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  • sosochan
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Posted at 2014-06-09 20:31:43 — Link

RulerOfTheElves yes your pet's color is Barn owl and as sandia & Lytala said The babies do not show their final color until they grow up but you can see the colors here your pet's color is :

hope I could help =)

  • RulerOfTheElves
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Posted at 2014-06-11 19:07:35 — Link

Thank you everyone. He grew up with his proper coloration. And thanks, @Lytala. I was not aware that hatchling coloration worked like that.

  • Mystrea
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Posted at 2014-06-18 18:31:29 — Link

This may seem obvious to everyone else, but how do I change my avatar? I see others hav them and can't figure out how to put mine up.


Thanks for the help Sos... fixed :)


  • sosochan
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Posted at 2014-06-18 19:09:40 — Link

Mystrea || choose my account from my account tab at the top of the page

you will find a place called avater click browse and choose your avatar

and then click save preferences at the end of the page


  • RulerOfTheElves
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Posted at 2014-06-28 00:09:44 — Link

How do I attack another squad on the battlefield? The buttons at the bottom don't seem to be doing anything. I did it yesterday, but can't seem to remember how. (Yes, I have a squad, and yes it has full energy.)

  • Binweevilpuma1
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Posted at 2014-06-29 12:59:49 — Link

why is there a tourial?

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-06-30 04:48:49 — Link

@ RulerOfTheElves- are you on the battlefield? You have to enter from the edges. When you have full energy you click on an occupied space near you (has a flag). When it is clicked yellow dotted lines appear around it. Then click the crossed swords button to initiate an attack. If you continue to have questions PM me with a screenshot and I can explain it better. 

@Binweevilpuma1- Do you mean the Tutorial? It is there to help integrate newbies into BeastKeeper's game play. By having a tutorial we can have new people start off with a "leg-up". They gain some knowledge and a few pets. This ensures that the players entering the game have experience. Quite a few sites do this- Sylestia among them. ^^ 

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • JadeRain
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Posted at 2014-07-15 00:36:32 — Link

I just saw this thread after I'd made my own thread on Throdama Pheramones. I thought it might be helpful for others who may not know or have forgotten. :P

When you are using Throdamas to explore and things and they start producing pheramones, what happens when you meet the requirement for one of the pheramones? Can you keep using that Throdama to until it meets all the requirements and then choose from one when you breed it or does it stop once you've met one of the requirements?

Dragons and Unicorns are my favorites. But I wont say no to any of the others.

My dream Unicorn is a White Appaloosa and a Black Cream aka Silver with a Diamond Horn, Acute Eyesight, Quickmind (for a male fighter) or Genealogist (for a female/male breeder), Agile Paws, Massive hooves, Steel Bones (male fighter) or Light bones (female), Steel Muscles (male) or Gracefulness (female), Regeneration, and Fragrance (Male) or Thick Skin (female).

I am very attached to my pets. I may or may not sell, so if you want one, theres no harm in asking. If I wont sell you a pet, I will allow you to breed with them.


  • Mystrea
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Posted at 2014-07-17 21:50:09 — Link

I know this is probably answered somewhere and I've missed it OR, it's obvious to everyone but me (obvious is NOT my forte).

What are the categories that each catcher can catch?

Mammal - Unicorns, Pumas

Reptile - Dragons

Birds - Rocs


Where do Cockatrice and Gryphon fall? I would ASSUME both fall under bird, but I am clueless.

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-07-17 23:28:24 — Link

Cockatrices are Reptiles, and Gryphons are birds. That makes two for each catergory :)

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Loki110
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Posted at 2014-07-22 20:07:44 — Link

Is there a possibility to see the number of a pet that isn't yours? I'm trying to create a database with the ancestors of my pets to avoid inbreeding, but there are quite a few nameless ones among them, so it gets a little confusing...

I do it all because I'm evil

  • Timain
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Posted at 2014-07-22 23:16:03 — Link

Sure, in the addressbar it says the number of each pet, if you click on its name and go to its profile. Even if a pet has ended up in the Pound or the SPSB and you can't see its profile, it will still say its ID in the adressbar. Ex. is your Roc. When you check the profile page of this pet, it will show you the exact same ID as me. 

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, if so, sorry xD

  • Loki110
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Posted at 2014-07-23 02:29:21 — Link

nope, that was exactly it. thaks for explaining.

I do it all because I'm evil

  • daisy2944
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Posted at 2014-08-08 05:59:46 — Link

How do I get a Kami?

  • Timain
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Posted at 2014-08-08 10:32:54 — Link

You can't anymore - feel free to read the section in my Timain's Extensive New Player Guide about them:

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