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  • Zaltys
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Posted at 2013-10-15 20:54:50 — Link

Again, these aren't exactly typos but...

Actual typo: Green Harpy Eagle
Should be: Harpy Eagle
Located on: Skin Library -> Roc

They're called Green Harpy Eagles in the skin library, but 'Harpy Eagles' everywhere else. And they don't look green to me, neither as a chick or as an adult:



Actual typo: Red Piebald
Should be: Piebald Red
Located on: Skin Library -> Dragon

That color is listed as Piebald Red in the pet profiles. Also compare to the other dragons in the Skin Library. They're all 'Piebald <color>', except red.

  • Charix
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Posted at 2013-10-17 06:56:20 — Link

Actual typoThe magic of horn blinded your opponent!
Should be: Either... "The magic of the horn blinded your opponent" or "The magic horn blinded your opponent" or "The magic from the horn blinded your opponent".

I think the last one sounds the best personally. 
Located on: In battlefields, sometimes when you are battling with a unicorn with Magic Horn.

Shares IP address with flatmates who might join!

  • drak
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Posted at 2013-10-19 16:33:10 — Link

Actual typo:  You doesn't have free space in your stables.

Should be: You DON'T have free space in your stables.

Although for me 'You have no room in your stables' would sound more natural but I'm not a native English speaker either.

Located on: when bidding on Pet  Trades

I killed the thread.

  • Charix
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Posted at 2013-10-26 02:08:10 — Link

Actual typo:  You entered a battle and use peace_song

Should be: You entered a battle and used a Song of Peace.

You could also say "used a Peace Song" but I think Song of Peace sounds better.

Located on: When you are in explore with a Symurgh who has Song of Peace.

Shares IP address with flatmates who might join!

  • Zaltys
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Posted at 2013-10-28 18:43:01 — Link

Not that this matters much, but these two skins have inconsistant names. For instance, the first one is called Diluted Blue in profiles, but Sky-Blue in the Skin Library:

Actual typo: Diluted Blue
Should be: Sky-Blue
Located on: Pet profiles


Actual typo: Diluted Green
Should be: Light-Green
Located on: Pet profiles

Or maybe the other way around? Though I think that Sky Blue sounds better than Diluted Blue..

  • MollyOKami
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Posted at 2013-11-08 04:32:53 — Link

I apologize for nit-picking, but there are a few genetic trait errors that kind of bother me:

Poisonous Claws
Should Be: Venomous Claws
Poisonous Teeth
Should Be: Venomous Teeth
Venomous Skin
Should Be: Poisonous Skin

As a general rule, venom has to be injected while poison just needs to be ingested (or needs to come into contact with a part of the body) in order to be effetive.  Scientists has found that people can ingest small doses of various venoms without getting sick.

Let me state that you should NEVER try this…EVER!

I'm merely stating previous research and to clarify terminology.

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  • EeveeDream
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Posted at 2013-12-09 04:12:57 — Link

I don't want to seem like I'm nitpicking (or like an editor) but there are a lot of errors in the Tactics FAQ...I noticed them when I decided to read it for the first time. They are mostly misspellings. They are in order, and the sections in which the typos can be found are above the named error.

Tactics FAQ

Actual Typo: Throughout the FAQ, the titles of the sections are inconsistant in terms of capitalization.

Should Be: Because they are titles, I think all of the words in each title (minus the words 'and' and 'a') should all be capitalized.

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

Creating a squad

Actual Typo: Click "Upgrade to Squad" button in the popup, and you're done.

Should Be: Click "Upgrade to Squad" button in the popup and you're done

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

I feel the need to explain this one: I like putting commas right before the word "and" a lot, but after staring at this for a bit, I checked with Microsoft Word and the internet and there shouldn't be a comma there.

Moving and fighting on the Tactic Map

Actual Typo: Then the attacker makes a attacking roll

 Should Be: Then the attacker makes an attacking roll

Located On: The Tactics FAQ 


Actual Typo: All wins and loses

Should Be: All wins and losses

Located On: The Tactics Maneuver


Actual Typo: the fourth maneuver

 Should Be: The fourth maneuver

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

Actual Typo: You need to research the respective genes to reveal the genetic-dependant maneuvers.

Should Be: You need to research the respective genes to reveal the genetic-dependent maneuvers.

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

Attack maneuvers

Actual Typo: Forbids to make a reroll.

Should Be: Forbids the opponent to make a reroll.

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

Not sure if this counts, but it bothers me with it's lack of clarity. Who isn't able to make a reroll here?


Defence maneuvers

Actual Typo: The whole "Defence Maneuvers" section spells 'points' as 'ponts'

Should Be: 'Points', not 'Ponts'

Located On: The Tactics FAQ



Actual Typo: 2. No tactics will work for your opponent except Manuevers 

Should Be: 2. No tactics will work for your opponent except Maneuvers 

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

Moving on the Tactic Map and discipline

Actual Typo: First 10 hours cycle - the discpline is stable

Should Be: First 10 hours cycle - the discipline is stable

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

New buildings

Actual Typo: The level of this buolding determines how many squads you can have. It has 3 levels, each one is giving one additional squad slot.

Should Be: The level of this building determines how many squads you can have. It has 3 levels; each one is giving one additional squad slot.

