The Cheater Sheliak is an Angry little scum now, he can't win without cheating so he's started taking all the spots now. LOL.I figured he's get tiured of having to actually PLAY so he's bringing them all out. IU hope Karma gives him what he deserves in real life sooner rather than later.
Yes I noticed that. As we all discussed when we came back and started this little test, I figured it would go in only a couple of directions. First call the two cheater/exploiters out publically, see if the Admin would ban or attack us for doing so OR do something about those two or the situation as a whole. Didn't happen so that was moot.,
Second direction, the two exploit cheaters Iamel and Sheliak one or both, would find it interesting for a short while to "Play" the game since there is NOTHING that can be done against them and they know it, they have 80+ squads each, so even if someone gets on the map they can bash them over and over one exploited squad after another until they knock them off. SO they would MAYBE play around for a very short time, maybe even allow someone else to sit on a spot for a short while. That Sheliak cheat did exactly that (Cheaters are so predictable). Once hjowever they got bored of actually having to log in everyday (Food payment and having to knock people off the map) they would then bombard and harass the players who are knocking THEM off the map and drive them back off until they give up and leave them to once again be able to log in once every week or twio safely knowing they are sitting on all the spots and sucking up all the resources without even playing.
Sheliak is very irritated now, he's got people actually winning against him and making him have to play everyday to bombard the squads off the map.This got BORING QUICK (As we can see) now and so he will, AS PREDICTED bombard the map with his 80+ exploit super squads in the hopes he can go back to just logging in once a month and knowing no one else is even playing the game as those 2 have ran everyone off. SO his current behavior is not a suprise, I'm actually surprised it took him 2-3 weeks to say "Enough of this" and retake the map.
As for Iamel. His test will come next, it will priobably go the same way, as they are either a team or the same person which would explain why Sheliak has not went to the mirror and challenged Iamel once. This is all very very sick, and shameful as an online game, personally I've never seen anything like it. So as we all discussed, Sheliak is doing exactly what we expected in the exact timeline we expected it. I predict Iamel willl suddenly "Wake up" when his turn comes. And He'll act just like Sheliak, I believe there is a reason for that as well.
Here's the rub though, despite both of their cheating and exploiting this game into their opwn private game, they WILL both be logging in EVERY SINGLE DAY and being forced to actually PLAY the game whether they like it or not SOON until they STOP. We can be as stubborn legit and they are stubborn cheaters.
Since the admin won't do anything about it. We will at least do that much. Despite it being futile. They have cheated this game into a private little game for just those 2 people (Or one person). But they'll at least be paying some of that silver on food everyday from now on.