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  • Aelisk
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Posted at 2013-05-14 18:24:30 — Link

You can find food info on your pet's page, just mouse over the question mark next to diet composition on the left side. The food list is set in the same order as the stat list, so eventually you won't need to memorize what food = what stat, just look over at the characteristics list.

You can see countermoves when you battle manually, if you mouse over one of your moves, you see what it counters as an X on the opponents side.

It goes:
Bite > Blow
Blow > Rush
Rush > Bite

Rocs: Garuda: Wing and Strike
Cockatrices: Hydralisk
Throdamas: Swarm

Lykos: Fenrir
Symurghs: Primavera
Dragons: Python


Recent progress: Project Perfect

  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-05-14 18:34:17 — Link

Which food increases which stat you can see when you hover over the question mark next to the Diet Composition. It's really quite easy though, in essence the food goes int he same order as the stats, first food in the list is for the first stat (animal fats for strength), second food for second stat (plant protein for agility) etc.

As for countermoves, it's always the next one. If you use the topmost move (Bite), this will be countered by the second move shown (Blow), which in turn is countered by the bottom move, Rush. Rush is then countered by the top move, Bite. If you are ever unsure about this, you can just hover the mouse over a move during a battle, the countermove will change its symbol on your opponent's side into a green X.

I do agree however, that this would go well in the FAQ.


EDIT: Sigh, much too slow ;)

  • Kiavani
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Posted at 2013-05-15 09:40:28 — Link

I'm curious about the magic foods in the premium shop. I know that certain ones increase certain stats, but is it permanent or do the stats return to normal after a period of time? I'm guessing they're permanent, but I would just like to make sure :3

Also, is it possible to turn a red stat into a black or green one? If so, how do you do this? Do you just feed them more of whatever food it is that corresponds to whatever stat more than the other foods? For example, can I increase a pet's strength by feeding it more animal fats?

Also, how can you increase the level of bite/blow/rush damage or hitpoints so that it will no longer be red? If that's even possible.

One more thing, if you change the Diet Composition, that means the ones with more stars is what they'll eat more of right? If that's the case, then if you stop feeding them Animal Fats, will the Strength decrease or will it stay the same?

Sorry about all these questions, it's just that I'm sort of confused about quite a few things. 

  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-05-15 10:58:29 — Link

Yes, the magic food's bonus is permanent.

If a pet has red stats this is due to a bad gene. No matter what you feed the pet, as long as it has this bad gene, the stats will stay red. You can still raise this stat by feeding corresponding foods but it makes it considerably harder to get it to a decent amount. The only way to get a stat to black or green is by feeding your pet a mutagen (premium shop or player trades or you cn find them by exploring islands), however that changes a random gene in your pet and seeing s a pet has 20 genes chances are relatively slim that the mutagen will affect the one you want it to. Also bear in mind, the mutagen changes the gene into a random different one, wich means it could in theory get even worse. 

You can't completely stop feeding a pet a certain food, you can only reduce the amount it will be fed. How it works is that every time your pet levels, the game gives the pet 6 new points for its stats. With the diet composition you tell the game which ones you prefer and make it more likely that the stats you want will be raised, but it's still possible to get a point in an undesired stat. Also, this means that if you reduce the diet, the unwanted stat will stay mostly  the same and only be raised rarely. As far as i know stats can never go down.

Hope this was understandable xD

  • Kiavani
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Posted at 2013-05-15 11:22:34 — Link

Thank you for answering, and yes it was understandable. 

However, I'm a little confused about one part. You said that the diet composition tells the game which stats I want to go up and makes it more likely to, so does that mean that not all the stats go up by 6? I think I read somewhere that with every new level, stats go up by 6. I just assumed that meant every stat went up by 6. Is that right or do some stats go up while others stay the same? (Not sure if this made sense :P)

Also, I'm not sure if you answered this or not, but how do you increase the hitpoints (if it's possible)?

  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-05-15 12:25:03 — Link

No when a pet levels it gets 6 points total that are divided onto the stats (in theory one point for each stat). I don't know how the formula works exactly, but if you have strength at maximum, you might get 3 points in this stat while the other 3 points may be distributed to other stats. It's all still chance, so it's still possible that you only get 1 or no points in your preferred stat and a stat you didn't want (This is what i assume from what i know, what i read and what i experienced myself, so someone correct me if this isn't entirely accurate or if you have specific numbers)

concerning the hitpoints, i honestly don't know. My personal assumption is that Constitution would increase hitpoints, but i have't paid close enough attention to this to say for sure. And yes, they do go up eventually. 

