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  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-11 01:51:57 — Link

I will care!

For awhile i've had interest in breeding perfect salty acutes. Already had acutes for years with the seekers but the salt is so elusive to find without deaf or instinct to ruin it all (why are those so much harder to remove in symrughs). That project has been on the back shelf for a while because of limited bloodpool but i'd love to collaborate with you on it. 

I currently have some salt dom/recess with okay genes, Acute dom, recess, and homoz with okay genes, and "perfects" without salt and with instinct..bleh. I may also have some with recess salt and acute, but im not sure if I got to that or not last I worked on them.


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  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-11 02:25:04 — Link

I'd love to collaborate!  I have a couple homogynous salts, and a little acute, but it's a long-term project getting everything in one place.

  • Sheliak
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Posted at 2018-05-11 04:34:14 — Link

... I am probably about to spend a great deal of money on throdama breedings now. Might use some of my pink fish eggs;  if I'm paying that much I might want to get twins out of it. 

(I wondered why my not-great-but-Agile-Paws bugs weren't selling! The game has upped, I suppose.) 

  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-11 04:46:57 — Link

The perfect agile throdamas are all held by one person, near as I can tell.  And they are making a killing off the rest of us.

  • Sheliak
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Posted at 2018-05-11 05:16:55 — Link

I think it's two or three people, although one of the bugs in question has some unrevealed genes so it might not count. 

... And I just bought a breeding off of the most expensive of the lot, because Elemental Resistance. But I did use fish eggs, so two babies. 

(I'm still working on breeding better throdama separately, but levelling them up is so hard! And also I am perpetually short of space. I think I need to purge one of the "well, someday" project tabs I've got. Possibly all of them. Or possibly sell off more of my level 50 very good lykoi.)

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-11 05:22:31 — Link

*Sees talk of agile throdamas*

*lists agile's in breeding offers*

*is totally not exortion*

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  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-11 05:26:47 — Link

I have some good throdama with resistance if that's what you want.  And I totally will not price gouge you.  Mostly. :)

  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-11 18:54:19 — Link

... so this is why I couldn't find a throdama with Agile Paws for such a long time. They seemed completely nonexistent, until I grabbed a GP0 one from lamel. Had no idea there are actual perfect ones out there lol.

Also, symurghs. What do you consider perfect for them? I guess... Musical larynx, Acute eyesight, Quickmind, Paws Memory, Salt, Steel muscles, Regen, Fragrance?

(got one with 7 of those, and would be happy to join the collaboration. Makes a change from gryphs)

  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-11 21:44:37 — Link

I might make a song of peace variant, but that's pretty much the perfect Symurgh.  And please, join in!


Also, thanks to your stud I now have a perfect 2 star female.  Woo!  

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-12 18:18:50 — Link

Alright symurgh project is getting serious then!

We should go through our symurghs and figure out what genes their mate/s would need. We likely have what eachother is missing. 

Which gene is your symugh missing marans? 

My seekers are bulk of my symurghs, with acute, agile, and song, all lvl 50. My "perfect" symurghs have animal instinct..and my project tab has a mish mash of both with salt somewhere in there (though I cull most animal instincts now). Just trying to get acute with salt and ignoring rest of genes is a nightmare. 

Edit: even breeding in sense of direction would work, as it would be easy to replace that with the more powerful acute.

It looks like I mostly need homoz salt, with acute eyes recess/dominant or sense of direction homoz/dom/recess...and hopefully no pesky 90 instinct. 

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  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-12 18:48:43 — Link

I have a fair amount of Sense of Direction and Paws Memory.  Also Salt.  Acute and Fragrance are a work in progress.  I don't have symurghs at 50 yet, but they are largely 3 star.

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-12 19:03:45 — Link

Just realized if we do this..I will no longer own 65% of all homoz acute gp symurghs haven't been worked on hardly at all in all these years :/ 

I thiiiink my symurghs have fragrance floating around...maybe with can use search and insert my name to check out my symrughs for what you need...many in the project tab say what main genes they got. faint meaning recessive, dominant listed first (like acute faint salt would be dominant acute and recessive salt).

Snoops around your symurgh stables

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  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-12 19:50:08 — Link

This is my girl.  Needs Acute Eyesight.

edit: might go well with this male, Monues?

Dang, you both have so many amazing symurghs, and here I am with a single one x) But if she might be useful at all...

  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-12 21:40:49 — Link

She's such a pretty girl though, Marans.  And I'm sure she'll help loads.

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-12 22:01:51 — Link

Oof deaf from her and poor hearing from him...still better than instinct though. Yeah rice is one of my closest so far...but still needs work. Hmm hmm, might be worth a shot, but it would lock them in as male and future gender swapping.

Edit: he's now locked in as male, since now two females are mates to him.

Edit edit: new feature we need, collaborative group breeding offer listings. Pretty much the custom skin's "shared for specific player" version of breeding listings. A pool of males available only to accepted people. Just to add convienence really.

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