Posted at 2013-03-18 11:38:17 — Link
- omenaapple
- User
- Posts: 43
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2013-03-19 18:16:44 — Link
A stable slot is reserved for a child at the moment of conception. A female can't go pregnant if there's no room for her baby.
- Gina
- User
- Posts: 91
Posted at 2013-03-20 15:57:26 — Link
What does a Royal Mantle do?? Are other items like these? (I just found the scheme but I don't know if it is worth doing it or not)
Also, what is a buyout price? How do I buy a pet if I'm willing to pay the buyout?
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I'm always buying Geneticist Invite
- Cinnamin_Draconna
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- Posts: 11
Posted at 2013-03-20 22:02:48 — Link
How do I put an item up for auction/sale?
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2013-03-21 05:31:16 — Link
The Mantle is required for building Townhall (lvl 4). You can check all the craftable and constructable recipes here
Buyout price allows you to buy the pet instantly without waiting until the end of auction. You just need to submit the buyout amount as your bid and the pet will be instantly bought.
To put an item for sale, click "Create Lot" button at the top of the Item Trades page.
- deebeth89
- User
- Posts: 122

Posted at 2013-03-29 08:45:10 — Link
I was a bit dumb & didn't write down the battle move counters during my tutorial an hour or 2 ago & now that I'm battling monsters while exploring islands I could sure use the info I didn't write down, of course it's almost 2 am here so I'm a bit fuzzy headed so I haven't figured out if it's to be found somewhere outside of the tutorial or not.
- deebeth89
- User
- Posts: 122

Posted at 2013-04-01 10:30:35 — Link
Could someone explain what Descendant of Heroes is? I see it on the quests but haven't a clue what it is or how to get 1.
- apc
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- Posts: 1
Posted at 2013-04-02 11:31:46 — Link
What can you spend energy on?
So far I have, quests, breeding, exploring. My issue is, I only had one pet free (1 pregnant, 2 questing) and so I gave him an energy drink. This gave him 10 energy. I wanted to breed him. That used 1 energy. What happens with the rest of his energy? Is it wasted because there's nothing else to do with it (he's busy while pregnant and can't explore). Should I have waited for him to gain 1 energy by himself to breed him?
- RedMask
- User
- Posts: 77

Posted at 2013-04-05 16:57:35 — Link
Quick question, sure it's around here somewhere, but I can't find it.
Do pets in the reserve require food, or do they feed themselves?
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2013-04-05 17:58:23 — Link
apc, waiting for 1 energy regenration would save you energy potion, you're right. Pregnant pets can't do anything for 24 hours until they give birth, so the rest of energy would be regenerated during the pregnancy without energy potion.
RedMask, user do not own the pets in reserve. They do not require any food and can't be used for any activities.
- omenaapple
- User
- Posts: 43
Posted at 2013-04-05 21:38:57 — Link
(Sorry if the question doesnt make sense ;w;)
- emmie1977
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- Posts: 356

Posted at 2013-04-05 21:55:47 — Link
that wouldn't be an issue omenaapple, since you can't use sex change scrolls on a pet that's had children
- Piemaster
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- Posts: 22
Posted at 2013-04-06 11:31:17 — Link
How do I trade with the travelling merchant? The message in the inn wont let me be linked to his trade
- ForeverMore
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- Posts: 7
Posted at 2013-04-07 16:53:50 — Link
Is there anyway to see the bids you placed on pet trades and item trades?
I found it...
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2013-04-07 20:27:35 — Link
Piemaster, there's a link under the Trading tab.