I would personally be interested also in which stats affect the attacks like bite. Does anyome know this?

  • Aelisk
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Posted at 2013-05-16 05:07:35 — Link

"'s still possible that you only get 1 or no points in your preferred stat and a stat you didn't want (This is what i assume from what i know, what i read and what i experienced myself, so someone correct me if this isn't entirely accurate or if you have specific numbers)"

Actually, you can set things to 0 stars, and then you won't have any chance to get points in that stat. Yes, the rest is random but the chances are weighted by how you set your feeding points. With a large sample size (lots of levels), you'll end up with the whatever stat distribution you set for feeding.

You get 5 hitpoints per level, the starting hp level is random (not 100% sure about the range, just look at different level 1 pets). This starting hp and hp gain afterwards isn't dependent on any statpoints. Rush/Blow/Bite start at 15-20 at level 1, and you get 2 points in each Rush/Blow/Bite damage for every level, this is also a flat gain and doesn't depend on stats either. 

The stats will determine how much of your flat damage actually affects your opponent during battle... this ranges from -50% to +50% depending on the opponent's total defense stats.

Rocs: Garuda: Wing and Strike
Cockatrices: Hydralisk
Throdamas: Swarm

Lykos: Fenrir
Symurghs: Primavera
Dragons: Python


Recent progress: Project Perfect

  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-05-16 11:13:29 — Link

Thanks a lot Aelisk! :D 

And I can't believe I never tried to click the star again to go to 0 food distribution.. Always figured 1 was the lowest it could go! xD

  • Gina
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Posted at 2013-05-18 20:18:09 — Link

Hi! I have a question about the Geneticist....Once I have an Inn and I use the invite, I can choose what genes research forever?? Or is like 1 invite 1 pet?

Check Out my Unis For Sale!GPed Unis, Counterstrike, Rare Colours & More!! 

I'm always buying Geneticist Invite


  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-05-18 22:38:34 — Link

For as long as the Geneticist stays at your Inn, you can choose as many genes on as many pets to research as you want. Like all guests he stays for three days.

  • GypsyV
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Posted at 2013-05-20 05:05:51 — Link

My silver stopped growing how can I get more? It seems like I will never afford blueprints.

  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-05-20 11:05:57 — Link

The best way in the beginning to get money is to do the daily Quests, even if you don't always have all the pets you need.

Also explore as much as you can, since you can get quite a bit of money from there from chests and silver stacks. Also, once the pets get higher level, the explore maps get bigger and you get more money from each looted chest and silver stack. I would suggest getting about 10-15 pets and to send them exploring as often as you can, so they level up and you get the stuff from the islands. This also has the added benefit that you get items from chests that you can possibly sell on the trading post (and of course if you're lucky, you might even loot the blueprints you want yourself).

  • GypsyV
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Posted at 2013-05-21 02:39:56 — Link

Thanks. I will do that more then.

  • somehow
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Posted at 2013-05-26 02:26:18 — Link

How does stacking invites work?

First,  I had used invite for Dryad and the Dryad  had stayed my Inn for three days.

Then following day,  I used my Dryad invite again. My Inn had stated that Dryad  will be the next guest.

However, the next guest happen to be a traveler staying for one day. And following guest stated by my Inn should be Dryad.

I figure to avoid unwanted guest to show up. I should stacked my invite up. Then I used my Druid invite.

Then the following day, the next guest showed up was Druid...and my Inn has no following guest showing up.

I really don't get what is going on with the invites...I thought that invites were suppose to stackable and each of guest should show up one after the other. 


  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-05-26 02:31:32 — Link

Hm, I don't know what happened there. 

Angel stated somewhere that invites do NOT stack, I just can't find the post now. So if you use the Druid invite, yes, it will overwrite the Dryad one. However, I don't understand the first thing that happened to you, because I've done it like this multiple times.. I use an invite, I have a guest. While this guest is at my Inn, I use another invite and as soon as the current guest leaves the new invited one shows up. I have not once had the problem that I got an "in-between" guest that showed up even though I had an active invite pending.. 

All I can say, try it again like you did the first time and/or post in the bugs section if you are really certain that you had an active Dryad invite and you still got the traveler..


Edit: HAH! Found it! This is the post.

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