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  • daisy2944
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Posted at 2014-08-08 19:47:24 — Link

Why can I only bid twice? Every time I bid twice it won't let me bid a third time?!? Is that a glitch or is it a limitation on bidding?

  • SkullCandy808
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Posted at 2014-10-09 17:49:46 — Link

Im wondering how I can pup my own title son my pets?
Do I have to buy them with gold coins? 

  • Timain
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Posted at 2014-10-10 14:24:42 — Link

If you click on the Pets menu tab and look at your stable, you will notice the link "Manage my titles" in the top right corner. Click that to add or edit your titles. Once you have added at least one title, you will be able to give this to your pets. You do this by going to one pet's profile. Hover over the area where it says "No title" (underneath its name). A little symbol will appear (looks like a little notepad). If you click that, you can select the title you want to use from a dropdown menu.

  • juney
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Posted at 2014-10-24 11:12:42 — Link


hey there, i have a question!

i can breed all my females, except this unicorn:

why is this?

and also, im on tablet, and i cant seem to click any or the (?) things...

  • Timain
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Posted at 2014-10-24 15:14:03 — Link

Most likely your female has reached her maximum breedings. To know for sure, you would have to research her Muscle genes. Right now it says 20/unknown Breedings, once you know the dominant muscle gene, the "unknown" will change to a number (considering your problem, it's most likely 20). To increase this number of breedings, you need to get more Strength.  To see how this works, please check out the guide I wrote here Timain's Extensive New Player Guide, just scroll down a little until you reach "Feeding Pets and Pet Stats"

As for the (?) - these show info if you hover over them with the mouse. Since you can't hover on a tablet, I assume that's why. I don't know if there is a workaround, maybe someone else who plays from a tablet would know more about this. 

  • juney
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Posted at 2014-10-25 19:38:37 — Link

How can i expend my spaces for animals..? also i dont understand a single thing of training my animals... :c

  • Timain
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Posted at 2014-10-26 09:43:35 — Link

1, You need to build a bigger stable. First of all, you need to buy or find a blueprint for this, "Blueprint: Stable (lvl 2)" is the one you want for now. You can find these while exploring islands, although the chances that you get exactly that one blueprint aren't all that great. The other option is to buy them from other players in the Item Trades or to check in the Contests and Giveaways forums to see if anyone is giving one away. 

You COULD theoretically buy it also in the State Store, but I would not advise you to do that. State Store is terribly overpriced. You wouldn't pay this much from other players.

Once you have the blueprint, you need to learn it by going to your Inventory, clicking on it and selecting "Use" in the dropdown menu. After this, you can head to your Craft & Construction menu, and once you have all the required materials and a pet to craft it with, click on the stable in the list, select the pet and hit "Make". Four hours later, your bigger stable will be ready to house new pets. 

To see in advance, which materials you will need, you can head to Help -> List of Recipes. This is a list that shows you any and all buildings and items that you can craft and what is required to build them.


2. To "train" animals, you need to build a Riding Hall. You do this exactly the same way as with the Stable. Once you have the first level of the Ridinghall, you can select Train on any pet that's under level 10 and for a small fee, the pet will be raised by one level. This takes four hours and during this time the pet will not regenerate Energy and you will not be able to use it for anything.

I highly recommend you level your pets by exploring islands instead though - while the Ridinghall is a very useful building, the cost for training adds up quickly and to train pets past level 10, you would first have to upgrade the building to higher levels, which requires a lot of materials. Plus training the high levels gets very expensive - it costs 8 silver per experience needed to the next level. So just to give you an example, a level 42 pet needs 420 exp to reach 43. This means the cost to train it would be 3360 silver (420 exp x 8 s = 3360 s). 

  • lurhstaap
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Posted at 2014-11-29 11:33:48 — Link

Where are Hops found? I need them to make a golem.

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-11-29 19:48:03 — Link

You can find them exploring on the islands. I know the grassland has them. They look like a brown sack with green coming out of it.

