Posted at 2015-11-07 00:23:44 — Link
Hi everyone!
So, I'm pretty new to the game, but my second baby pet ever (technicially my first one after the one the Tutorial makes you do, lol) grew up today, and out of curiosity, I revealed her genes, and was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I thought to myself, 'wow! She came out really well! I wonder what I should look for in a mate for her?'
I thought about posting a thread on here asking people what they thought I should look for in a mate--suggestions, you see--but then it occurred to me--I'd probably get a lot of different answers!!!
So, my question to you: what entails the perfect pet? Is it a particular set of genetics? A particular color or pattern combination? Something else? I understand that your perfect pet might be different for each species even. So--share what you breed for, or what you look for in a pet. :)