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  • StarlitWoven
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  • Posts: 83

Posted at 2020-04-15 01:43:43 — Link

Anyone looking to trade Hoppers can check my thread. I will trade my current hopper for any other hopper, +15k silver.


Hopefully trades will be made so that the available color will change and those looking for a specific color can check in periodically.

Currently in trades:


  • Level 50 Deviant Gryphon
    Deviant Dragon (DG2)
  • Almost perfect Lykos (GP3)
  • Almost perfect Cockatrice (GP3)


  • Vermillion (batches of 10, higher quantities negotiable)
  • Hibernating Egg
  • 100+ Clay Stone and Wood

  • Ssecnirp
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  • Posts: 29

Posted at 2020-04-15 04:02:33 — Link

I have an orange lop hopper I'd like to trade for a different color hopper. I already have a lilac, a pink, and a yellow chick so any color other than those 

  • Monues
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  • Posts: 977

Posted at 2020-04-15 16:47:30 — Link

Got a yellow chick hopper i'd like to swap for a tri-color, albino lop-ear, brown leo, dandelion, or crocus. In order of most desired. Direct hopper to hopper trades only please. 

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • SeverinDragonaz
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  • Posts: 346

Posted at 2020-04-15 19:54:09 — Link

Got an easter pink and looking for a fiery leo, dendelion, crocus or seal one.


  • Zodivan
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  • Posts: 15

Posted at 2020-04-16 06:11:07 — Link

I've got Tricolor, Lilac, Easter Blue, and Dutch and I'd love to swap any of them for a Leo.

  • ChildofAthena2
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  • Posts: 38

Posted at 2020-04-16 16:16:28 — Link

i have a lilac

~~~ A daughter of Athena

  • Sakreeno
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  • Posts: 211

Posted at 2020-04-16 18:25:49 — Link

I have a yellow Hopper if someone wants it and is willing to trade with me.

Starclan is watching over you.


  • ChildofAthena2
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  • Posts: 38

Posted at 2020-04-16 23:22:24 — Link

i am willing to tread. i have a lilac hopper

~~~ A daughter of Athena

  • Tatteredlion
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  • Posts: 3

Posted at 2020-04-17 04:31:43 — Link

Can you only get one hopper per year? I traded for one already (got the pink one) and I have 51 more eggs but can't trade for another. Ha ha, nevermind. I read it again. So yeah only one.

  • Monues
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  • Posts: 977

Posted at 2020-04-17 04:49:25 — Link

You can get two if you make it to the top 50 of the ranks and purchase one as well. Hoppers also can be traded. 

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • Indiana
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  • Posts: 169

Posted at 2020-04-17 11:27:38 — Link

This morning,  using  only level 50 and grade 3 pets, after 2 hours and 20 islands,  I have only gained  3 Eggs.  

While I don't expect an egg from every island I can't help feeling just a little unhappy with the ratio I seem to be getting....however I will plough on in the hope of at least getting enough to buy a hopper from the store.
Since I have only managed to get 44 eggs in 3 days, my hopes of being in the top 50 have vanished.


After my post, I had a run of good luck and got enough eggs to buy a hopper from the store....delighted that it was an Easter Pink, which I didn't have.

Continued to explore, with more eggs gained, but now out of islands and cards....perhaps I shall have to thin out my pets:)


  • Bunne
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  • Posts: 76

Posted at 2020-04-18 01:43:09 — Link

Oh dang, last 2 days! If anyone is not claiming their hopper from the exchange station, please let me know! I'm offering 60 eggs for it, so you get to keep the extra 10 eggs and send me the pet. :) I need all the hoppers! Ha ha. Otherwise I will be spending my eggs before midnight game time tomorrow. If eggs don't interest you, I have other items, lemme know!

  • FoxxClaw
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  • Posts: 162

Posted at 2020-04-19 09:38:53 — Link

Looking to trade my fiery leo hopper for rose leo, dandelion, or crocus. Id be  willing to do other trades, but just dm me about it first.

  • Monues
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  • Posts: 977

Posted at 2020-04-19 16:28:19 — Link

For anyone curious, yes, hoppers do show up on the tundra. 

A level 14 hopper: 

A [Signiture Box] Left Text Layer 2 SalePerfects by RavensMournB [Signiture Box] Middle by RavensMournC [Signiture Box] Right by RavensMourn

  • arete
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  • Posts: 2,355

Posted at 2020-04-19 19:29:22 — Link

Wait, can you get crystalline ice outside of normal tundra time?

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