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Veracity
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Posted at 2014-11-30 01:44:54 — Link

i think ive missed it somewhere in here but what is heritage? what is it  in general? whats it mean or do?

 as i have a unicorn with 1 heritage star and no clue what it means.

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-12-24 22:03:40 — Link

I apologize for not getting to you! I've been very busy lately and have only been able to access the site from my phone! 


Anyway... The little stars you are seeing show the pets heritage. The green stars mean Genetic Power, and the red stars mean Degeneration (Inbreeding). They are explained in the FAQ, but I shall put them here: 


  1. What is Genetic Power? How can I get it for my pets?
    Genetic Power is a bonus which child will get if the parents were properly trained before conceiving a baby.

    Genetic Power gives +10 bonus to each characteristic for each Grade (in total +60 characteristics bonus for each Grade). The other profit from Genetic Power are access to temples which give you items for free if you qualify for their Genetic Power requirements, and the ability to fulfill the most high-paid quests.

    The rules of acquiring Genetic Power:
    1. If both of the parents have level 50, their child will get +1 Genetic Power.
      If one of the parents is level 50 and the other is not, the child will get +1 Genetic Power if it has 7 or more dominant genes from the level 50 parent.
    2. If both of the parents has similar grade of Genetic Power, the child will get this grade and +1 grade if one or both parents have maximum level (according to the first rule).
    3. If parents have a difference of 1 grade of Genetic Power, the child will get the higher grade if it has inherited 7 or more dominant genes from the parent with higher grade. Genetic Power through level can be only acquired but not inherited in this case, thus the levels of parents do not play any role here and do not affect the Genetic Power grade of the child until they are both Lvl 50.
    4. If parents has a difference of 2 or more grades of Genetic Power, the child won't get Genetic Power grade for parents' genes, it can get only 1 Grade for parents' levels.
    5. Breeding a level 50 pet with no Genetic Power and level < 50 pet with Genetic Power Grade 1 will always result in a baby with Genetic Power Grade 1.

    Some examples to illustrate these rules:
    1. Lvl 50 pet GP grade 2 x Lvl 50 pet = Child GP Grade 1
    2. Lvl 50 pet GP grade 1 x Lvl 50 pet = Child GP Grade 2 (if there are 7 or more dominant genes from parent with Grade 1) or Grade 1 (if there are less than 7 dominant genes from parent with Grade 1)
    3. Lvl 50 pet GP Grade 2 x Lvl 50 pet GP Grade 1 = Child GP Grade 2


    Degen is described here: 


    1. How to avoid Degeneration?

      A child gets a Degeneration grade when it is inbred. This means that its parents are relatives within 3 generations. This will result in getting negative genes which parents do not have and the increase of the genetic power of negative genes which they have already. Degeneration grade can't be removed from the pet which already has it but you can decrease or remove it for the future offsprings of this pet by choosing the second parent wisely.

      Degeneration always increases or decreases by one grade (except the case of normal breeding and no Degeneration in parents). If the parents aren't close relatives, the Degeneration grade of their child will decrease by 1. If the parents are relatives within 3 generations, the Degeneration grade of their child will increase by 1, the base will be the highest Degeneration grade of the parents.


      If you have questions that still need clarifying, please feel free to ask!

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Veracity
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Posted at 2014-12-29 06:15:32 — Link

thank you ^.^ and its ok we all get busy at times 

  • Otias
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Posted at 2015-01-06 16:42:56 — Link

I might have missed it or maybe im in the wrong place but I can't figure out how to make a bid or buy out in the pet trades. Am I missing something simple?


  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2015-01-06 18:18:41 — Link

@Otias. If you have completed the tutorial, and have enough money, and space in your stable (very important, you wont be able to buy a pet without space!) you should be able to bid.

When you are viewing the list of for sale pets, click on the pets name to view the lot. At the bottom of that page (it will show the pet's info) there is an area to type in a bid, autobuy, and receive notifications.

Please let me know if you have more questions or need more help ^^

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Otias
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Posted at 2015-01-07 01:00:46 — Link

Thank you :)


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