Posted at 2018-08-24 13:43:12 — Link
If you still have liquid vermillion, I would like one. How much are they?
Posted at 2018-08-24 13:43:12 — Link
If you still have liquid vermillion, I would like one. How much are they?
Posted at 2018-08-28 22:38:43 — Link
Maybe around 75g each? Don’t see any for sale right now, so not sure of the relative value...
Posted at 2018-09-27 02:10:01 — Link
Hi! Not sure if this board is still active (I'll find you on FR), am interested in the liquid vermillion too, if you still have it. I have loads of gems on FR and some treasure too. Let me know if you still have one or both, and how much you would like for each :)