Posted at 2022-05-22 17:25:32 — Link

For a few weeks now I have been unable to remove some apparel items on my pet  Antistia (

Other pets can have their apparel removed as usual, but not her. I'm wondering if a specific item she's using that the other's arnt is causing a bug.

Steps of bug:
The apparel is placed in her "Own" storage
The "Update Apparel" button is responsive as usual
The "Yes" confirmation button is completely unresponsive, oddly the "No" button is responsive.

I have tried:
Letting the page sit for about an hour incase it needed time to 'catch up'
Trying on different browser and device
Taking off one apparel item at a time
Waiting for weekly roll overs
Taking off every item

The items she currently has:
Antistia's Meadow 
Buckskin Foal Minipet
Playful Wooly Foal - Black
Cotton Golem Familiar 
Large Lights_Placement Test

The one's im trying to take off:
Playful Wooly Foal - Black
Cotton Golem Familiar 
Large Lights_Placement Test

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