Boards < General < Creative < (3/22/2020) Monues's Skins and Apparel


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  • Monues
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Posted at 2014-11-11 22:17:39 — Link

"Salvete and welcome to Monues's Skin Market," An old brooding man speaks with a rattling voice as you enter the shop. His piercing eyes and uneartly charcoal skin puts you at unease the moment you set eyes on him. He continues, "There are skins here for every desire, from attractive to appaulling. You are sure to find one that you can not do without".


News and updates can be found in posts directly below this one.

Questions and Answers

 How do you price your skins?

As of January 2018, new skins are first priced at silver. When they reach signifigant uses they change to cost one gold. Base manipulations are always silver no matter how many uses.  

Reasoning is I want my custom lined skins to remain rare, and special to those who use them. I don't want a skin to be on so many pets that your pet with the skin no longer feels unique. If the pet is special enough to get a skin then the skin should be special too.

 Do you take commisions?
Not anymore.

How many skins do you have? Do you plan to make more?
Over a hundred and fifty right now. And of course I plan to make more skins, motivation and time granting.

What program do you use?
An older version of GIMP, and a trusty mouse.

To find my skins in the skin list library, the keyword "monues" will bring most of them up.

The skins displayed below are in scroll boxes, don't miss out on what's hiding below the first row!

Puma Skins


Roc Skins


Symurgh and Throdama Skins

Unicorn Skins


Cockatrice Skins


Gryphon Skins


Dragon Skins



Lykos Skins



Mossy Gully Western Bridle Western Saddle Leather Saddle Bag Turquoise Western Pad Red Western Pad Blue Saddle Pad Red Saddle Pad White Saddle Pad Green Saddle Pad Massive Hooves Fragrance Magic Mirror Massive Beak Diamond Horn Pinto Hippogrpyh Rump Pinto Hippogryph Rump II Zebra Hippogryph Rump Black Hippogryph Rump White Hippogryph Rump Bay Hippogryph Rump

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  • Monues
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Posted at 2014-11-13 03:04:23 — Link

News and updates

Currently working on...

Apparels and backgrounds and whatnot


Mermaid Tail for Unicorn (in progress)

Halloween Decor
(pumpkins, masks, skulls, brooms, webs + spiders, arched hissing cat)

Christmas Decor
(tree base, ornadment sets, lights for tree and screen, presents, santa outfit?, snow piles and falling, caribou horns, red nose)

(pied, stripes, spots, patches, points)

Character Set
Leg Stumps, Docked tails, Sawed horn, Tracking collar, Cattle Ear Tags, Scars and Wounds

Ivory Set
(Elephant tusks, rhino horns, antelope horns, proghorn horns)

Nests + Eggs Seperate choice
(for scale feet species)

Waiting for Approval... 

Turkey wattles and booties

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  • Monues
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Posted at 2014-12-15 02:59:49 — Link

            Newest Skins and Apparel
Skins and Apparel that have recently been approved and are ready for use right now.

Western Bridle Western Saddle Leather Saddle Bag Turquoise Western Pad Red Western Pad 


 Western tack set

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  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-12-16 23:02:14 — Link

What program are you using? I love the texture! 

Would it be possible to order a custom private skin from you? I'd be looking for a dragon skin. Could you give me a quote and idea of what form of payment you would like it in?

I'm looking for something very flowy and fae in nature. Something that looks inquisitive and quick. Pale body, ice blue tones hidden in the scales. And perhaps darker blue wings. The wings would be larger than the body and there would also be "fins" for ears, under the chin, on the side of the neck, the back of the legs (like an upwards crest), on the side of the tail and webbed hand like front claws. Perhaps the edges of the fins could be a slightly lighter color. All of the fins would have elongated and flowy tips. Fangs would be sticking out from it's lower jaw and the eyes would be ice blue. Generally I am looking for an "ice/cold" theme. Feel free to make suggestions to it! 

I realize this is kind of vague... I can always sketch out a rough idea if that is more helpful 0.0


Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Monues
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Posted at 2014-12-16 23:14:34 — Link

Current Progress:


Fixed the size, im already in love with the wings...I may go overboard here, because I absolutly love adding frills to dragons.

Hand will look funny until I get to the coloring.

Fey Dragon by RavensMourn


I use gimp.  I don't use thier textures unless im drawing scales or heavy dots though, then I get lazy and make a custom texture stamp thing of the scales I drew, hahah. I hate drawing scales one by one.

For payment, I don't really know actually. A nice pet, or a rainbow jar, vermillion, a hug, bacon, most of anything really.

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  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-12-17 05:09:46 — Link

Love it! You did a good job with what I imagined. :) Maybe make the beak/nose portion a bit slimmer, to give it that devious/impish look? And a flowy tail. You captured the wings -perfectly-. The frills are great! I am also lazy with scales. I made a brush for that creature I suggested and that was how I did scales o.0

Well. I have -lots- of war unicorns. I could breed something nice for your raffles. I also have vermillion, magic food, and other random items n' such. And plenty of silver if you are wanting any :) Not quite sure how to send you bacon.... uhm picture me mentally sending some? 

Let me know what you are interested in, and I can send it on your way! ^^

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Monues
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  • Posts: 977

Posted at 2015-01-11 06:38:36 — Link



A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • Monues
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Posted at 2015-03-03 11:11:14 — Link


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  • Monues
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Posted at 2015-03-19 08:59:57 — Link

 Can be deleted.


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  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2015-03-19 17:47:01 — Link


You have no idea how much I love and need it.... It is intense... as you can see. 

Would you like me to remove your extra posts? I can :)

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Monues
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  • Posts: 977

Posted at 2015-03-19 21:09:11 — Link

It had been approved! I want all my drawings to look like that but it would take many, many, many hours and I hardly have that sort of attention to spend on one drawing before I want to start another. This one got finished because of its antlers and floofy hair! Maybe I will try it on the red tail roc skin im putting together.

And yes please remove them, my now un-needed post have been annoying me.

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2015-03-20 00:02:43 — Link

All set! I left one extra one incase you find you need it. I can delete it too. :)

Yay! I may have to breed a unicorn that is up to snuff. Most of my War ones have Greek names. The others are degen. This gives me a good excuse to breed more! :)

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Dobby
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Posted at 2015-03-29 10:43:38 — Link

Monues, all your skins are surprisingly so amazing! I like it how you have your very own style. :)



  • moonshadows
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Posted at 2016-06-17 01:38:16 — Link

Awesome skins!!

  • arete
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Posted at 2016-07-12 20:26:47 — Link

I used the galloping roan on my second-best unicorn <33

Will you be doing different colour unicorns? I wouldn't mind a white one... And a blood bay with black legs, mane and tail...

When I say white, I kind of like the black points on this andalusian, for example, but I'm not fussy ^_^

We could talk about payment over pm?

I'm in love with this mane:

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Random acts of senseless kindness.

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