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  • playerxyz
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Posted at 2013-09-22 23:43:44 — Link

@hiphop: go to "trades", there you'll find all "stores" players could be talking about: the site shop ("state store"), the premium shop and last not least the item trades

I shot the thread but I didn't shoot the TO

  • drak
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Posted at 2013-09-24 14:42:22 — Link

I thought that energy amount needed for different actions (quests, crafting, breeding etc.) could be added to FAQ.

After playing for some time you know it by heart but I myself kept forgeting if you needed 5 or 10 for quests and crafting so it could be useful for newer players to have it listed in one place (or maybe on the actions' respective pages).

I killed the thread.

  • Angel
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Posted at 2013-09-24 19:29:35 — Link

drak, thank you, I added the list with energy expenses to FAQ.

  • hiphop1234
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Posted at 2013-09-24 21:23:23 — Link


So i just got tamed a Cockatrice, and it's coloured brown. When i looked at the List Of Genes tab it didn't show that there are brown Cockatrices. Why?


Looking for:

 Lineage,abbilities and genes NOT immportant.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

If a kid was beating a dog with a bat, 49% would stop and stare, and 50% would walk away. I am the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid. Copy and paste this if you are part of that 1% too.

92% of the girls would cry if Justin Bieber fell off a cliff and died. 7% of the girls would scream and jump off the cliff after him. 1% of the girls would have been the ones who pushed him off the cliff. Put this on your signature if you were the 1% that pushed him off.

  • drak
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Posted at 2013-09-24 22:12:22 — Link

hiphop1234, you should look at the List of Skins instead. Every visible colour is an effect of two genes: colour (A) and pattern (B). You will see that the colour Brown is an effect of Orange colour gene and Diluted pattern gene (so technically brown is just diluted orange).

How genetics work is briefly explained in FAQ.


(I'm a little uncertain as of how this thread should work. Should we answer the questions if we know the answers? Or should we wait for Angel to answer them as the first post suggests that questions are directed at her? *confused*)

I killed the thread.

  • Kara0715
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Posted at 2013-11-02 07:50:03 — Link

Is there a shop to sale stuff to or only to other players?

  • Campestra
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Posted at 2013-11-13 18:58:40 — Link

What if I am overloaded with pets and one of my females gives birth ?


I got Death and Pestilence Verl help me with the white guy here  

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2013-11-22 03:28:59 — Link

Your pet total includes all unborn babies. If your female is pregnant her offspring will be included in the count. You cannot go over your maximum amount of pets.

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • AuroraLights
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Posted at 2013-12-01 13:18:59 — Link

What places can you get money from? I'm running really low and I can't earn enough to do gene tests.

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2013-12-19 05:11:53 — Link

AuroraLights: This is a pretty good guide on making money:

Also do you mean just money or vermillion too? Because you need vermillion to uncover genetics.


Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • HermionexDawn
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Posted at 2013-12-30 09:50:55 — Link

How come I can post on an iPhone but not my Nook? (If you answer these questions.)


  • pipsqueak99
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Posted at 2014-01-05 22:50:08 — Link

How can I get more pets?


For this one, I would suggest adding all ways that you can get pets (breeding, capture, sales, pound).

  • Windkit
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Posted at 2014-01-06 23:04:07 — Link

I have a couple of quick questions.


1) I upgraded my stable with one of the premium blueprints but am now in the process of upgrading my stable again with the stable blueprints lvl 2. At the end of the process will I have 50 stable spaces or 60? In other words, was using the premium scroll a waste? Answered as my stable finished and I had 60 spots. Woot!

2)Is there any way to see who was the original breeder of my pets? (Doesn't really matter but I was curious plus I would like credit for the creation of my own little darlings.)

3)Is there anyway to increase the speed of crafting projects?

4)Does the forum allow for pinging of other users? For example, I get an answer to my questions will I get an alert to the answer even if I am not subscribed to the topic?

Will post more questions as I think of them.

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-01-07 03:41:25 — Link

@ HermionexDawn = I think it has to do with the capabilities of the device. My ipod and my sister's ipad work just find on here and can do pretty much everything. My windows 8 phone however makes weird posts to the forum and cannot run many of the things on BK- like I can't load any of the drop down menues, tactic battle and island explore. BK isn't the only site this happens on. So it isn't the site. It's the capabilities of hte device you are using. I don't believe nook's are really geared for web browsing yet.... Not sure too much about them.


2) Not really unfortunantly. I mean you can see the current owner of their parents. And you can see the creator of any custom skin designs. Perhaps this may be a feature in the future? You should post it in suggestions.

3) Nope :(

4) You can't Ping on here. This would be a fantastic setting though, and I'm seeing more and more use for it. I find it very useful on other sites. We should put something in the suggestions. In the present I either subscribe to the post or I ask people to PM me if it is a wanted or sales ad.


Feel free to PM me with questions!

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • WildOracle
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  • Posts: 12

Posted at 2014-01-18 04:30:00 — Link

I adopted a unicorn from the pound named good genes and I cannot seem to find the rename for her... I do very much wish to change that name XD Why can I not change her name?


Nevermind lol I just found the thing about amnesia potions

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