Posted at 2014-11-11 22:17:39 — Link
"Salvete and welcome to Monues's Skin Market," An old brooding man speaks with a rattling voice as you enter the shop. His piercing eyes and uneartly charcoal skin puts you at unease the moment you set eyes on him. He continues, "There are skins here for every desire, from attractive to appaulling. You are sure to find one that you can not do without".
News and updates can be found in posts directly below this one.
Questions and Answers
How do you price your skins?
As of January 2018, new skins are first priced at silver. When they reach signifigant uses they change to cost one gold. Base manipulations are always silver no matter how many uses.
Reasoning is I want my custom lined skins to remain rare, and special to those who use them. I don't want a skin to be on so many pets that your pet with the skin no longer feels unique. If the pet is special enough to get a skin then the skin should be special too.
Do you take commisions?
Not anymore.
How many skins do you have? Do you plan to make more?
Over a hundred and fifty right now. And of course I plan to make more skins, motivation and time granting.
What program do you use?
An older version of GIMP, and a trusty mouse.
To find my skins in the skin list library, the keyword "monues" will bring most of them up.
The skins displayed below are in scroll boxes, don't miss out on what's hiding below the first row!
Puma Skins

Roc Skins

Symurgh and Throdama Skins

Unicorn Skins

Cockatrice Skins

Gryphon Skins

Dragon Skins

Lykos Skins
