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  • Angel
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Posted at 2017-06-17 19:56:44 — Link

We got all the disputable and unclear moments sorted out :)

arete (#15328) wrote:

Is there no way to send a pet to another player or to a nursing home instead of throwing it out on the street when you don't want it? This would really upset me... I've rescued cats that no one else wanted to feed, and homelessness is terrible.

It’s possible to transfer a Beast to a different manor if another Beastlord invites it, and it finds the new place attractive enough. We're thinking about different criteria varying from basic ones (no foes living in the manor, no debts, free room and some minimal allowance) to more advanced ones (have buildings that involve Beast's work and interests like a forge for a blacksmith, have a sports team and participate in the competitions for an athlete etc.). You can’t send a Beast to a different manor against its will.

A Beast without a manor can live autonomously. It's not homeless but rather manor-less. It is not a dependant like real life pets or young kids who can’t sustain themselves. The following concept may somewhat change, but currently it is supposed that such Beasts join the factions of wild Beasts depending on their personality. Each faction has its own interests and tasks. Faction members may join other Beastlords who fulfill faction tasks. This includes both Beasts who lived in a manor earlier and those who was born and grown up without humans. 

  • Angel
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Posted at 2017-06-17 21:41:16 — Link

Sumatra_Echo (#32914) wrote:

The breeding revamp sounds very intriguing, but I'm also a little nervous about how it will actually play out. If breeding can only be accomplished by having high enough fame, new or less active players will struggle to breed a single new beast, if any at all. The early stages of the game would just involve tons of grinding to finally get more than two beasts, and that would be frustrating. 

Your approach supposes that breeding is a core element of gameplay, and it’s impossible to play without it like in other pet games. This is not the case.

Talking of new players, the first baby will be free. Also it’s possible to get new Beasts without breeding by fulfilling the tasks and matching the conditions of the wild Beast factions. 

We by all means will try to avoid earning fame through the grind. There won’t be activities like “gather 10 wood - get 1 fame”. Fame is supposed to be earned in big bulks for significant achievements. 

Sumatra_Echo (#32914) wrote:

It's common in pet sites for some players to get bored after a while, and decide to clean all the pets off their account so they can start fresh. Like resetting a game. But BeastEon would penalize them for doing so. If selling beasts or getting rid of them in any way is portrayed as a negative thing, then players will be stuck with the same beasts they had at the very beginning with no opportunity to get rid of them without being guilted by the game.

The possibility to reset a game is planned. The game won’t penalize you as a player in this case. You start playing as a different Beastlord. Your previous Beasts won’t disappear from the world, but you will have no relation to them.

But yes, if players do something bad they will receive unpleasant consequences. Chasing away a member of your manor or sending it away to another manor against its will is a bad thing. Leaving unwanted Beast in your manor but treating it badly is a bad thing as well. It will hate you. While it lives with you, it can spoil your property, seek revenge, and become a big headache until you resolve this situation somehow. Why is that? Not for a purpose to frustrate players or add unnecessary complications. We’re trying to make a game about the interaction between players and pets and not about collecting of pixels. There’s a lot of great pet collecting games already without us :)  

We may create an extremely complex neural network, model the needs, desires and goal-setting for Beasts. But if players don’t get any negative response from their Beasts, they won’t feel any consequences of their actions and choices, and this whole dynamic complex system won’t have any purpose. No matter what you do, everything stays well. Players will perceive Beasts not as personalities with AI but only as extremely predictable pixels which always provide the same result no matter what you do with them. 

Sumatra_Echo (#32914) wrote:

One would also expect that after playing the game for a while, a player would eventually breed beasts that were genetically superior to their starters, and that it would be more advantageous to build fame and train skills on these new beasts than stick with the starters. This would make the starters obsolete, but again, the game would penalize the player for trying to get rid of them. 

You don’t seek to obtain genetically stronger-faster-smarter Beasts but rather those who do a certain task better and fit your gameplay style. There are a lot of specializations in the game. A pet can’t be good in all of them at once. For example, aggressiveness is useless or even harmful for an artist but important for a fighter while it’s vice versa for sensitivity. 

Your task as a Beastlord is to find your Beast an occupation where it will excel. There won’t be Beasts who are great in everything, but there’s a specialization for everyone.

Sumatra_Echo (#32914) wrote:

I understand your concerns about pets being treated resonsibly, but taking care of real-life pets isn't a game with any ulterior goal beyond simply giving the pet a happy life. (Unless you train them for competitions or something.) In a game, I'd want to have choices and possibilites, and limiting me to a small handful of beasts where new ones were very difficult to obtain and old ones could not be gotten rid of seems very inflexible. 

