Posted at 2015-06-12 05:43:00 — Link
I have decided to go through my pets and seperate the ones I do not pay attention to or don't use. Many of them are LvL 50, have genetic power and custom skin.
I do not want to sell them unless I must, and I am not in a rush to get rid of them. I want to trade them for good quality pets. If I really like the pet you offer I will trade several of my pets for it.
I am picky about who I accept into my stables. They need to have Genetic Power, lots of good genes, and no negative ones. All species besides Symurghs, I have plently of those.
The pet/s you offer in the trade can be sterile. I am just looking to add some really nice pets to my stables, not breed them. If you never want it to breed then it should be sterilized as I may be having new breeding projects in the future.
The pets for trade are in the tab called Flea Market.
They are now being placed into the auctions because I am wanting some more space for breeding projects.
Send me a letter about your trade for a quick responce. Don't be afraid to offer a trade.