Winter is here again! Tundra biotope has become available through the portal network. Beastlords value these cold distant islands for the possibility to find hibernating Lykos Eggs, and the luckiest ones can wander upon a Pristine Snowflake and grow their own Etelia.
If this is your first cold season on Europa, please visit these threads:
Learn about Tundra
Learn about Etelias
Blood Etelias

Several generations of Etelias affected by vermillion infusions to speed up the natural growth produced an unexpected result. Some of the newformed Etelias started incorporating liquid vermillion into the structure of their bodies, turning into moving blood rubies. The first adult Blood Etelia caused a panic among the commoners who were lucky enough to witness its ominous beauty. It took some time and efforts to dispel the rumors about "frigid blood-devouring monsters" and "the bloody omen of the forthcoming Apocalypse". The noble Beastlords even had to demonstrate their docile Kami of the Apocalypse who were peacefully resting in their stables and not planning another uprising yet.
Only the purest ice of white Etelias is susceptible to vermillion.
There is a 30% that a Prisitne Snowflake 4th Gen produced by a White Etelia will grow into a Blood Etelia. After the corruption, Blood Etelias produce 100 Vermillion in addition to 2 Pristine Snowflakes.
Tundra direction will be closed on March 4th, 23:59 EET