Posted at 2015-12-17 20:43:48 — Link
I've noticed that in the breeding search feature, all the genes for a trait are lumped together for all species if you haven't selected the radio button for species. Since all the other species are already filtered out, it makes a useless extra step every time you try to search for specific genes.
This is more of an annoyance than a problem for everything except the skin color/pattern genes. For those genes, there are multiple listings for the same color and if you pick "gray" from the dragon list when you are trying to breed a puma (for example), the search comes back with no entries, even though there are tons of pumas up for breeding with a gray skin color gene.
My suggestion is that the species selection should be imposed by the breeding search, so that the radio button for the species is selected by default, making the gene search a lot easier to handle. Thoughts?
I often have some good pets in my Pound/Giveaways tab. Feel free to ask for one of them.