I'm still not sure about the explore updates... If I take one pet out and it gets defeated 3-4 times, because I usually play at night, I'll be asleep when it reaches 5 energy again, which gives that pet a grand total of one exploration! Instead of getting 5x the resources of one island, that pet gets 2x (and if I get defeated that much, I probably haven't found many treasure chests).So, I think we should either 5 energy per explore, or staying on the island. Also, think about real life. If a pet was hurt, we'd have to get it off the island to patch it up before it could go back out. Also, about the exp gains... if I defeated a lvl 1 each explore on the ol system, I'd get 10 exp. If I defeat a lvl 1 each explore now, provided I can explore twice, I I'd get 8 exp. While this seems small, imagine it with a higher leveled monster- or what if it was the last drops of exp you needed to get your pet to level 50? And about not upping the amount of resources- on the old system, about twice I would get through the whole map without being defeated, and collect everything on it. The other times, I'd get maybe a few resources. Now, I would just get the full two, maybe not even. Also, if you're a newbie with 4-6 pets- that may at worst be 4-6 explorations. That's not enough, even if you find a vermillion each time to half-fully research a pet. I'll give it a fair trial, and decide a full opinion later. I'm also worried about the Quest energy- If I send a pet on a quest before school, when I come home after, it won't have enough energy to explore, making it possible that I won't explore with it that day at all, if I have other things to do.
TL:DR: I'm on the fence about this because of the effect on new players, the amount of energy used for quests and the effect on people with limited time each day.
I call Vermillion "Vermi"
I occasionally use an IPad- please excuse spellcheck.