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  • Elviril
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  • Posts: 116

Posted at 2013-02-28 18:45:45 — Link

Could you put this bit from Angel's reply on one of the topics into the FAQ please? :3


The battle stats depend on pet's characteristics:

  • Hitpoints depend on Constitution and Strength
  • Damage depends on Courage and Strength
  • Critical Chance depends on Courage and Intuition
  • Accurancy depends on Agility and Intelligence
  • Dodge depends on Agility and Intuition
  • Constitution and Intelligence decrease the chance that you will be Critically hit

There are also some things which characteristics affect too. Strength affects the Breeding potential of a pet (the amount of children which pet can have during his life). Construction and crafting requires certain characteristics. Characteristics are also the main parameter which is needed for fulfilling quests.

  • Elviril
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  • Posts: 116

Posted at 2013-02-28 23:44:15 — Link

Do different characteristics add different amount of points to battle stats?

  • Guardian
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Posted at 2013-03-03 05:16:32 — Link

Is there any way to change the name of a pet? I had two dragons and gave my female the name I wanted to give my male, and vice-versa.


Edit: nvm, I found the answer.

Check out my dragon rider roleplay forum.

  • Merrypaws
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  • Posts: 57

Posted at 2013-03-05 22:21:33 — Link

How many points of energy does a pet need to have to be able to craft things?

  • Swiftla
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  • Posts: 111

Posted at 2013-03-06 01:47:41 — Link

My pets required 10 Merrypaws :)

  • emmie1977
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  • Posts: 356

Posted at 2013-03-07 01:31:55 — Link

What happens if your pet's on a quest when the quests change?


ie: if i was to start a quest at 10pm (game time) would the pet still be able to finish the quest?

  • User
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Posted at 2013-03-09 21:35:37 — Link

how do you place a  pet up for auction?

Once you start something, finish it.

  • Indoles
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Posted at 2013-03-10 13:08:28 — Link

Is it forbidden to create more than one account at this game?

All other games I know, there are rules of this question. But I cant´t find an answer at FAQ or other sites.

  • seph
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  • Posts: 223

Posted at 2013-03-10 15:46:41 — Link

Indoles it's mentioned under terms and conditions

One account per user

Each user may only register once for The Site, and may only hold one Account.

It is strictly prohibited for one user to register more than one Account, to use an Account opened by another user, or to use the username of another user in a fraudulent manner.

The opening of several Accounts by the same user or the fraudulent use of another user's Account or username may result in the closure of the user's account, in the user being prohibited from accessing the The Site from any account.

Pet Sales

Item Sales

Need a pet for building?

Then visit the Builders Help to get an assistant.

  • king-crowned
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  • Posts: 3

Posted at 2013-03-11 13:42:16 — Link

I feel silly asking this (and I am very tired atm so that might be why I'm having trouble figuring it out), but how do I use buildings like Ridinghall? I just built one, lvl 1, and I'm curious to know how I can send my pets there to train?

EDIT: I did a bit of looking around and saw there was a thread about this already here- unofrtunately that didn't solve my issue. :c There's no button that I can find, even on pets that aren't currently doing quests or anything. Does it disappear until my pets are at full energy? That might explain it, if so.

EDIT 2: Ah! Nevermind, I see it now. :> I think it was the low energy.

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-03-11 21:11:49 — Link

What happens if your pet's on a quest when the quests change?
Nothing, the quest will be normally completed in 4 hours after the start.

  • Kiku
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  • Posts: 115

Posted at 2013-03-18 02:22:45 — Link

I'm trying to build a second stable but it says "insufficient pet".

what does this mean?

  • Amberfly
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  • Posts: 149

Posted at 2013-03-18 02:45:46 — Link

How do the autobattle settings work? Does setting an ability to 5 stars mean that that's the first move a pet uses in autobattle, or that they're just more likely to use that move over another at any one turn in the battle?

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-03-18 03:34:17 — Link

Kiku, check the requirements for this building by clicking a recipe. You will see what pet characteristics are required to build it.

Amberfly, autobattle settings have 9 stars and each star is a 1/9 probability (~11%) that this move will be used. Setting a certain move to 5 stars means that it will be used with probability of 5/9 (~56%). This probability is the same for every battle turn.

  • Kiku
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  • Posts: 115

Posted at 2013-03-18 04:12:26 — Link

where do i find the recipes? 

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