This is closer to the goals of a collectible game where a player tries to get as large variety of different pets or items as possible instead of managing and developing those that they have. We’re trying to create a game in a different genre, namely creature and society simulation. We plan to provide a lot of choices and possibilities within this genre :) Giving a happy life to your Beasts is one of your primary goals as a Beastlord. You will need to manage the needs of each Beast and plan how to develop its personality and specialization. You will have a possibility to get more Beasts if you decide to play more and cover more specializations within your manor. Beasts are supposed to resemble live creatures, just not domestic ones who depend on their owner completely. They are intelligent and more or less autonomous beings.

  • Marans
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Posted at 2017-06-18 18:50:15 — Link

A few more questions, probably not relevant to the game (sorry) but I just like the lore. :)

- How do people become Beastlords, and when one dies/moves away/decides to give up their title, who takes control of the manor?

- For humans who are not Beastlords, do they still have involvement with beasts? Are they allowed to invite a Lordless beast to live with them? Or do beasts simply not respect non-Lords and will refuse any kind of order/offer from them?

- If beasts and humans are legally equal, and humans respect beasts' high intelligence... has a beast ever been appointed as a Humanlord? That is, having authority over their own human army, research lab, sport team, or being the guardian of a human family.

Also just curious, do people ride cockatrices or gryphons? - well, anything else other than unicorns, really. I guess a fleet of rocs could act as an airline service...

  • arete
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Posted at 2017-06-18 19:53:48 — Link

I want to ride a gryphon! I'll name it Goldie the Magnificent and feed it on the appendices of my enemies...

Seriously, though, this game is starting to sound really interesting :)

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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  • Countryjesusfollower
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Posted at 2017-06-19 04:11:45 — Link

1:when is this coming out?

2:could you mabye add a badger type thing?or a rabbit type thing that would be sick!

3:no clue what i was going to ask.

4:thank you so mutch for creating beastkeaper!

If today was the last day before jesus came back ,how wou!d you live?would you live for him or for yourself?


"Behold i am coming soon,keep safe what you have so you will not be robbed of your victory prize".-BIBLE


If you belive in Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior than tell the world for we are not ashamed!tell about  jesus and leave the rest to him and he WILL do the rest!!


If you open your ears to the holy spirit you will not be able to go one minute without ministering to someone! This world needs a revival!!!!!!so shae the good news! 

  • Poe
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Posted at 2017-06-21 10:16:32 — Link

(This question may not be important, due to the possible (in)difference of gameplay styles, which will depend on what will the game ultimately offer):

Of game reset: A player chooses a style for a game. After a while he may think about a different one either as a replacement or as a complement, but is forced to abolish his present one in order to use a new one regardless.

Possible option - A player keeps his old style and creates another in parallel, progressing in/enjoying both.

Why do you think having one style at the expense of the rest is better than various styles in parallel? (also known as multiaccounting)

  • arete
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Posted at 2017-06-21 16:40:29 — Link

Multiaccounting may be nice. Although abandoning accounts may happen, I think on ponystars I had three due to limits on number of ponies but each account had its own look and feel, so it wasn't just a case of 'too much of a good thing is bad for you'.

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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  • Angel
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Posted at 2017-06-21 16:58:36 — Link

Marans (#53943) wrote:

- How do people become Beastlords, and when one dies/moves away/decides to give up their title, who takes control of the manor?

Usually the Beastlord’s title is inherited. New titles appear when someone gets rich and powerful enough, or as an award for special merits.

Marans (#53943) wrote:

- For humans who are not Beastlords, do they still have involvement with beasts? Are they allowed to invite a Lordless beast to live with them? 

The difference between a Beastlord and common people is mostly in the power and resources they have. They are just richer and have more authority. Common people can live with Beasts as well if they manage to arrange their way of life and households to accommodate a Beast.

Marans (#53943) wrote:

Or do beasts simply not respect non-Lords and will refuse any kind of order/offer from them?

This is a matter of personal preference. Some Beasts prefer to contact only with Beastlords, some don’t look at the titles, others prefer to avoid humans at all.

Marans (#53943) wrote:

- If beasts and humans are legally equal, and humans respect beasts' high intelligence... has a beast ever been appointed as a Humanlord? That is, having authority over their own human army, research lab, sport team, or being the guardian of a human family.

There are no Humanlords. This is another mystery of Europa which players may investigate. Beasts just don’t want to rule humans though they have all the capabilities for that. But in terms of managing a facility, team or band everything is perfect. Beasts run their shops, labs, farms, crafting facilities and so on. Guarding a certain human or a human family is an honorable (and sometimes very profitable) occupation for Beasts as well.

Marans (#53943) wrote:

Also just curious, do people ride cockatrices or gryphons? - well, anything else other than unicorns, really. I guess a fleet of rocs could act as an airline service...

