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  • Peace123
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  • Posts: 505

Posted at 2013-08-06 02:20:08 — Link

Idk if this hands been posted yet, but do pets die? If so, at what age or do they die because they are not taken care of?

"Most friends come and go. Some friends leave when your life gets too tough. And others come when your life is at it's best. But it's those friends who come in the middle of your life, and stay at both your highs and lows, that are the truest of friends."

Tori River

  • Aelisk
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Posted at 2013-08-06 03:15:45 — Link

@Peace123 - They don't die.

Rocs: Garuda: Wing and Strike
Cockatrices: Hydralisk
Throdamas: Swarm

Lykos: Fenrir
Symurghs: Primavera
Dragons: Python


Recent progress: Project Perfect

  • Peace123
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  • Posts: 505

Posted at 2013-08-06 03:20:14 — Link

Oh okay!

"Most friends come and go. Some friends leave when your life gets too tough. And others come when your life is at it's best. But it's those friends who come in the middle of your life, and stay at both your highs and lows, that are the truest of friends."

Tori River

  • MissShadowHunter
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  • Posts: 133

Posted at 2013-08-30 04:31:09 — Link

Quick question! Are pets supposed to lose energy when you fight Battles in manual mode against auto pets?
And do auto pets lose an energy point whe they lose?


  • NightbaneWolf
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Posted at 2013-09-14 16:38:55 — Link

Question, will the Symurghs always be obtained through the portal but no where else? or is this just because its a new specieis introduced?


Psst hey, i'm hosting an art contest where you can win a Premium Membership from


  • playerxyz
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Posted at 2013-09-15 13:04:00 — Link

Do levels influence the child's stats (aside of the GP)?




(I was missing this general breeding information in the FAQ. The question is referring to whether a relation between the parents' levels and the child's stats exists, meaning: is there a difference between the result of a breeding of, say, level 10 parents in comparison to level 20 parents? With the help of a player I got the answer now (which is no: according to this players information, there is no difference in the child's stats regardless if you breed the parents on level 10 or 20, it's only reaching level 50 that counts and it influences only the GP, but I thought probably I am not the only newbie having this question and the answer could be implemented in the FAQ)

I shot the thread but I didn't shoot the TO

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
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Posted at 2013-09-15 13:40:30 — Link

playerxyz, thank you, I added this question to FAQ.

  • DemonChild
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Posted at 2013-09-16 21:30:06 — Link

How are we supposed to be able to use skins? Do we need to buy something or gain some kind of special item? Or are there no free skins to use?
EDIT: This applies to custom skins, obviously. 

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-09-16 21:47:51 — Link

DemonChild, this question is already in FAQ, please check Custom Skins section.

  • hiphop1234
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  • Posts: 38

Posted at 2013-09-20 16:35:11 — Link



You don't have to control the battle manually all the time. You can set Autobattle values and pet will use moves with the rate that you've told him. This is very useful to save the time. Even more, except accepting the challenges in this way, you can put an application for battle in Autobattle mode. In this case pet will fight with opponents until he's out of energy even you're offline. The only minus here is that you can't place a bid when using Autobattle (except private challenges when you want to fight with a specific pet).

The other nuance is that your pets can't just roam without their keeper, it's prohibited. You need special credentials from King which proves your skills as a Beastlord and guarantees that your pets will behave properly. These credentials give you a number of privileges including permission for Autobattle.

Your opponent is a female and like all females she surely likes to bite.

Task: Change Autobattle Settings to 1 Bite, 3 Blow and 5 Rush to make the best of the next fight.

hi. so i just got to this part of the tutorial. What do i have to do?

Looking for:

 Lineage,abbilities and genes NOT immportant.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

If a kid was beating a dog with a bat, 49% would stop and stare, and 50% would walk away. I am the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid. Copy and paste this if you are part of that 1% too.

92% of the girls would cry if Justin Bieber fell off a cliff and died. 7% of the girls would scream and jump off the cliff after him. 1% of the girls would have been the ones who pushed him off the cliff. Put this on your signature if you were the 1% that pushed him off.

  • Nightingale
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  • Posts: 2,929

Posted at 2013-09-20 22:09:40 — Link

*Pokes your thread* :) If you have any more questions I'm usually around and you can PM me :)

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • hiphop1234
  • User
  • Posts: 38

Posted at 2013-09-21 12:20:21 — Link


Another question- Is there any other way to earn coins then selling pets/items or earning them when entering the portal?

Looking for:

 Lineage,abbilities and genes NOT immportant.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

If a kid was beating a dog with a bat, 49% would stop and stare, and 50% would walk away. I am the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid. Copy and paste this if you are part of that 1% too.

92% of the girls would cry if Justin Bieber fell off a cliff and died. 7% of the girls would scream and jump off the cliff after him. 1% of the girls would have been the ones who pushed him off the cliff. Put this on your signature if you were the 1% that pushed him off.

  • Galerane
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  • Posts: 123

Posted at 2013-09-21 17:25:07 — Link

I have been confused by some of the abbreviations people use.  ie...what is GP?  Is this for Gene Pool or something else?  Is there somewhere I can find a list of abbreviations people use in the game?

  • drak
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  • Posts: 102

Posted at 2013-09-21 19:15:29 — Link

hiphop1234, it's covered in this thread. (but yeah, maybe it could be mentioned in FAQ as well to make life easier for newbies, dunno ;))

Galerane, GP is Genetic Power (it's a pet characteristic - you can find it on pets' pages). More info about it in FAQ.

I don't know about any abbreviations glossary (though I think we could make one if there's more ;)) Are there any other you found confusing?

I killed the thread.

  • hiphop1234
  • User
  • Posts: 38

Posted at 2013-09-22 19:29:44 — Link

Is there a way to know when the next energy point will be restored?

You go to a pet's page,and in the bar that tells you how much energy you pet has (green bar) it also says "+1 at ______" and instead of a line is the time and at that time your pet gets +1 energy point

Also how do I know how long it will be until I can send out another expedition?

At the top of the "Capture a wild pet" page it says "Month of ____" and next to it "Next week will start in ____". After the time (in this case ___) runs out,the next week will start and you can prepare and send a new expedition.


Now my question:

Where is this "store"  hear players talk about. I can't find it anywhere...



Looking for:

 Lineage,abbilities and genes NOT immportant.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

If a kid was beating a dog with a bat, 49% would stop and stare, and 50% would walk away. I am the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid. Copy and paste this if you are part of that 1% too.

92% of the girls would cry if Justin Bieber fell off a cliff and died. 7% of the girls would scream and jump off the cliff after him. 1% of the girls would have been the ones who pushed him off the cliff. Put this on your signature if you were the 1% that pushed him off.

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