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

Actual Typo: This building provides the storage for genetic material whic allows to research pet genetics even if the pet is busy.

Should Be: This building provides the storage for genetic material which allows to research pet genetics even if the pet is busy.

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

New guests

Actual Typo: Allows to see the maneuvers of opponent's pets directly on the Tactic Map.

Should Be: Allows you to see the maneuvers of opponent's pets directly on the Tactic Map.

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

I feel like there is a 'you' or some other pronoun missing here. Microsoft Word tries to make it 'seeing'.

New Items

Actual Typo: Under the "New Items" section, the word 'construction' is spelled as 'contruction'

Should be: 'Construction' instead of 'contruction'

Located On: The Tactics FAQ

I believe that was all of them. I don't see anything else wrong.!/?ref=646998

Also on Flight Rising as EeveeDream #2937

  • Wonja
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Posted at 2014-01-02 09:03:23 — Link

I also found some typos <3


Actual typo: This value indicates how fast does your pet can find a way to the Battlefield in the multiple realities.

Should be: This value indicates how fast your pet can find a way to the Battlefield in the multiple realities. (Deleted does between fast and your)

Located on: The questionmarkafter the Research potential stat on a pet's profile.


This second one is actually kind of confusing :/


Actual typo: The month has ended.

Should be: The week has ended.

Located on: Whenever the Pet Catching hunt has ended, the week changes and your expedition returns with or without pets










  • Arella
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Posted at 2014-01-06 22:13:33 — Link

dunno if this is a typo, but it seemed weird to me ... 

Actual typo: in pet trades, you can choose a species named "Kami" as a filter

Should be: uhm ... do we have a species named Kami ? :D if yes, could someone show one to me ? XD 

Located on: Pet trade filters

I made a Screenshot btw ^^ 

s yesterday is history
tomorrow is mistery
but today is a gift
that's why we call it "the presents

>> Arella ~ ^ ~ 19 y.o. ~ female <<

  • Windkit
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Posted at 2014-01-06 22:34:43 — Link

Actual typo

  • You may encounter bugs and issues. As a Beta tester, you accept to report the encountered bugs here.

Should be: 

  • You may encounter bugs and other issues. As a Beta tester, you are expected to report any bugs you encounter here

Located on: FAQ: under what does the beta logo mean.

Actual typo:

  • If you got some in-game values due to a bug, you will lose them when the bug will be fixed.

Should be:

  • If you get any in-game advatage or currency due to a bug, these advantages or currency will be lost when the bug is fixed.

Located on: FAQ: under what does the beta logo mean.

Actual typo:

  1. Am I allowed to have more than one account?
    No, you don't. It would be unfair to other players if you will benefit from several satellite accounts. However, you can invite your friends and relatives to play and get more fun!

    Satellite account is an account that you use for stable and warehouse expansion, additional explores and material gathering, gathering silver from quests and explore, getting bonuses from events, and also bot account created specially to get Gold Coins for the referral registration.

Should be:

  1. Am I allowed to have more than one account?
    No, you can't have more than one account. It would be unfair to other players as you would benefit from several satellite accounts. However, you can invite your friends and relatives to play and increase your ingame fun in that way.

    Satellite accounts are accounts that you use for stable and warehouse expansion, gaining additional explore turns, increasing the number of quests available, getting bonuses from events, and/or bot account(s) created  to get Gold Coins for the referral registration.

Located on: FAQ: Am I allowed to have more accounts

These are three that I have found so far and I have underlined any parts that I have changed wording on.

  • Amityvillager
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Posted at 2014-01-07 20:41:54 — Link

Actual typo:  Appearence

Should be:  Appearance

Located on:  Just a little mispelt word that's been driving me crazy. q:

  • Aspyn
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Posted at 2014-01-10 15:30:33 — Link

Actual typo: frst

Should be: first 

Located on: new release page, last word

  • Pidove
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Posted at 2014-01-17 03:45:06 — Link

Actual typo: Your pet sees which its traits the newborn has inherited.

Should be: Your pet sees which traits the newborn has inherited.

Located on: Genealogist gene.


Actual typo: As a result of unfortunate move, you got a fracture because of your fragile bones.

Should be: As a result of an unfortunate move, you got a fracture because of(or due to) your fragile bones.

Located on:  Fracture tactic. 

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2014-01-17 05:05:45 — Link

Actual Typo: Nursery is looking for a pet with Deaf to help with newborns
Reward: 2500

Should be:
Nursery is looking for a pet that is Deaf to help with newborns
Reward: 2500

Located on: Quests

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Pidove
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  • Posts: 105

Posted at 2014-01-17 05:30:32 — Link

Actual Typo: Your pet can move the squad pets in that way so they will cover each other in case of failure.

Should be: Your pet can move the squad pets in such a way that they will cover each other in case of failure.

Located on: Compensation Tactic

I had a friend read it, too, and she corrected it the same way. It was a little difficult for us to understand before correction.


Actual Typo:  It scores the same amount of points that was scored by other pets in this squad for this round. 

Should be: It scores the same amount of points that were scored by other pets in this squad for this hour.

Located on: Leadership tactic

Sorry for the highlight font, my thing wouldn't let me use black font for some reason. o_O

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