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  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-06 22:00:57 — Link

*cheering madly* WOOOO! PERFECT. Only GP2 because I'm a dimwit who forgot the rules... but I'mma level him up asap :)

Still got 50 stable spaces for more attempts, hehehe. My Sell tab contains loads of good chicks, if anyone wants to take them for free, just ask. I'm only bothering to keep the very best ones now.

  • arete
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Posted at 2018-05-06 22:30:19 — Link

Congrats, hun.

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-06 22:46:38 — Link


Maybe we can get to the point where perfect gryphs are as common as perfect unis... and start collecting perfect deviants... *daydreams*

  • arete
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Posted at 2018-05-06 23:07:26 — Link

Perfect devs are the bomb :3

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-08 01:56:15 — Link

Not quite a Yay for me, but hopefully for others:  decided to clear out hundreds of random gryphs. It became tiring to put them all up for sale, so I'm now dumping loads of level 50s in the pound.

I used to wonder "who abandons level 50s?!" and now I get it lol. Hope they'll be nice surprises for newbies :)

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-08 06:42:48 — Link - Why's this guy in here? He has good promise. Well if youre giving them away I supppose I can free up some space for this guy :P

If you want perfect deviants, I may list some of my perfect deviant/homoz males in offers...though not sure on price yet considering uncommon perfects like throdamas and pumas are 20-40k each breeding...which youd think is too much but I totally paid that several times so I may just do 15k ish.

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • Sheliak
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Posted at 2018-05-08 22:24:28 — Link

One of the pets I left on Tundra has reached level 30. This is of little practical use, but it's cool.

(I left pretty much every good pet I had on Tundra when the event ended; six of them are still there, all largely stalled out on levels that are frankly too much for them.... but it's not like I have anything better for them to do. So I go on periodically to see if one of them will have a stroke of luck and win against an enemy that has defeated them thirty or more times...)

  • arete
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Posted at 2018-05-08 22:39:37 — Link

0w0 I found my dragons and cockatrices fought better than my lykoi. Which was weird, but then elemental resistance doesn't work as often as I thought it would. Robust scales worked well.

And regen is brilliant.

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-09 02:05:17 — Link

Level 30? How is that even... what... wow. That lykos needs a medal.  ._.

Monues - you might want to browse the tab again, as I just dumped another round of awesome chicks in there. The one you linked is far from the best, imho. x)  Also been getting lots of amazing chicks (several are perfectly homozygous, minus one or two - will put them up for stud asap), they're all in the Prospect tab if you want to borrow any.

Last bunch of level 50s pounded... now I have 201 free stable spaces. Woo.

  • Sheliak
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Posted at 2018-05-09 05:07:13 — Link

I think it's a lykos that made it that far because most of my really good pets are lykoi and I have way more of them. (I'm working on cockatrices! But I don't have any really good ones yet.)

This is the lykos in question:

I am very proud of him. 


(I can see how Robust Scales would be more useful--even enemies that have elemental attacks sometimes have to use their others! Hypothetically it seems like Magic Mirror or Stench could also work well? Someday I want to try Throdama Warriors, since they can have both Stench and Elemental Resistance, and see how the high dodge chance + resisting some attacks works out. But I'm not breeding warriors again until my workers are better.)



Also, 201 open spaces? I am in awe. And envy. 

  • Marans
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Posted at 2018-05-09 19:48:32 — Link

298 constitution, without any magic food bonus?! Wow.

I wonder if the devs missed an opportunity here. There could have been some kind of ranking or other prize system, for those who reach the highest Tundra levels. Maybe special buildings or rare items to start finding (DCA etc; the kind of stuff you get from Egg Hunt). Or after passing level 5, everyone gets a profile trophy with their own highest number, since we can't get trophies from Exhibitions any more.

Hopefully BeastEon will have something like it. Endurance challenges are fun.

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-10 19:35:07 — Link

"Monues - you might want to browse the tab again"

Dang it marans, i'm trying to save stable slots and yet you keep dumping good chicks into that tab! I just can't resist...

Forgotton Diamond, and still Springtime Frolic. 

If I can wrap up my puma project i'll have something like 20 more slots open for gryphon breedings...unless I breed 20 cubs with the pumas.....time to buy more stable scrolls x.x

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-10 20:05:48 — Link

Hey, I recognize some of those lykos in Sheliak's breeding tree!  Is it weird that I am always oddly proud when some of my pets have contributed to other people's awesome pets?

Also, Monues, I may have already laid claim to Forgotten Diamond.  Sorry!

To go back to an earlier thread, I never price perfects at more than 10K (and I only have perfect lykos and unicorns anyway) because I want them to be at least semi-accessable to people.  But I have frequently paid the 30 - 40K for throdamas because agile paws is otherwise impossible to get.

  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-10 23:58:55 — Link

These pesky husky looking chipmunks always sneaking things away!

Yesss when I saw those perfect agiles I got so many breedings to introduce that gene into my sinner throdamas. That person's getting rich lol. Nimble is nice and all, but agile paws is much more useful. 

As for pricing of breedings for uncommon perfects species I go off of GPONE 7, where a gp1 perfect is 10k so a gp3 would be 30k. Seems like throdamas are following that trend, I wouldnt be surprized, or mind, to see others following the trend.

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • LadyChipmunk
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Posted at 2018-05-11 00:31:46 — Link

That's fair enough.  I suppose it does somewhat depend on supply.  I mean there are lots of perfect unicorns, so those aren't as in demand.  But if I ever get my perfect Salt of the Earth symurghs...well, probably no one will care, but it will make me happy. :)

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