Posted at 2015-12-22 01:56:08 — Link
Ah, but there's a l00ph0le~ Yes, the 0ther r0leplayers decide f0r themselves, but the characters that have yet t0 be created, 0r have n0t yet been played, are up t0 the imaginati0n! But, fair p0int, friend! Y0ur rp, y0ur rules~ I d0n't mind y0u tweaking her descripti0n a little, dear.
I'm 0kay with a l0t 0f things n0w.
~Aradia Megido
It's hard, Kan. It's hard, bein a kid and growwin up, and nobody understands.
~Eridan Ampora
Sometimes, the future is irrelevant. All that matters is now, and whether or not you decide that it should.
~ Anonymous