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  • Demonology
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Posted at 2015-11-23 18:12:29 — Link

I just built Ridinghall lev1.

How can I put pets there for training?


I checked pets profiles and riding hall (from Manor -> Buildings) and cant find any option to add pets to ridinghall... Can anyone help?


Also looking for Magical Fruits (Glowshroom, Dragon Maple, Nutpea, Cactus MelonHeart Fruit, Bambo Berries) -> offering 7ooo silver for each.

  • Timain
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Posted at 2015-11-25 15:18:55 — Link

It's on a pet's profile, underneath their name. You should see a "Train" button that you can click - however, since you only have lvl 1 Ridinghall, you can only train pets up to level 10, so if you didn't see the button, you probably tried with one of your pets that's already higher level?

  • OhitsujiDragus
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Posted at 2015-12-16 20:31:25 — Link

Um im currently stuck in the tutorial, im trying to click the portal to leave the island and resume the tutorial but it doesnt redirect me any clue to why im stuck here??



nevermind its fixed


  • Lytala
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Posted at 2015-12-16 20:42:28 — Link

I don't remember too much about the tutorial but two things you can try are to make sure your pet is on the portal and you need to click the portal image located under the navigation arrows not the one on the map.

Breeder of trash deviants

  • kitkatq
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Posted at 2015-12-22 08:43:43 — Link

Out of curiosity, will there be a search engine for pet auctions in the works (or that I just don't know how to use) for the game? I know there is the trigger system (for premium users?) which allows users to get notified when certain pets (which can match very specific criteria) come onto the market. Personally, I'm used to there being search filters, if even just for a pets' breed, in the pet breeding games I've played and would love to see one here! (or have some help finding it, haha!)

  • Timain
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Posted at 2015-12-22 11:54:35 — Link

There is a search feature ;)

If you go to the Pet Trades, you may notice the Search field. Next to that, there is a little green plus. If you click on that, it will open a new field with a LOT of search criteria that you can click / select :)

This plus is also available at the Breeding window by the way.

  • Reuchlin
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Posted at 2015-12-22 23:37:32 — Link

I was just wondering, how many levels are there for the stable blueprints, and how come the shop is only selling a level two blueprint when I'm looking for a level five?

  • Lytala
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Posted at 2015-12-23 00:54:30 — Link

There are 5 levels for stable blueprints; the last one is only available from the battlefield or if someone is selling an extra one.

The shop only changes depending on what you buy from it, not what you've actually built.

Breeder of trash deviants

  • lamel
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Posted at 2015-12-31 19:52:44 — Link

i read around, to find the answer to my question, but there are too many posts, sorry, if it is double.

i expanded my stable with some expand stable scrolls already. now i have the items to build up stable (5) - i only wanted to be sure, that all my expanding will not be away, my pets will not thrown out my stable ^^, when i build it.

  • Lytala
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  • Posts: 562

Posted at 2015-12-31 20:11:50 — Link

You aren't going to lose any spaces because expand scrolls work in addition to whatever stable space is built. So after building lvl 5 you'll have 250 spaces plus however many you got from the expand scrolls.

Breeder of trash deviants

  • lamel
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Posted at 2016-01-01 09:42:38 — Link

thank you :-)

(my pet limit is by 500 at the moment, would be worse,if it would have gone back to 250 :-D - but fine, it does not)

  • Khaos
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Posted at 2016-01-15 05:03:37 — Link

How do I add items to the auctions? using the sell option creates a PM and you have to select a person to sell too and there's no option to send it to trade or auciton....

  • Lytala
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Posted at 2016-01-15 13:57:03 — Link

To sell something at auction go to the trading tab and select item trades. Choose the auction or exchange tab then click on the button that says "Create Lot".

Selling something from the inventory like you were trying to do creates what is known as a private sale. It's only useful if you want to guarantee that a specific person gets what you are selling and if you're trying to win gold by placing on the weekly charts avoid private sales as much as possible because those transactions aren't counted.

Breeder of trash deviants

  • SAERider
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Posted at 2016-01-16 20:19:22 — Link

I looked around but couldn't find anything on this so:

Why do some of the pound pets have an underscore _ next/below their gender?

PMing me is (usually) the fastest way to get my attention.


  • SiberianSnow
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Posted at 2016-02-13 06:45:06 — Link

I wonder if there is a way to get pets from users that are banned.

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