per level between all stats (so that there is a chance that some stats will not go up at all while others go up more than one point), or is it supposed to go up 6 points for each stat? I am thinking that it is the former but I want to know for sure. If the pet is fed 3* in every area, the stat gain for each is still random, with some stats not going up at all when the pet levels? I am trying to understand why the stat gains on my pets are so sporadic and sometimes don't happen at all. I am sure I am not/will not be the only one with these questions. Thank you very much for your patience with this. I am sorry for being such a nuisance but it's really bothering me that I don't understand. I just want to know how this works.

Looking for Foundation Unicorns with no red stats.
Yes, I have a sale section. Take a look at my "Take Them Home" tab to see what I've currently got for sale. All pets, regardless of how many red stats, 1k minimum. All pets unresearched with no red stats 1.5K, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Fully researched 3.5k, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Prices above set minimums negotiable.
I have many, many suggestions, and I'd love your feedback on them! Click   HERE    to check them out, and please comment. Thanks! Current number of suggestions in the thread: 10.

  • noleah
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Posted at 2013-05-14 17:37:41 — Link

I have a couple questions, I didn't write anything down during the tutorial becuase I assumed it would all be in the FAQ XP

I've been wondering about the list that shows what stats increase for what type of food your feed your pet, and what the countermoves are for attacks.

Thanks :3

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