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  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-12 23:12:28 — Link

Does it really matter what the recessives are? (deaf vs instinct etc) I thought 'perfect' meant homozygous in all the best genes, so anything else will get eradicated eventually.

Anyway, would love a few breedings from him. :) Homozygous Larynx, Salt, Steel, Regen, Fragrance.. and hetero Acute, Quickmind, Agile/Paws Memory (which is better?) would be a Very Good symurgh by my standards.

(also, that's a very nice idea about private studs, might try adding it on my game hehe)

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-12 23:22:46 — Link

Recessives are important in breeding, as they can (and love to in my stables for good and bad) pop up as a dominant depending on where the mate's dominant and reccessive genes in same catagory. Like you can make a dominant or homoz acute with two recessive acute mates, or get an instinct domimant from just one parent with instinct recessive. 

Seems like symurghs dont really have a specialize attack (like sharp feathers or saber teeth) so i'm not sure how useful double damage to same attack repeated would be...but perhaps it would be whats needed to make it act as if it does have a special attack...hmm would be interesting to test..or perhaps have two types of perfects cus why not?

On gryphon game note, not sure if youve already mentioned it, but will your gryphons have live birth? Or bird like eggs? I suppose the reproductive half is mammal but eggs are..special.

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-13 00:50:40 — Link

Ah right, I guess you keep and use your non-perfect beasts for battling etc? So dominant traits matter. Whereas I ignore them until they're fully perfect.

Two different lines sounds good :) Still can't actually decide which are best for gryphs: Berserk/Quickmind, or Lionheart/Second Breath? ... guess we'll see which are most effective in battle.

In my game, griffs lay clutches of 1-3 eggs at a time. Partly as this is how OotG handled it; it was cool to put gemstones in the nest in the hope of influencing genes. And partly because I've no idea how a 'pregnancy' state could be coded. A flock space taken up, and a baby with genes decided... but also not actually existing yet?! wat.

(edit: thought about it. The babies might be held in another DB table and transferred to the main one, and correct owner, when pregnancy time is up. Games like BK use cron scripts to make this happen automatically after 24h. Games like Howrse instead have a counter on pregnant females, so after 6 daily visits to her, the script will run. The 6 separate days could be months apart. Ah well, still satisfied with my current system)

(also fun: I'm working on some dragon and pegasus breeds for later, and they'll all have to lay eggs too. Because there's no way I'm making two parallel breeding systems lol. So uh... pegs were selectively bred by ancient people to give birth to litters of tiny foals who keep developing in sacs. Faster breeding, lower maternal mortality and the rest of the herd can contribute to guarding them. That's my awkward theory to explain it ._. )

edit again: WOOOO! Another batch of awesome gryphs, and a totally perfect one. GP2 but whatever. :3

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-13 01:52:30 — Link

......Tiny pegasus foals in sacks omg.......

What about...hybridized with something that lays eggs? I guess bird wings but what if it's kirin-ish? With some scaling perhaps...

Flawless logic right here; the inbetween of a horse womb and hard bird shell is leathery eggs like reptiles! Eggs are pretty much an external womb. If that's the case..the mothers will need extra calcium rich feed, or perhaps suppliments, or even wild herds (if you have that) are observed finding and eating soils rich in calcium so owners either gather it for their mares or allow their mares to go find it for themselves. For realism!

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-13 02:14:26 — Link

Yup, most* griffs/pegs/dragons will be able to interbreed. That's how one gets hybrids like hippogriffs, hippalectryons, gryverns, dragonhorses etc. It's convenient if they all use the same breeding system - yet eggs can appear different for every breed.

* only the 'deformed' breeds, like bald griffs and wrinkly dragons caused by inbreeding, won't be able to breed with any others. And some breeds will be artificial, grown in the garden or crafted from machinery, so obviously those can't breed with fleshy ones either. Ouch. Not entirely sure how they'll work yet.

Mmm yes, griffs might lay soft leathery eggs? There's a huge difference between a lion's and a chicken's pelvis (idk about other birds, just chickens lol) and a hard shell would likely break and cause infection to the mother. They could harden later, somehow. Magic. :)

Anyway, back on topic... I'll have to look through your gryphs again for some mates. So many fab chicks piling up x)

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-13 02:20:53 — Link

Hippogryph! I'm sold. Sign me up. Won't even check fine print.

Wrinkly dragon as in scaleless? Would they still be able to breed with other wrinkly ones? 

Perhaps some coating applied on the final exit, like from a gland, that hardens the exterior when exposed to air? 

And on thinking of it again gravid females could be given calcium as a +strength to the offspring, thinking in BK terms anyways.

The newest chicks from my most recent breeding are on the first page. I think one is homoz for berserk but I may be thinking of someone else.

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-13 02:50:13 — Link

Wrinkly like scaleless snakes, yes. They could breed only with other wrinklies. It's a fault and these fail-breeds have a lot of other limits (low max level, few learnable skills etc); it's not to be encouraged or spread further.

Interesting hardening idea. If I can't think of a proper biological answer, could just say "they've been domestically bred for centuries now, they're used to having mages incubating their eggs, so they don't need to become hard for protection".

... ooh. This girl and one of your... Sinner... oh, they're all girls. Well, good to see that some of my/your stock are unrelated. My other near/perfects still have Parched Wing in there. >.<

  • Sheliak
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Posted at 2018-05-13 04:34:02 — Link

The pound has been kind to me:

Not perfect by any means, but I've never gotten a GP3 bug with Agile Paws from the pound before! And he's got some good recessives. 

In other news, thank you for putting up those agile throdama studs; I am currently awaiting an insect baby boom. Will probably twin some of the pregnancies.

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-13 07:14:57 — Link

But..but scaless snakes are great......i'm going to be a wrinkly dragon breeding im sorry not sorry marans.

Hey if you see the title sinner it means it's my top notch stock with strict genetic requirments to get that title. Very useful and good title :P damned are always usually good, since they are only missing a single gene to be perfect/sinner.

I think I may have mates for that one...but too tired and lazy to check atm. if you breed another like her i'll pay big silver to buy it.


Sheliak trying to come in here and make the yay thread about yays again. We hijacked this thread and there is no saving it!

I put up just the best ones (homoz agility) but i've got some other with it dominant, who may or may not be unrelated to the others, if you happen to need them just say something.


BK Dread Tapir Boss by RavensMourn

I have just faced the most dangerous, most powerufl, and most fearsome boss in all the jungle...the Dreaded Spotted Tapir! In serious though...there was just one boss protecting two chests. Not that im complaining but, a bug surely caused this.


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  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-13 16:21:02 — Link

Congrats, Sheliak.

Marans, this game sounds AMAZING!  I cannot wait to play it.


Okay, back to breeding symurgh.  May need to send Monues a tiny fortune....

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-13 19:48:42 — Link

Accepting donations of small fortunes to fuel my addictions.

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-13 20:05:44 — Link

As soon as my current batch of babies are born I shall toss ever increasing amounts of cash at you again.

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-13 21:31:52 — Link

Did ya get anything good?

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-13 21:36:59 — Link

They haven't been born yet.  Just found a few more females to throw at the project.

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-13 21:40:24 — Link

Pff, got me thinking you were doing second round.

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