Posted at 2015-11-08 02:35:00 — Link
I am looking to get into the battlefield and am in the market for several good pet's to help me out. I am willing to trade in various items (PM for what I have at the time as it can vary) or paying in Silver.
GP (Will consider others if the below is met)
No DG (may consider DG1 if all other's are met)
Special Abilities or good set of Gene's
Unnamed Prefered will consider named
All breedings remaning (will consider those with a few used)
No Negative's (negative recesives can be considered)
I want a pair I can breed down the line (so will need to be unreleated). My preference is going to be for something NON-Unicorn (nothing against unicorns, but I do have several good ones already and am looking for some variety in my species).
I honestly could care less about looks, I want a good set of functional pets.
Please PM me if you are interested and I can take a look at what you have and we can work out the price there.
(removed pumpkin's from list of trades as event is almost over and I may or may not have more outside of pending offers)