Posted at 2013-03-25 23:03:28 — Link
Finally, the magicians achieved the scientific breakthrough: they managed to construct and animate several Golems. Now they are asking for your help to develop the patterns of other golems.

The contest rules
- a golem must look like an artificial animal-like creature
- the material of the golem must be obvious enough
- we need only one golem of each type. Artworks with the golems which are already introduced won't be accepted
- the artwork must fit in 255x255px square. The artwork shouldn't be too small.
- the artwork must have the transparent background
- the player who submits an artwork must be a sole author of this artwork
- the reward for an accepted artwork is 100 and the blueprints for the golem you have created
- the deadline is extended to May 11th

We're prolonging the contest for the missing Golems.
Required Material Golems
- Amethyst
- Granite
- Marble
- Quartz
- Soapshroom
Required Food Golems
- Honey
- Pork
- Soybeans
The winning artworks will be selected by administration according to the artwork quality and theme relevancy. Please submit your artworks to this thread.