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  • SuperHappy
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Posted at 2016-01-23 01:15:26 — Link

I am writing an immensly long and complicated text quest. To add onto that, you pick a caracter, so I have to come up with stories for each.

You are fantasy creatures(from BK) with superpowers. I need a list of superpowers, the more you suggest, the more likely you'll find a power you like/the more characters to choose from!

Already Used

Power Absorb(two at a time)


Make inanimate beast-like objects come alive Ex. statues

Weather Manipulation, mostly lightning and extreme winds


Density. When lowered, can walk through walls and such, when increased hardens skin/fur

Sonic Scream

Predict the Future

Create Illusions

Powers to Add

Freeze/Slow Time

Take opponents form




I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

~ Sirius Black

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Important Threads of Mine(Scroll to see all) My BIGGEST most COMPLEX Forum Game yet! Fun RP! KAMI SUGGESTION!!! REALLY fun game I made up! Another REALLY fun game I made up! My imaginary friends ASK MY IMAGINARY FRIENDS!!!! Newest writing, called Diaries of a Cat! Warrior Cat Name Creator Game! My Warrior Cat Name Rater!  Pets for newbies!

  • SunshineSavannah
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Posted at 2016-01-23 01:19:29 — Link


Reading the future 

emotion controlling- can control other's emotions


Current Sales:

Rainbow Jar

GP1 Female Unicorn


  • SunshineSavannah
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Posted at 2016-01-23 01:20:33 — Link

What u already did the future thing whoops

Current Sales:

Rainbow Jar

GP1 Female Unicorn


  • SuperHappy
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Posted at 2016-01-23 01:23:49 — Link

I have accepted Telepathy. Emotion controlling doesn't sound like too great of a superpower, and by using telepathy you can kinda sorta control emotions. Sort of. In a way.


I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

~ Sirius Black

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Important Threads of Mine(Scroll to see all) My BIGGEST most COMPLEX Forum Game yet! Fun RP! KAMI SUGGESTION!!! REALLY fun game I made up! Another REALLY fun game I made up! My imaginary friends ASK MY IMAGINARY FRIENDS!!!! Newest writing, called Diaries of a Cat! Warrior Cat Name Creator Game! My Warrior Cat Name Rater!  Pets for newbies!

  • funlove
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  • Posts: 150

Posted at 2016-01-30 00:21:40 — Link

Stunning- Make things stop for a bit




FREE ITEMS!!!!!!!:

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Goodbye Christmas.       Hello Valentines Day.

  • Rory_Landon
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Posted at 2016-09-11 08:20:51 — Link

Travel through pictures

Bring things to life

To live would be an awfully big adventure - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)

 You're mad, bonkers, off your head! But I'll tell you a secret: all the best people are. - Alice Kingsley (Alice in Wonderland)

Come with me where dreams are born and time is never planned. Just think of happy things and your heart will fly on wings, in Never Never Land - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)

It hurt because it mattered - John Green

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back - Unknown

  • Mythz
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Posted at 2016-09-11 23:44:42 — Link

Can transform shape.(for instance, a unicorn turning into a lykos or something)

Hydrokinetic(ability to control water)

Pyrokinetic(ability to control flames)

Inflictor(ability to inflict pain, anger, happiness, sadness ect; into others)


 Stop animal Abuse!! And scroll down for cute GIF's!Image result for cute animated cat gifsImage result for cute animal gifsImage result for cute animal gifsImage result for cute animal gifsImage result for cute gifs

Image result for cute anime dog gifsImage result for cute anime dog gifsImage result for cute animated cat gifs

Image result for tiger gifs

  • AngelDog
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Posted at 2021-05-19 20:56:22 — Link

What about a sort of bullet-time battle-power thing? Where if you're in danger, even if you don't know it right then, time slows down, like, a lot, and you could react and do things Matrix style! You could also be able to see the paths things would trace in the air: the trajectory of a person's swing would be drawn out, and you could dodge it. When in bullet-time, you could also see where to best hurt people, you know, old injuries that flare up sometimes, pressure points, how to break one of their bones with a single hit, how to use their own momentum against them; each of them would light up in a different way. This can be applied to any creature.

I call it . . . COUNTERSIGHT.

Here is a list of things I need, if anyone is feeling charitable-
Wood, Clay, Cotton, Lazulite, and of course, Vermillion is always good.

70% of the world thinks warrior cats is stupid. 25% say who cares. Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hardcover warrior cat book and slap the other people saying, "Starclan is out for revenge!" 

  • cornihorse
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Posted at 2021-12-20 22:28:39 — Link

mind manipulation 

able to control anyone/anything's mind


time travel

able to travel to past or future


unbreakable (a favorite of mine)

basically invinsible, cannot feel pain


plant control (a favorite of mine)

able to attack others or help others by moving plants

I'm not like normal girls.........I'm not even a girl...........I'M A HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RIP woodie u were awesome and i will miss u

Other games I can be found on!

Horse Reality - Horsayay

Noble Horse - Sxauti

  • chcolate
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Posted at 2021-12-21 04:05:02 — Link

Fire/Ice/Water/Air/Lightning/Earth powers

Shape shifting

Enhanced beauty

Mental shield ( So no one can read your mind or hurt you)


Immortal ( Not really a power though)

The power to be able to control your age, like you can age when you want to and you can stop and become a child again.

Venomous fangs

Can make people obey you blindly

Pain illusion ( You can make others feel pain without them knowing how they hurt themselves)

Able to communicate with everything ( You don't have to learn any language, you just know it and you can speack to animals and bugs, etc.)

Force wielding ( Very rare. This power allows you to move, push and do other things to objects or living things through an invisible force. And you don't have to touch it either, you just use your mind. Got that from Twilight Saga, vampire superpowers, lots of these are from there.)

Able to make things multiply with your mind.

Tracking sense ( Easier to hunt prey and stuff)

Lie detection

Magic mirror ( Like the kind some unicorns can do, can copy your opponents power/magic if you don't have it)

Danger sensory

Be Happy!

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
– Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


where to stream harry potter

Always in need of expand stable scrolls. Will pay a good amount of silver for it. Potions are also needed, just PM me and we can negotiate the price. Also looking for leather.


  • Seawing4evs
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Posted at 2022-01-30 13:35:38 — Link

Can make people obey you blindly




Can read minds 


Can tell the future though visions and prophesie 


Can enchant all objects and animals 



So I'm crazed about dragons and water there for seawings are to me almighty Gods and goddesses so that explains my profile image and username coz I literally think there real and quite literally worship them like I'm gonna have a personal room in the club house mums building for me and my sibs it's supposed to be my anger management room but I'm gonna paint the walls and turn it into a shrine for seawings and personally I think water powers or even just being a seawing would be the best Super Power. SEAWING4EVS!!!




The seawings anthom.


Seawings oh seawings with scales green and blue.

Seawings oh seawings with scales pink and purple.

Seawings oh seawings with talons webed and sharp.

Seawings oh seawings with tails strong and large.

We live in seas or deepest blue.

Isolated from the contanent.

Delagated to protecting our queen.

But we're never really that content.

We are a proud old tribe of whale munchers.

But we really love our lunches.

A break with cake.

Or a salmon pie or two.

Seawings oh seawings I worship you.

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