Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Bugs Archive < Birth Delay


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  • Monues
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Posted at 2018-05-26 03:22:35 — Link

The hang up at the birthing (Time is Over), has been more severe than usual today. From this morning to even now. I couldnt track the time passing this morning but it was maybe 20 min. Currently I have a set of symurghs who were expected to birth at around 5:03pm and it is now 5:21pm (pst) and theyre still stuck on time is over. 

Currently we just have to wait them out, but this might be a sign that the servers need something done to fix the delay problem?


Edit: By 5:28 they were finally born


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  • Sunset
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Posted at 2020-01-28 10:20:24 — Link

It isn't only birthing time that's being delayed. Getting energy is being deleyed anywhere from one minute to ten minutes, from what I've seen in the last couple of days since returning to the game. The delay could be even longer at other times.


Wasn't sure if I should make a new topic or not, so I hope I was right for simply adding to this topic, since the base issue is the same.


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