They do! All Beasts are rideable. Well, except those who don’t want to be ridden. Though this is not always the safest and most comfortable way to get somewhere, there’s a lot of people who ride Beasts to save time, show their courage, increase synergy with their Beasts or just entertain the public on shows, festivals and tournaments.

  • Angel
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  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2017-06-21 17:08:22 — Link

Countryjesusfollower (#60646) wrote:

1:when is this coming out?

2:could you mabye add a badger type thing?or a rabbit type thing that would be sick!

3:no clue what i was going to ask.

4:thank you so mutch for creating beastkeaper!

1. The initial date for alpha is late autumn. Though right now we see that even initial functionality may take longer, we're doing our best to create things as fast as possible with our resources.

2. The basic set of Beasts is the same with BeastKeepe. If the project becomes successful, we will add all types of content including new Beast species.

4. Thank you so much for your feedback, we're glad that you like BK! :)

  • Angel
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Posted at 2017-06-21 17:14:57 — Link

Poe (#8618) wrote:

Of game reset: A player chooses a style for a game. After a while he may think about a different one either as a replacement or as a complement, but is forced to abolish his present one in order to use a new one regardless.

Possible option - A player keeps his old style and creates another in parallel, progressing in/enjoying both.

Why do you think having one style at the expense of the rest is better than various styles in parallel? (also known as multiaccounting)

This is a matter of game design. We’re designing a game for a single account per player. All gameplay and mechanics suppose that a player has only one account and doesn’t use additional ones to exploit the game features. At this moment we have a few features that we’re not developing yet because we don’t know yet if we will be able to detect additional accounts well enough. For example, we’re planning to introduce challenges between Beastlords. This mechanic allows a player to challenge another player to find out who is better in a certain field (like whose Beasts are better in sports or who will hunt down more monsters in one week). The winner gets one of the most valuable game resources - fame. Additional accounts will cut such mechanics at the root. A player just sends a challenge to an additional account and doesn’t do anything (kills 1 monster / scores 1 point / gathers 1 item) to get fame for free. 

Multiple accounts can also be used as satellites to develop only the main account. In our case, this is even simpler than in other browser games because deferred tasks are handled by the game itself, and players won’t even need to write their own scripts for botting. This leads to easy management of a few low level accounts to get the same progress which is supposed to be achieved through the development of a single account, and basically will destroy the game balance.

It’s possible to design a game for multiple accounts, but this would be a completely different game with different features and simplified core gameplay which must have nothing that can be exploited this way. Allowing multiaccounting experience means removing the direct gameplay experience by discarding a lot of features and not being able to introduce new ones.

  • arete
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Posted at 2017-06-21 21:16:37 — Link

Ah that makes sense :)

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

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  • eggheart
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Posted at 2017-06-26 17:07:34 — Link

Willl Beast Keeper still be open when BeastEon is in alpha/beta testing? Would you be able to transfer account data into the new game?

  • Angel
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Posted at 2017-06-26 18:52:33 — Link

Yes, BK stays open. No, you won't be able to transfer account data. The gameplay will be changed a lot, so there's basically nothing to transfer.

  • Marans
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Posted at 2017-06-30 02:18:41 — Link

About multi-accounting. The first time an article mentioned beastlords challenging each other (think it was about Authority Points) I assumed it was a transfer from the loser to the winner. Could fame be the same? After all, citizens hearing about Lord X's beasts constantly losing challenges won't be great for his reputation. If he has no fame left, he can't be challenged any more (or won't give any). It wouldn't be seen as an accomplishment for one's beasts to defeat his; he's a total joke and nobody expects much skill from him.

The other option that came to mind was to set a minimum threshold. In a fruit picking challenge, both sides must pick at least 10 fruits, for the winner to get at least 1 fame. If they couldn't pick 10 fruit, that wasn't an effort worth boasting about. "Did you hear about Bob's beasts? They picked three pears yesterday!" ... nope, not newsworthy.

Having to manually spend this small-ish effort on two accounts, at least 100 times to be able to afford one new baby (it was 100 FP, right?), would be very annoying for a multi-accounter.

Just a couple of thoughts. :) Not sure if they are feasable ideas though, I'm clueless about game balance or moderation.

  • Poe
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Posted at 2017-07-11 08:46:13 — Link

Three unrelated questions:

First. Is it (or will it be) possible to join any of the three factions, or are they only meant to function in the background, like a part of the landscape?

Disregarding these three factions, what will be the political system useful for?

Second. What is a significance (or purpose) of so called global events?

Third. Why do you think it is necessary for an end of a time cycle ("eon") to be accompanied with physical changes of the world? What advantages do you see in it?

(I think why this does not happen in real life is exactly because there are no advantages in such a happening.)

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