Posted at 2018-02-05 22:51:13 — Link
Missed you Mizz Kitty.
Howz things?
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Random acts of senseless kindness.
Posted at 2018-02-05 22:51:13 — Link
Missed you Mizz Kitty.
Howz things?
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Random acts of senseless kindness.
Posted at 2018-02-09 20:35:05 — Link
Things are quite alright, still with Aura, and in college well and alive. Got As and Bs last semester, and I have the best freshman GPA (so far) compared to my siblings, which I am happy about. What about you girl?
Posted at 2018-02-09 22:55:25 — Link
Wow, That's a good GPA! Well done!
Well I have ten days till my english course expires. STRESS. Other than that I'm fine. So hot, the summer has really taken hold here and there are terrible drought conditions, especially down Cape Town way.
Baby niece is growing nicely, just gets terrible winds and cries the place down till she burps. (So classy.)
And I have more snowflakes than I ever thought I would. And I'm too busy trying to study this course to gather crystalline ice. Oh well, I still have till the 4th of March, so if I can get them all bred I'll be happy :)
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Random acts of senseless kindness.
Posted at 2018-02-11 01:30:27 — Link
Whew, just got an awesome score on the battlefield! 67! I believe that is my highest ^.^
Posted at 2018-02-11 21:52:14 — Link
Yay! Finally found my snowflake! *whew* 7 more Ice to go!
Posted at 2018-02-11 22:42:20 — Link
How did you get 67?? I haven't got more than 50. >_<
I need lots moar ice. I keep hitting between levels 5 and 8 and there's no portal. Uuugh.
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Random acts of senseless kindness.
Posted at 2018-02-12 00:56:11 — Link
Thanks! I got a lucky roll I guess! :D I was very surprised! I've been getting 40-somethings since lol
Posted at 2018-02-12 05:39:02 — Link
10 Vermillion
Price: 100
Blood-red powder which is often used for the purposes of magicians and alchemists.
For the very first time in my entire BK days, the random inn visitors are actually starting to be useful. I think I may of died.
Posted at 2018-02-12 09:54:58 — Link
I'm getting a lot more from the marketplace as well. I loooove Tundra :)
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Random acts of senseless kindness.
Posted at 2018-02-12 23:46:28 — Link
Posted at 2018-03-01 00:33:14 — Link
*crawls out of code cave like a zombie* brrraaaiinnsss
Ugh all these lv50 super gryphs still sitting round and I don't know what to do with them lol. Can't breed them with anything. Does anyone else wanna borrow them? They're in my Prospect tab :)
Been getting more boring stuff done on my game. There is actually a dev-blog of sorts where I've been listing heaps of daily progress, but would rather not make it public. Message if you want a link? ^^' A tester or two could join in too, I suppose. Expect a very ugly site with lack of content, and I might work on scripts while you attempt to 'play' (it won't be fun) so don't be alarmed by sudden error pages lol. But at least you can breed, battle and watch griffs grow - there are no complex markings yet but some coat combos have been quite nice, imo.
Posted at 2018-03-02 03:54:04 — Link
Hey, anybody wanna read my short story? If it gets good feedback maybe ill write another chapter.
Heroes the link :
Please read, rate, and review! Im trying to get into writing.
In war truth is the first casualty - A Goodman
Posted at 2018-03-05 05:05:43 — Link
I'm back!
Artisan is great, and the fact that worker throdama all have it is even better. (I just realized I could apply this to food and vermillion golems. Every little bit helps! It was also great for power cells.)
I am going to miss tundra just from a food/vermillion perspective. So much vermillion and so much meat! At least I got back in time to sling all of my remotely decent explorers onto the tundra, so I've still got them there now.
... Anybody know there'll be eggs on tundra if I've still got pets there when the Egg Hunt comes?
Posted at 2018-03-05 05:44:43 — Link
My squads finally did what I've been striving for on the battlefield. Each of my 6 squads is holding a vermillion producing zone. So I am on both Ancient Battlefield, both Crimson Tree, and both Old Mine. Dought I'll be able to hold all of them long.
Posted at 2018-03-05 14:19:07 — Link
I actually have over a thousand vermillion now. And I'll probably not need to use it for some time.
Need to find a use for all this pure snow.
I got all my etelia to breed at least twice except for my two white ones and the seated black one which wouldn't breed. I now have 15. I think the next tundra would be a logistical nightmare. Just extracting enough deviance would be prohibitively expensive, let alone buying all the charged sticks...
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Random acts of senseless kindness.