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  • Ankokou
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Posted at 2013-04-03 20:47:16 — Link

Right now there are 5 species and it seems more and more will be added with time. Personally I love the idea of many species, but it's much easier to focus on breeding fewer, especially for more casual players or people who just dislike certain species.
Also, as more are added, the chance of owning the pet required by the quests decreases.

My solution is to add a new blueprint structure, Beast Temples.
If you want to specialize in a select species (or group of species) build their temple(s).

Each Beast Temple would be an expensive and lavish structure, fit for a hero to dwell in.
They would need to be "occupied" by a member of that species with genetic power, just like the ones we encounter, in order to work. If you want to "turn off" any of the features, simply remove the pet.
Like a pet up for breeding, battle, or trade, the pet would be unusable for other things but could be removed at any time. However to get the benefits of the structure, the pet would have needed to be in there for a certain number of days to keep people from just putting pets in there at rollover and pulling them out an hour later.
This could also give us something for our higher level pets to do once they have reached level 50.

First the temples would bias your quests towards the species it was constructed for. It would not give extra quests, just increase the odds of getting quests involving that species or type.

Second, once a day the hero could train another pet that is 5 levels or less than their own. It would be free but is limited, you would be unable to train any pets beyond level 45 and it is only once a day.
Perhaps an alternative is 1-3 members of that species could be inspired and gain 25% extra experience for the day. Or both.

Third, to help with the scarcity of battle opponents, any pet in a temple automatically appears up for autobattle if they have the energy. This could also encourage people to breed good pets. Get the benefits of the temple but prevent their pet accumulating lots losses.

Finally, and I'm more unsure about this one, it could have the same effect as having a species magician in your inn, but also stack with the invite to further increase the odds.
The reason I'm so unsure however is, I don't actually know how "powerful" the invite is. I've used two, a roc and gryphon invite, and despite my map being near empty and me continuing to catch the inhabitants over the three days, no gryphons or rocs spawned in that time. If that is how much the likelihood is increased, no perceptible difference, then I don't feel it's overpowered. If I am just extremely unlucky it could very well be. I dunno.

Long suggestion is long. Sorry.

  • Synesthesia
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Posted at 2013-04-03 20:57:37 — Link

Yes please. I think this would be awesome to add, and give us something else to work for as well.

  • Zenith
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Posted at 2013-04-03 21:57:56 — Link

I like this idea, especially as it gives something for level 50 pets to do. But I dislike the fact that it shows up for player battles - what's the point of a level 50 pet battling when they can no longer gain experience and when your opponents don't usually put a wager? The energy is better spent breeding, at least in my personal view. I can see its uses, espcially to potentially increase the humber of combatants for players to choose from, though.

Perhaps as another way to encourage people to breed better pets to place within their temples is to scale the reward with their genetics? By using their traits combined genetic power could essentially be like a score to reference their "power" and therefore how powerful the reward could be. Proposing a baseline of a 20/20 normal-gened creature as the baseline, a fair majority of the most desirable traits are beneath 50-60 genetic power, with the exception of a few like agile paws, which could be addressed by giving a bonus for genetic combos. Perhaps the difference between the baseline score and the score of your pet could be converted to a percentile to modify the awarded bonuses?

I dunno, just tossing the idea out there.

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  • Ankokou
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Posted at 2013-04-03 22:27:08 — Link

"But I dislike the fact that it shows up for player battles - what's the point of a level 50 pet battling when they can no longer gain experience and when your opponents don't usually put a wager?"

The pet doesn't have to be level 50, just have genetic power. I just used level 50 as an example since that's probably where I would plonk my level 50 pets once I'm done breeding them.

Maybe level 50 battles could be treated an exhibition matches, spectacles, and assume there is a small audience? Wins could pay the same as finding a random pile of silver while exploring. Maybe half as much, silver piles at level 50 can be pretty nice. Not too much but something.

I do not want the temple to give any kind of or money based on genetics. Not at all. I feel there should be nice little things to perks to encourage people to breed for great genes, having a pet that is nightmarishly hard to beat with a normal gened pet is a good one.
That is what questing is for, paying you for good genetics, we don't need another one.

  • Mouse
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Posted at 2013-04-04 01:34:03 — Link

Support. These would be very expensive, but worth it.

I call Vermillion "Vermi"

I occasionally use an IPad- please excuse spellcheck.

  • Haberdasher
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Posted at 2013-04-04 02:31:59 — Link


#33507 on Aywas

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2013-04-05 05:06:06 — Link

I love this idea. Support.

I think if you were to incorporate invites then they would need to be around the 10 level per increase, ot even more....

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

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