Posted at 2017-01-01 00:09:13 — Link
Winter has come to power and Tundra biotope has become available through the portal network! Beastlords value these cold distant islands for the possibility to find hibernating Lykos Eggs, and the luckiest ones can wander upon a Pristine Snowflake and grow their own Etelia.
If this is your first cold season on Europa, please visit these threads:
White Etelias
After spending a whole year with these weird frigid creatures, some of the Beastlords figured out how to purify the crystalline ice of a growing pristine snowflake and what conditions are required to keep a little Etelia pure while it is maturing.
There is a 30% chance that a Prisitne Snowflake produced by a Black Etelia will grow into a White Etelia.
Tundra direction will be closed on March 4th, 23:59 EET