Posted at 2013-03-25 16:58:53 — Link
There's 36 pets in the pound right now. 36. That's not good. That's more than twice as many pets as I own. Many of them are white unicorns. We need a way to control overpopulation, especially as the site gets bigger and bigger. Here are some suggestions I'm throwing out, feel free to add your own.
- Longer pregnancy times. I'd like to see pregnancy take 2 days, maybe more.
- Only 3 gene combinations to make white unicorns- perhaps Grey and Cream could have a pale gray mane.
- A release feature with rewards for releasing- perhaps one of the weekly charts could be "most pets released" Releasing would be free, and permanently delete a pet. Even if there were no rewards for releasing, I would pay people with my own money for every pet they released.
- Wild pets are harder to catch- instead of 3 pets on the grid at a time, 2. What's the point of buying a pet for 600 silver when you can catch one for about 400?
I call Vermillion "Vermi"
I occasionally use an IPad- please excuse spellcheck.