(Male, Acid Gland Recessive, Acute Eyesight Recessive, Diluted Recessive, Black Stats)
(Female, Silver Recessive,Quickmind Recessive, Acute Eyesight Recessive, Black Stats)
(Male, Dilute Blue, Quickmind Recessive, Regeneration Recessive, Three Red Stats)
(Male, Spitting Muscle Recessive, Black Stats)
You probably don't want the male with three red stats, but I thought I'd throw him up there since these are (excepting a female still being tamed) all the cockatrices I've caught and researched recently. They're all fully researched, those are just sort of the quicknotes version. They're all also green except for the dilute blue with three bad stats.
"One of these days I'm going to raise up my glistening wings and fly..."
Janis Ian, Society's Child